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Tamer & Doom


Lore Master

I've never been to Doom, but I see a number of artifacts that I want from there.

I saw the stats on the bosses that spawn there, pretty high resists and combined they cover every damage type. Just wondering what pet would do well there. I was thinking my 100% Fire Crimson Drake (AI/CHIV) would do pretty good, until I saw that the Abyssmal Horror has 100% fire resist.

- Can a tamer solo any or all of it?
- How long does it typically take to collect the bones to get the gold skull?
- I assume there's no stable or hitching post there?

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I've never been to Doom, but I see a number of artifacts that I want from there.

I saw the stats on the bosses that spawn there, pretty high resists and combined they cover every damage type. Just wondering what pet would do well there. I was thinking my 100% Fire Crimson Drake (AI/CHIV) would do pretty good, until I saw that the Abyssmal Horror has 100% fire resist.

- Can a tamer solo any or all of it?
- How long does it typically take to collect the bones to get the gold skull?
- I assume there's no stable or hitching post there?
I believe a tamer could solo everything except the Dark Father.
Bones and gold skull isn't too bad. I did a ton years ago and saved the skulls so I don't recall.
No stable or hitching post afaik

With the way it's currently set up, I can't imagine doing it with anything other than a warrior template. I have a second account tamer there solely for an emergency rez or doing the flesh renderer room. While this isn't the answer you're looking for, I would suggest doing other content such as the Shadow Guard Roof and selling those drops to get the gold to buy what you want from Doom.


Stratics Veteran

I've never been to Doom, but I see a number of artifacts that I want from there.

I saw the stats on the bosses that spawn there, pretty high resists and combined they cover every damage type. Just wondering what pet would do well there. I was thinking my 100% Fire Crimson Drake (AI/CHIV) would do pretty good, until I saw that the Abyssmal Horror has 100% fire resist.

- Can a tamer solo any or all of it?
- How long does it typically take to collect the bones to get the gold skull?
- I assume there's no stable or hitching post there?
Dark Father is probably not something you would want to attempt solo on a single tamer. You would have to be spot on.

@Khyro and I have duo'd it on tamers, but frankly it's easier for us to bring his sampire and my tamer.

Collecting bones is easy. And no, no hitching post.

I bring Fire steeds.


Lore Master
I believe a tamer could solo everything except the Dark Father.
Bones and gold skull isn't too bad. I did a ton years ago and saved the skulls so I don't recall.
No stable or hitching post afaik

With the way it's currently set up, I can't imagine doing it with anything other than a warrior template. I have a second account tamer there solely for an emergency rez or doing the flesh renderer room. While this isn't the answer you're looking for, I would suggest doing other content such as the Shadow Guard Roof and selling those drops to get the gold to buy what you want from Doom.
I've done roof several times, and I need to do it some more to get a few more items I want. I considered buying what I want, but I'm on Pacific and every time I do vender search, what I want isn't for sale.


Lore Master
Dark Father is probably not something you would want to attempt solo on a single tamer. You would have to be spot on.

@Khyro and I have duo'd it on tamers, but frankly it's easier for us to bring his sampire and my tamer.

Collecting bones is easy. And no, no hitching post.

I bring Fire steeds.
If there was a hitching post this would be no problem.

I suppose I could just take my fire drake, and use corpse skin. The abysmal would still have 85% fire resist though. The other mobs would get a beat down. As long as pet can tank I can nuke pretty good. Trying to get good +SDI items, which is mostly why I want to do this. My fire drake isn't scrolled at all right now, but I know I have a 105 and a 110 tactics and a 105 Chiv I could put on him-better than nothing.
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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
A chiv uni, repel and armour ignore works well. Cant be poisoned,and a chance to reflect 50% of damage.

Mine amazed my sampire guildies, but they get overwhelmed on the DF.


Stratics Veteran
A chiv uni, repel and armour ignore works well. Cant be poisoned,and a chance to reflect 50% of damage.

Mine amazed my sampire guildies, but they get overwhelmed on the DF.
I've done dark father with several of my unicorns because of the poison resist of the unicorns, but DF has high physical/energy resists so their damage is muted. My firesteeds just do so much more damage and I have no problem keeping them alive.

Also the 50% reflected back on the attacker is diminished by the attackers resist.


Lore Master
I went to Doom last night, just for a few minutes, I didn't have much time to play, but got around 200 daemon bones in a very short amount of time. Looking forward to trying level 2. Wondering how often arties drop, are they pretty rare? Also if I'm going solo how many mobs spawn in each room?


Lore Master
I tried to solo the gauntlet. I got all the way to the abysmal and then died. There were 2 on my fire drake and even though I used corpse skin on them to drop the fire resist to 85%, it just wasn't enough. Learned the hard way you need at least 2 people to complete it, although I may try again with my fire beetle when I'm done training him because RC + AI + Corpse Skin may be able to kill the abysmal.


Lore Master
Right now my fire beetle is 3 slot, has armor ignore, rune corruption, and poison-took them in that order.


Stratics Veteran
I tried to solo the gauntlet. I got all the way to the abysmal and then died. There were 2 on my fire drake and even though I used corpse skin on them to drop the fire resist to 85%, it just wasn't enough. Learned the hard way you need at least 2 people to complete it, although I may try again with my fire beetle when I'm done training him because RC + AI + Corpse Skin may be able to kill the abysmal.
Fire Drake would be toast there : AH have very high fire resist. Why not try a bushido L.Hiryu there? I bet any physical pet even a Cu (because it self heals) would beat the turds out of the AH. Do they spawn one per creature including player in there? So if riding, would be only 1? Last time, and every time I was there was with Sampire archer and other pple, so dont know these details..Keep trying.

Also it would be nice if there is a pet stall there: You blast everything else with Fire drake, then get after the AH with L.Hiryu or Blue beetle for the RC/AI?psn..


Lore Master
Yeah, would be really nice if there was a stable there. The 1st 4 mobs are all weak to fire, then you get the AH that has high fire resist->rune corruption from a fire beetle will cut that in half and I can use corpse skin to take 15% off. I have a lesser with bush, but if I remember right some of the other mobs have very high physical resist.


Stratics Veteran
Maybe one of the pple that go to the "Uo forum" can post a recommendation to have a stable post there? For us tamers to have a chance? Please?


Stratics Veteran
That would definitely increase Doom Gauntlet traffic there. Should have been done ages ago. Pretty please put at a stall post there? Devs? You lissening?
**Dev says Whaaa? Whoo? Whachu tallking bout?**