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A little help


since returning I mainly play my tamer or my crafter. Playing my tamer solo seems much harder than in the past. Monsters seem tougher or im just so out of practice I seem to get in trouble much more often.

Id like some advice on how to make a better tamer solo template and gear. Currently I have:

Taming 120
Lore 120
Music 114.6
Peace 114.6
Magery 110
Vet 99.9
Med 40.9

Gear is horrible with resists of:


Fc1 fcr1 lmc 9 lrc 100 luck 97

Stats are 122 str 26dex 95 int

I have about 1 mil gold so cant afford new gear yet.

So what would you do?


Lore Master
If I were you I'd drop music/peace for something else.

You're using a lot of skill points but only really get 1 skill in return, which does no damage. I know some people will disagree with me, but IMO peacemaking is pretty worthless. When I came back to the game a few months ago I had music/peace (and discord) too, dropped them and picked up necro/spirit speak. You could also drop them and pick up eval int (increase your spell damage) and Spellweaving, which has some good damage spells and healing spells. Do you find you use peacemaking much in game?


If I were you I'd drop music/peace for something else.

You're using a lot of skill points but only really get 1 skill in return, which does no damage. I know some people will disagree with me, but IMO peacemaking is pretty worthless. When I came back to the game a few months ago I had music/peace (and discord) too, dropped them and picked up necro/spirit speak. You could also drop them and pick up eval int (increase your spell damage) and Spellweaving, which has some good damage spells and healing spells. Do you find you use peacemaking much in game?
No lol actually I run before remembering i actually have it.


I have necro at 113.9 and ss at 114 on another char as well as 112.9 eval. I would have to find some ps’s to take advantage of the caps tho.

How would you integrate the necro with the pet?


Lore Master
For the most part I use necro to supplement pet damage. If pet does fire or poison damage you can cast corpse skin on the mob. Evil omen also increases damage. Wraith form is awesome for mana regen, I don't have meditation skill. Lately I've been doing a lot of champ spawns and necro is awesome for that.

Since you already have a necro character though, you may want to try eval int and spellweaving instead. I know a lot of people here have that setup and it's very effective.
Last edited:


Lore Master
*a little off topic*

I'm a bit anti-bard at the moment. As I stated earlier I think peacemaking is fairly worthless, they need to beef it up some how. Provocation is quite nice. Discord fails too often and the timer is too long; either decrease the timer or increase success rate or some combo of the 2.

If I had my way, the music skill would be removed from the game. It doesn't do anything except add a 2nd skill check. That's a lot of skill points used for something that provides no benefit to the player whatsoever besides an additional skill check, which is completely unnecessary.


*a little off topic*

I'm a bit anti-bard at the moment. As I stated earlier I think peacemaking is fairly worthless, they need to beef it up some how. Provocation is quite nice. Discord fails too often and the timer is too long; either decrease the timer or increase success rate or some combo of the 2.

If I had my way, the music skill would be removed from the game. It doesn't do anything except add a 2nd skill check. That's a lot of skill points used for something that provides no benefit to the player whatsoever besides an additional skill check, which is completely unnecessary.
Ya I have 100+ music on 3 chars. I believe way back when, Peace was basically get outta jams easy as well as peace your way into deep places where provo and disco could allow a player to solo alot of high end content. Bards could handle large mobs fairly easily if they could keep track of everything going on. May still be this way im not sure. Assuming the extra skill (music) kept them from being even more over powering.


Lore Master
Perhaps you're right about music. Not sure if it's the same, but back in the day when I had provoke, it took forever for mobs to kill each other.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
with the peace making mastery giving u 16 hp,mana and stamina regen I find keeping peacemaking arounds is great specially since both u and ur pet get the bonuses


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For the most part I use necro to supplement pet damage. If pet does fire or poison damage you can cast corpse skin on the mob. Evil omen also increases damage. Wraith form is awesome for mana regen, I don't have meditation skill. Lately I've been doing a lot of champ spawns and necro is awesome for that.

Since you already have a necro character though, you may want to try eval int and spellweaving instead. I know a lot of people here have that setup and it's very effective.
Necro/Tamer is more of a champ spawn build. Pet tanks all the spawn, the tamer AoEs down the spawn. Eval/SW would require him to have more Med to really make heavy use of offensive spells. Plus it depends if he wants to use the Taming Masteries. Keeping Combat Training channeled on your pet, basically prevents you from heavily spamming offensive spells such as Exp/E-Bolt. So if you plan on running Combat Training a lot, you really don't need Eval.
I personally run a Discord/Tamer as my main Tamer now. Discording the opponent makes it significantly easier for your pet to deal with (and everyone else attacking that mob). Discord can be used on your pet for better skill gain at high levels (especially Healing and Chivalry). If you yourself have Discord, you don't need it on your pet, so you can give your pet Chiv instead. Plus, Discord doesn't clash whatsoever with your ability to keep Combat Training channeled.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
What shard are you on? If you are on Atlantic I can help u with gear and stuff

Sent from my XT1609 using Tapatalk


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One build, is the good ol' fashioned Tamer/Mage. Taming/Lore/Vet/Magery/Eval/Med/Resist or SW. With this build, you can take advantage of how nasty Death Ray is from Magery Mastery. Get a pet to tank for you, then Death Ray the mob down. Discord/Conductive Blast combo on the pet works extremely well for this build. A Cu with Discord/Conductive Blast is pretty tanky, but a Unicorn with just Discord/Conductive Blast will spam the hell out of Conductive Blast after they Disco the target, which means more Death Ray damage. I've seen 400+ damage Death Ray ticks on GDs before with this setup.


Thanks for the replies...i have to admit I dont really understand most of it. I am just starting to learn about the masteries. Im on Europa and play solo so am just getting back into learning how everything works


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On Europa - it's "easy" ... "learn" to meet some others, "speak" with them ... ("yell" into the HELP channel ...) [HINT]daily meet & greet to help "new" or returning players is from 19:00 - 20:00 CE(S)T @ the western bank in Britain ...[/HINT]


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's the only benefit I cant think of for peacemaking.
Bards "rule" ... even tamer bards ... BUT you need the skills maxed out and you need to use masteries, simple! [HINT]... use SOULSTONES, do NEVER EVER "drop" a skill like that ... *crosses fingers* ... go away demon, hush ... [/HINT]


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Merth ... my tamers run with 10 DEX and maxed INT (!) Ask for Reginleif in the help channel!


On Europa - it's "easy" ... "learn" to meet some others, "speak" with them ... ("yell" into the HELP channel ...) [HINT]daily meet & greet to help "new" or returning players is from 19:00 - 20:00 CE(S)T @ the western bank in Britain ...[/HINT]
ya this is part of my issue...19:00 cest is noon my time so usually at work.
Bards "rule" ... even tamer bards ... BUT you need the skills maxed out and you need to use masteries, simple! [HINT]... use SOULSTONES, do NEVER EVER "drop" a skill like that ... *crosses fingers* ... go away demon, hush ... [/HINT]
learning about masteries these are all new to me...and ya I woud stone them off not just delete.
Merth ... my tamers run with 10 DEX and maxed INT (!) Ask for Reginleif in the help channel!
I will try to catch up with you. whats your normal play time?