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NEWS [UO.Com] Ultima Online Celebrates 21 Years!

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9/24/2018 21 years ago Ultima Online changed the video game landscape forever. Sosaria spawned a virtual world where people could adventure together and forge friendships that would last a lifetime. Today we celebrate that legacy by wishing UO a very happy birthday and thanking all those Britannians who have left their mark on our humble virtual world. Long live UO!

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Thanks team for taking us to 21!! CHEERS!!!

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Happy 21st UO. This time last year, I was headed back home to Texas. After spending 4 days in Va. for the 20th Anniversary party. :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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That's the post for 21 years???
Wow....that's like waiting for your birthday then getting a present from the local 7-11.....
So glad they took the time out to write that....must have taken a whole 2 minutes. :lol:


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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my 1st daughter graduates from High School this year, my 2nd daughter next year.
neither where even a twinkle in my eye when i started playing UO.
hard to imagine i have played a game for 21 years.

sad to say but i have loved every up and down of the game.
i actually think UO has contributed a LOT to my mental health over the last 21 years.
not many people last as long as i have in the job i do and i honestly think a lot of that has to do with how i relax when im off shift and that relaxation has a lot to do with UO.
nothing better then having the family go to bed and then i sit down and log in and meet up with friends and head out to have fun and adventures.

but the rest of you i could take or leave.
just saying.



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Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Friendships in UO over the years has gotten me though the deaths of both my parents, my grandma and many other tragedies... as well as been there for the highs in my life and all ..... friendships are wonderful... but I know I've lost many a friend to the angry wife... the loss of job, the birth of children, and even to death... Many have come and gone over the years. But then some come and go.. and we welcome them home.