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Dread Mare Great Lakes For Sale

Nightmare of GL

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is for a Dread Mare named Smokey on Great Lakes for sale but only for the right price. I will keep the offer open for a week and see who the highest bidder is. No real training has been done except a few normal attacks here and there.

Smokey (Dread Mare)

Resistance to Spells:84.9
Detecting Hidden:55.4
Evaluating Intellegence:64.7


Post your offers here and I will pick and PM the winner. Good Luck

Nightmare of GL

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This has been seen and I'll still be accepting more offers only until Sunday August 12th. If there are no more bids by then its yours

Nightmare of GL

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Last day and after consideration I will have a reserve of 400 million so if I am to sell it has to reach at least that

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
"This has been seen and I'll still be accepting more offers only until Sunday August 12th. If there are no more bids by then its yours" <- just pointing that out.


Stratics Veteran
I understood that Lex would be getting it for 275 on the 12th if there were no other bids... Did I misunderstand?


Stratics Veteran
So "until" Monday?
I just understood it to be like a store... If the store is open "until" 9, is it closed at 10?


Stratics Veteran
Per his FIRST post. "I will keep the offer open for a week and see who the highest bidder is" Posted MONDAY.

A week would be through Sunday.

Perhaps due to the confusion the original poster should cancel the auction, repost it on the trade forums with a proper end time (and more views/possible buyers to see). As highest bidder on this I would have no problem with that.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The wording is confusing, but the OP seems to think his "auction" was until end of day today (Sunday).

I will keep the offer open for a week
This has been seen and I'll still be accepting more offers only until Sunday August 12th.
Last day and after consideration I will have a reserve of 400 million so if I am to sell it has to reach at least that
Just not sure what time zone unless he using the server time.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
'Last day' was posted on Saturday no matter what timezone. Until Sunday seemed to me to indicate that that Saturday was the last day and it ended by the end of that day.

The phrase wasn't until and including Sunday.
It wasn't until Monday either..

Not a super biggie but super confusing I still believe I won that offer, but hey that's me looking out for my own interest
The bigger problem is that he sets a reserve after to try to nullify what he said.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Per his FIRST post. "I will keep the offer open for a week and see who the highest bidder is" Posted MONDAY.

A week would be through Sunday.

Perhaps due to the confusion the original poster should cancel the auction, repost it on the trade forums with a proper end time (and more views/possible buyers to see). As highest bidder on this I would have no problem with that.
I was the first bidder and he adjusted the terms to be more positive to the first bid. No problems.

As the competing bidder I have a problem with changing or venue and terms where it causes a negative impact on my own bids. I already took the time and effort to bid and monitor this.
Maybe not such a biggie to you who is in the same tz but for me as European this means having to stay up another night later to bid.


Are you simply posting to drive the price up ?


Stratics Veteran
As the competing bidder I have a problem with changing or venue and terms.

Are you simply posting to drive the price up ?
Don't try to question my integrity. I had this on my calendar to bid on today, simple as that. I've been buying dread warhorses, banes, nightmares and other legacy pets for the past 13 months. I dont bid unless I intend to buy :)



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
'Last day' was posted on Saturday no matter what timezone.
Not in my timezone. It says it was posted today. Still Sunday for almost 3 hours here.


But he should have posted a specific time and date.

Nightmare of GL

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No it was more after talking at the end of Sunday so yes I should have said at least that much. As for the reserve I wrote in the very first post I wrote I would only sell it for the right price. After talking to a lot of my tamer friends I put a reserve as kind of a gauge near what I was told they were close to being worth. Sorry if it was confusing but even at the first bid since it was way low to what I was expecting I would not have sold it at that. now as of my time zone it is 11:25 pm what ever the time stamp is 35 minutes from that time stamp will end this. I will ICQ the winner if we have one I was hoping for 350 but we'll see how close I get. Good luck (and sorry this is so late but rl commitments made this response so late)

Nightmare of GL

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not in my timezone. It says it was posted today. Still Sunday for almost 3 hours here.

View attachment 85353

But he should have posted a specific time and date.
Yeah sorry but I didn't mean first thing Sunday I did mean at the end of Sunday as I do have rl responsibilities that make uo take a back seat as it pays for me to play this game. This is why I miss UOAuction website