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Void colors


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Someone really uses EC? o_O
Alot of people do. For some reason the cc will bot work on my computer. Been like that for years. I download it but it will just stay on patch for hours with out updateing.


Crazed Zealot
Alot of people do. For some reason the cc will bot work on my computer. Been like that for years. I download it but it will just stay on patch for hours with out updateing.
You need to put a ckeckmark in the initial menue to start the game, doing "deep" updating..takes a little while. Fixed mine this way..


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I play in EC when I am doing stuff on a boat the map that shows ur current location and movement is just nicer. It also makes doing sos'es a lot easier cause it marks to location on the map and puts an in world beacon on the spot.