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Chivalry on a Rune Beetle


Seasoned Veteran
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I was wondering if I were to change magics from magery and poisoning to chivalry, would the rune beetle keep rune corruption and bleed? Or do I need to pick them again?


Stratics Veteran
They will lose the Magery and poisoning, but keep the rune corruption and bleed. @Khyro and I have a couple rune beetles where we replaced the Magery/poisoning with discord or chiv.


Seasoned Veteran
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Thanks Khaelor, I knew I’d lose magery and poisoning. I just wasn’t sure about rune corruption and bleed, which makes sense now that I think about it, given other pets I’ve changed magic’s on didn’t lose the abilities. Dang it! I must be getting old if I didn’t remember that! Sheesh!

Since you and Khyro have trained a couple with chiv, is it worth it?


Crazed Zealot
Thanks Khaelor, I knew I’d lose magery and poisoning. I just wasn’t sure about rune corruption and bleed, which makes sense now that I think about it, given other pets I’ve changed magic’s on didn’t lose the abilities. Dang it! I must be getting old if I didn’t remember that! Sheesh!

Since you and Khyro have trained a couple with chiv, is it worth it?
In my uneducated opinion, these start 3 slot nowdays? Not 4 right? If 3-slot, and they have enough points, they would be in similar TP class as Cus probably. So having Bleed as their only drawback, they would get Chiv, Bleed, Rune corruption that is a killer mod, not sure if they can get AI due to the RC. And awesome Stam and Dex that come buit in.. Would make an interesting experiment in TC1 and may try it given tome to mess with this. Sadly, not rideable (yet)..maybe thats what they need to have more people pay with them..If they are spawning at 4 slots, then definitely not worth considering for the most part. Khaelor and Khyro are 1000 times better to answer these, as they already have done the work.


Lore Master
In my uneducated opinion, these start 3 slot nowdays? Not 4 right? If 3-slot, and they have enough points, they would be in similar TP class as Cus probably. So having Bleed as their only drawback, they would get Chiv, Bleed, Rune corruption that is a killer mod, not sure if they can get AI due to the RC. And awesome Stam and Dex that come buit in.. Would make an interesting experiment in TC1 and may try it given tome to mess with this. Sadly, not rideable (yet)..maybe thats what they need to have more people pay with them..If they are spawning at 4 slots, then definitely not worth considering for the most part. Khaelor and Khyro are 1000 times better to answer these, as they already have done the work.
They spawn as 3 and 4 slots. I had a 3 slot one that I leveled up to 5 and found them short on points and that was with just keeping magery/poison on it.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
and found them short on points and that was with just keeping magery/poison on it.
Thats the problem with many pets. Too bad @Khyro doesn't show the devs how to start the pets so they can all get Chiv and have good stats and 600HP. Would be nice if casual players had more pet choices.


Stratics Veteran
Thats the problem with many pets. Too bad @Khyro doesn't show the devs how to start the pets so they can all get Chiv and have good stats and 600HP. Would be nice if casual players had more pet choices.
Khyro doesn't do a lot of work in that area. That's more work I have done, however, considering when I try to bring up an intelligent discussion about a pet to the devs you chime in trying to undermine the post with your own agenda, posting your rubbish suggestions, inaccurate information, and then linking to inaccurate info from uoguide, I don't have time spending my whole day pointing out why you are incorrect and just wrong in many cases or why your suggestions would make an animal worse. So instead we just do our thing.

@Mordha we find the discord rune beetle more useful than the chiv. Chiv's mana is divided up doing too many things


Crazed Zealot
Khyro doesn't do a lot of work in that area. That's more work I have done, however, considering when I try to bring up an intelligent discussion about a pet to the devs you chime in trying to undermine the post with your own agenda, posting your rubbish suggestions, inaccurate information, and then linking to inaccurate info from uoguide, I don't have time spending my whole day pointing out why you are incorrect and just wrong in many cases or why your suggestions would make an animal worse. So instead we just do our thing.

@Mordha we find the discord rune beetle more useful than the chiv. Chiv's mana is divided up doing too many things
Greatly appreciated Khael, as are all your posts. I will try the disco version, as I have a 3 slot one..


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Khyro doesn't do a lot of work in that area. That's more work I have done, however, considering when I try to bring up an intelligent discussion about a pet to the devs you chime in trying to undermine the post with your own agenda, posting your rubbish suggestions, inaccurate information, and then linking to inaccurate info from uoguide, I don't have time spending my whole day pointing out why you are incorrect and just wrong in many cases or why your suggestions would make an animal worse. So instead we just do our thing.

@Mordha we find the discord rune beetle more useful than the chiv. Chiv's mana is divided up doing too many things
We dont need another 100% cold flappy pet. That is a fact.

We do need more mixes on damage. That is a fact.

You make your charts and show him how to do it and I wont even read it. But YOU and another guy keep saying the other pets have enough points.

I know the experienced players can build a few other pet types. I would like all the pet types to be used. IMO we should be able to go to caps on all pets. The caps work. And we are near at caps on some pets. They are not OP.

So ya. My agenda is to be able to use all the pets.

And you always say how Cus are the wrong pet. I tricked you into writing about how useful cold damage is. I'd say you have an Anti Cu agenda if either of us has one.

I have a tamer that does not use Cus at all.
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Crazed Zealot
Cus are not just good pets overall they are awesome in most aspects, including versatility, and rideability. Most of them built even in a bad way are absolute beastsin my not very well versed opinion. Thats most likely the reason most people are using them as a goto pets..


Stratics Veteran
We dont need another 100% cold flappy pet. That is a fact.

We do need more mixes on damage. That is a fact.

I know the experienced players can build a few other pet types. I would like all the pet types to be used. IMO we should be able to go to caps on all pets. The caps work. And we are near at caps on some pets. They are not OP.

So ya. My agenda is to be able to use all the pets.

And you always say how Cus are the wrong pet. I tricked you into writing about how useful cold damage is. I'd say you have an Anti Cu agenda if either of us has one.

I have a tamer that does not use Cus at all.
I've read your posts for over the past year and a half, your agenda has been swayed to the Cu Sidhe.

Cold damage is useful, Cold/Energy is rarely the best damage type to pick. Fact.

In fact, it's rarely the top 5 of best damage spreads to use. Fact.

If you read threads about the platinum drakes, what is their downside? Dragon Breath. What was the purpose of these Frost Drakes per Kyronix? To have no dragon AI (Dragon Breath). Fact.

People want a 100% cold damage pet without dragon breath. Fact.

As they want a 100% Fire, Energy and Poison pet without it. Fact.

But Krampus is a cold event, so it's logical for the pet to have cold damage type.

There are 5 slot trainable pets with three damage types (or more):

Ossein Ram
Bane Dragon
Dread Warhorse
Kirin (4)
Rune Beetle
Tsuki Wolf

That's 8 of them. Fact.

There is only 1 pet in game right now with 100% cold damage, and it has dragon breath and people have been asking for the option to remove dragon breath. Fact.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend

If you notice it was the one year anniversary of the pet revamp before I made a thread about Cus. It took us a month to build every pet and test them. We could tell what was the best pet for general playing. But I held off to showcase all the others. I did not tell posters to use chivalry until the Ks finally did that because they saw people putting other magics on PP Nightmares. It did not take long to see Chiv was the best magic and AI was the best ability. Discord is its own thing.

Cus have healing. That makes a huge difference for a casual player. I do not care if I kill stuff the fastest. If someone only has a few scrolls and not much time to make all pets. What pet type would you recommend?

I play with others. I do not solo play at anything difficult. I make threads showing what tamers can kill. Do any of these tell you what pet to take? I may show what pet I took but the first line of the thread shows you where to find the resists and damage these mobs have. I have always told players to lore the things they want to fight and build for that. Cold or energy is almost always one of the lowest 3.

I thought these threads would encourage others to make their own or add to mine:

Tamer vs Stygian Dragon
Tamer Vs Dread Horn
Tamer vs Zipactriotl
Tamer Vs Melisande
Tamer vs Monstrous Interred Grizzle
Tamer vs The Great Ape
Tamers Vs Medusa

I can do all of these with a Cu and a Noobs giant beetle that I gave 110 scrolls.

Those would have been a good place for others to tell us what pet type they think is best for those. But few decided to participate.

There are plenty of other Mobs for someone else to make a thread about. I left shadowguard out, hoping someone else would do that one.

Like I said people like you keep saying these are good enough:

Ossein Ram
Nightmare Other than Pre patch
Bane Dragon (not available anymore)
Dread Warhorse (Not available anymore and really low points to use)

Rune Beetle
Tsuki Wolf

They are NOT. How many casual players do you see using them on something difficult? None of those currently available do poison damage.

Lets add the Skree, Dread Spider and unicorn to this. I have yet to find a unicorn that can get 600HP, regens, good base build, chiv and 120 scrolls.

Cold damage is useful, Cold/Energy is rarely the best damage type to pick. Fact.

Why do we need another unmountable pet that does 100% cold damage? The frost might can get Rune corruption and it does not have breath. We already can put chiv on a new 100% cold Drake. Change that new drake to a horse and I will make sure everyone on LS has one.

But Krampus is a cold event, so it's logical for the pet to have cold damage type.

Why do you think that? Animals that live in cold, usually have high cold resist.
I have not seen the Mobs yet. Others have. Why have they not posted the lore screens? (ask your guild maybe)

When I see them I will post the damages and resists so players can choose what pet to grab from their stables.
Since we may have to run to the spawn we may need a mountable pet to get there before the boss is dead. So that will also factor into the decision.

Kyronix already said he will take Ks opinions into consideration. I doubt he read my replies.
Why are we arguing over a future pet that will probably be modified from the TC version. The issue is Mesanna has to approve it. She does not like tank pets or mages. Read the meet and greet logs and it is clear.

The Ks will be a lot better at getting pet types changed so we can get more useful pets. I just hope the Ks consider casual players who need at least 600HP and everything else.

And I cant help what players like: This was on the screen just now:


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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
So I went last night and found 2 rune beetles. One had 160 stam/dex and the other 161 stam/dex. After taming both had their stam drop to 150. I don’t recall that happening before but then again it’s been a really long time since I last tamed them. Is this correct now? That they drop stam to 150 now?


Lore Master
So I went last night and found 2 rune beetles. One had 160 stam/dex and the other 161 stam/dex. After taming both had their stam drop to 150. I don’t recall that happening before but then again it’s been a really long time since I last tamed them. Is this correct now? That they drop stam to 150 now?
Max stamina is 150.
Dex however can be over 150 but caps at 180 for walking speed: so a pet with 180 dex and a pet with 200 dex will move at the same speed.


Seasoned Veteran
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These didn’t get a chance to even see me before I lored them.
And besides, after taming they have 160 and 161 dex, which matches what I saw pretame for stam. So that is why I was surprised when I saw stam drop to 150 post tame.

Thanks Southpaw, that makes sense that post taming stam would drop to 150.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
These didn’t get a chance to even see me before I lored them.
Sneaky tamer. Good Idea with those. I have ran all over that area being chased by those before the pet revamp.

Lots of pet types have their values reduced when tamed. Nice the stam starts at 150.