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Beetle Control Chance


Does their control chance change as you train them up?
Using the calc on uocraft
It shows with a fire beetle if you have 105 tame and 95 lore you have 99% control, so if you turn that into a 5 slot trained, do you still only need 105/95 to control this beetle?


Lore Master
Does their control chance change as you train them up?
Using the calc on uocraft
It shows with a fire beetle if you have 105 tame and 95 lore you have 99% control, so if you turn that into a 5 slot trained, do you still only need 105/95 to control this beetle?
Yes, the requirements go up to 110 as you level them up.

With only 105 tame and 95 lore pet will ignore you a lot.


Lore Master
I don't remember the calculation for pet control, but I'd guess you would need 120 taming/lore to get 99% because that's what I have and my pets still disobey me sometimes.


Stratics Veteran
If you just want 99% chance to control a max trainable pet you only need 115 Taming/Lore (113 technically). If you want more details the control chance formula is as follows:

TamingBonus = Taming Skill - Pet Min Taming Requirement
LoreBonus = Lore Skill - Pet Min Taming Requirement

If TamingBonus >= 0 then TamingMod = 6
If TamingBonus < 0 then TamingMod = 28
If LoreBonus >= 0 then LoreMod = 6
If LoreBonus < 0 then LoreMod = 14

TamingBonus = TamingBonus * TamingMod
LoreBonus = LoreBonus * LoreMod

SkillBonus = (TamingBonus + LoreBonus) / 2

Control Chance = 70 + SkillBonus

Control Chance is capped at 99%
Example 1:
Taming Skill = 110
Lore Skill = 110
Pet Requirement = 108

TamingBonus = 2 (110-108)
LoreBonus = 2 (110-108)
TamingMod = 6
LoreMod = 6
TamingBonus = 12
LoreBonus = 12 (2*6)
SkillBonus = 12 ((12+12)/2)
ControlChance = 82% (70 + 12)

Example 2:
Taming Skill = 110
Lore Skill = 105
Pet Requirement = 108

TamingBonus = 2 (110-108)
LoreBonus = -3 (105-108)
TamingMod = 6
LoreMod = 14
TamingBonus = 12
(2 * 6)
LoreBonus = -42 (-3 * 12)
SkillBonus = -15 ((12 + -42)/2)
ControlChance = 55% (70 + -15)
