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Enhanced Bandages + First Aid Belt!

Eric Ravenwind

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I need numbers!

I got 120 Veterinary and 120 Animal Lore. What would my "damage healed" be:

1.) First base number for max skills, w/ no bonus'
2.) Second number for max skills w/ ONLY enhanced bandages
3.) Third number for max skills w/ ONLY first aid belt
4.) Finally, number for max skills + enhanced bandages + first aid belt

Thanks in advance!!


Stratics Veteran
I need numbers!

I got 120 Veterinary and 120 Animal Lore. What would my "damage healed" be:

1.) First base number for max skills, w/ no bonus'
2.) Second number for max skills w/ ONLY enhanced bandages
3.) Third number for max skills w/ ONLY first aid belt
4.) Finally, number for max skills + enhanced bandages + first aid belt

Thanks in advance!!
Healing amount can change slightly based on the HP of the Pet being healed. We may make a Vet calculator on our website, but for now here is what you should see (we will use a pet with 600 HP for all calculations):

1. 120/120, normal bandages
Healing Range: 57-100

2. 120/120, enhanced bandages
Healing Range: 59-105

3. 120/120, first aid belt, normal bandages
Healing Range: 59-105 (belt should work the same as Enhanced Bandages)

4. 120/120, first aid belt, enhanced bandages
Healing Range: 61-110

5. 120/120, first aid belt, enhanced bandages, healing town bonus (not asked, but should be possible)
Healing Range: 63-115

This is assuming all the difference bonuses correctly stack with each other. It's pretty hard to test since you don't see a healing number when you vet. You would probably need to take a pet with 0 HPR, damage it and record its health level, vet it then immediately lore it again to see how much was healed. However, since there is a big range of healing potential, you would need to repeat this test a large number of times to get an accurate test.

The Hit Points of a pet will have a minor effect on the healing numbers. You take the HP/100 and add that number to the min and max ranges (so a 600 HP pet will give +6 to the Min and Max healing ranges, which is already included in the examples above).


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Most things don't work though above cap... You need to inquire with the DEVs if the healing bonus actually will take you over cap...

Otherwise the belt would only give you a benefit if you were at 110 with a 120 scroll on. Much like many other bonus items... like crafting talismans... while they will give you a bonus to your ability to make the item exceptional they do NOTHING at all for helping you if you are a 120 crafter... to make the item in the first place. There are a lot of bonus items that don't do anything if you are at cap.


Stratics Veteran
Most things don't work though above cap... You need to inquire with the DEVs if the healing bonus actually will take you over cap...

Otherwise the belt would only give you a benefit if you were at 110 with a 120 scroll on. Much like many other bonus items... like crafting talismans... while they will give you a bonus to your ability to make the item exceptional they do NOTHING at all for helping you if you are a 120 crafter... to make the item in the first place. There are a lot of bonus items that don't do anything if you are at cap.
Five on Friday - January 25, 2008 - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia

Whether it still works that way or not is anyone's guess.