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Training fire beetles, beetles and lesser hiryu


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Hi Guys! Lets say i Train a fire beetle with the new training abilities (walking forge) and then give it back to my miner will that work?

Or a normal pack beetle and do the same? Can i Train a lesser hryu and use it with my bushi char?

Many thanks in advance guys


Crazed Zealot
No, it will not work unless the miner has appropriate taming for multiple slot pets. Perhaps you can give him a little taming, enough to have a 2-3 slot beetle..


Seasoned Veteran
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No, it will not work unless the miner has appropriate taming for multiple slot pets. Perhaps you can give him a little taming, enough to have a 2-3 slot beetle..
Yes but all my crafters have beetles that where already pre patch 3 slot pets?


Seasoned Veteran
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Since the pet revamp, all new spawning giant and fire beetles are 1 slot pets. The lesser hiryu are now also 1 slot pets. There is no way, now, to change the old 3 slot bugs to 1 slot. Might be worthwhile to get some new bugs for your crafters.


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One option would be to keep the old fire beetle, add enough taming to train a new 1 slot giant beetle to 2 slots, and take both out when mining.

The blue would have the pack, increased resists, STR (the fatigued bit when loaded and ridden goes away at higher strength), regens, etc. you give it, and you could carry most of your tools in it.

As I can usually stay out for almost 2 hours mining in non-fel areas without a pack animal (just using a fire beetle), theoretically you could spends 6-10 hours per mining trip without having to go home or send ingots to the bank, getting close to 20k ingots in the process.


Crazed Zealot
Yes but all my crafters have beetles that where already pre patch 3 slot pets?
Yep.. Sadly these 3-slot old beetles are useless now. They are controllable by your crafters, yes but they are not worth training exp 3-->5. They cannot be release-retame back to 1 slot. If you want a fighter beetle for your crafters you may want to release them and get 1-slot beetles, easy enough to buy or get, and then train them a little bit, and skill them to fight. Also they will carry more weight if brought from 1-2 or 1-3 slots, but you will need taming on your crafters as soon as they get any of the new pet training. Just get enough training to be controllable by the amount of taming the crafter has. Definitely not worth training 3-->5, if you wantem for the tamer as you lose 2 levels of training! I hope this helps a little..


Crazed Zealot
One option would be to keep the old fire beetle, add enough taming to train a new 1 slot giant beetle to 2 slots, and take both out when mining.

The blue would have the pack, increased resists, STR (the fatigued bit when loaded and ridden goes away at higher strength), regens, etc. you give it, and you could carry most of your tools in it.

As I can usually stay out for almost 2 hours mining in non-fel areas without a pack animal (just using a fire beetle), theoretically you could spends 6-10 hours per mining trip without having to go home or send ingots to the bank, getting close to 20k ingots in the process.
Yep..What @Basara nicely said..


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thanks guys you have any idea how much Minimum taming i would Need? And will jewellry work?


Seasoned Veteran
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Yep.. Sadly these 3-slot old beetles are useless now. They are controllable by your crafters, yes but they are not worth training exp 3-->5. They cannot be release-retame back to 1 slot. If you want a fighter beetle for your crafters you may want to release them and get 1-slot beetles, easy enough to buy or get, and then train them a little bit, and skill them to fight. Also they will carry more weight if brought from 1-2 or 1-3 slots, but you will need taming on your crafters as soon as they get any of the new pet training. Just get enough training to be controllable by the amount of taming the crafter has. Definitely not worth training 3-->5, if you wantem for the tamer as you lose 2 levels of training! I hope this helps a little..
thanks for the Info! For the beetle to carry more i would have to apply strenght on him after i reach Level 2 for example?


Lore Master
thanks for the Info! For the beetle to carry more i would have to apply strenght on him after i reach Level 2 for example?
Yes, increase it's strength.

I'm not sure what the minimum taming requirement is for each slot level, but I know it maxes at 108 @5 slots, and yes-you can use jewelry.


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thanks again guys! I assume after it is trained i will no longer Need animal lore just high enough taming?