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Advice, if you will. What would these be worth?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have these beauties tucked away in the stables.

2 legacy nightmares
1 legacy White wyrm
A dread warhorse

All untrained with only the dread warhorse ready for the blue button to be pressed.

Thanks you in advance
*smiles fondly*


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nightmares depend on stats.

WW also depends on stats but get a higher price.

The warhorse is a novelty so it gets the highest price.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
PP NM 30 - 50m (wholesale)
PP WW 60m or more depending on stats (lower cold resist and higher STR is worth more)
DREAD 300 - 400m


Crazed Zealot
@Valura, because you are very polite I will tell you how I feel about your 3 legacy pets:

-They are priceless, and irreplaceable.
- I would not even let someone come close to my dread warhorse if I were you. Do not sell him/her. You may make 200-300-400 M, but the $$ will go eventually, and you absolutely will not get another dread horse. In the end whether you sell him for 30M or 500M, you will have lost him forever. You will feel bad after that, forever.
-The legacy mares : If you are really hurting for $$ sell only one, and don't settle for less than 50-80 M if they have good stats. Don't sell on shard. Sell here on stratics traders forum, in an auction. Keep one for yourself.
Dont sell them in "bulk".
-The WW if the stats are right you also looking at close to 70-100 M at least. Esp if the stats are good.
Again I would not sell, unless you are broke, or not interested in taming anymore.
Check prices in the traders forum of stratics also ALWAYS.
Oh and dont train them yet until you know the new pet revamp system.

I hope this helps.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
celticus, I'm glad about your argumentation(s) - it's matching to what I tried to explain to Valura's tamer lassie on Europa not too long ago (*waves towards Jemima*)

[EDIT]BTW - Valura's "house mates" on Europa are all SWEETER than anything that Poppy (Wilshere) could ever cook - I'm really glad we're allies there![/EDIT]
Last edited:

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I'm going to remove the "feels" part and inject my thoughts here.

@Valura, because you are very polite I will tell you how I feel about your 3 legacy pets:

-They are priceless, and irreplaceable.
Well, that's what I felt at first with my first couple of pets.
Then I started enjoying min-maxing. I sell a lesser stat to find a better stat etc and increasing the collection.
Sell one, buy two etc. Or train still spawning pets to fund legacy pets.

- I would not even let someone come close to my dread warhorse if I were you. Do not sell him/her. You may make 200-300-400 M, but the $$ will go eventually, and you absolutely will not get another dread horse. In the end whether you sell him for 30M or 500M, you will have lost him forever. You will feel bad after that, forever.
If I sold at 30M yes Id be sad. But 500M is pretty dang good price. And at that price I might be able to find someone selling a good stat one during off weekend.
The price drops during normal weekdays and then increases during weekends. That's just a fact, the weekend players come and login and prices tend to shoot upwards.

-The legacy mares : If you are really hurting for $$ sell only one, and don't settle for less than 50-80 M if they have good stats. Don't sell on shard. Sell here on stratics traders forum, in an auction. Keep one for yourself.
Dont sell them in "bulk".
50M is usual going price. I tend to try to sell mine more expensive just for the reason that I try to collect more pets.
The Atlantic Luna bank price is actually better than stratics atm. They sell for 50M here, but maybe 60 - 70M at Luna bank.
Avoid dead shards. Too many x-shard tamers trying to buy up cheap pets.

Have I bought cheap pets on dead shards? Yes! And so should you, unless you want to see a pet meet a horrible fate like messed up training or simply just released into destard. Not everyone feels the same about pets as some of us tamers.
I ALWAYS tell people who sell to me that they can get a better price if they sell on a populated server. Most people just seem to be happy to keep just one pet, and free up stable slots.

-The WW if the stats are right you also looking at close to 70-100 M at least. Esp if the stats are good.
This is correct. But Id be more inclined to say that a ****ty low str one will start at 60m. The current trend where someone bid 200m caused prices to spike for WW, but they've dropped quickly again once that trade never realised.

Again I would not sell, unless you are broke, or not interested in taming anymore.
Check prices in the traders forum of stratics also ALWAYS.
Oh and dont train them yet until you know the new pet revamp system.
I hope this helps.
I collect legacy pets. The whole pet training system is why I buy a ton of them.
I like to save them from horrible fates such as getting multiple magic schools or 1500 mana or other crazy wastes of points. I sell some to keep funding my practise, but it's still just a hobby of mine to save pets :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you all for your replies and kind words.

I am very torn between the points made by @celticus but also those by @Lex Darion . These pets were, indeed, tamed many years back when the game was very different and I do have a huge sentimentality for them (particularly the Wyrm that I tamed after training to GM - a looong time ago). It would be a dreadful wrench to sell them and the only reason I would sell one of them would be to raise funds to train other pets. However, Lex has a vital point here and dear, dear @Gnoopey will testify - I haven't the foggiest notion how to do this right. I am a bit of a useless relic around here and I would rather the pets be useful and awesome than be ruined by my own inadequacies. Maybe I will hold onto them for now and play around with some more readily replaceable beasties.

Thank you all for sharing your knowledge. I really am in awe of the way your minds work all of these permutations out. My brain doesn't work the same way!

@Gnoopey - you get an extra cake for being such a cutey!

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
You could always post the stats, and we could say if they are worth keeping or selling to get even better stats .

I traded my way up. From a small bunny to dreads and banes in bulk.


Stratics Veteran
I haven't the foggiest notion how to do this right. I am a bit of a useless relic around here and I would rather the pets be useful and awesome than be ruined by my own inadequacies. Maybe I will hold onto them for now and play around with some more readily replaceable beasties.
If they are sentimental to you, I say keep them. I have a nightmare training guide on our guide webpage, and if you need help with your wyrm, I can assist with that. I've been training legacy pets for over a year and have more experience with them than any other tamer in game. I was saving them before anyone realized their value.

You can also just keep them stabled until you have experience training others pets. Even a non exceptional legacy is still better than a current spawning animal of the same type.

Above is Ralph one of the oldest white wyrms in game still. Had him since pre-trammel.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's plenty of people that will go to test center and show you how to build them when you are ready.


Crazed Zealot
Thank you all for your replies and kind words.

I am very torn between the points made by @celticus but also those by @Lex Darion . These pets were, indeed, tamed many years back when the game was very different and I do have a huge sentimentality for them (particularly the Wyrm that I tamed after training to GM - a looong time ago). It would be a dreadful wrench to sell them and the only reason I would sell one of them would be to raise funds to train other pets. However, Lex has a vital point here and dear, dear @Gnoopey will testify - I haven't the foggiest notion how to do this right. I am a bit of a useless relic around here and I would rather the pets be useful and awesome than be ruined by my own inadequacies. Maybe I will hold onto them for now and play around with some more readily replaceable beasties.

Thank you all for sharing your knowledge. I really am in awe of the way your minds work all of these permutations out. My brain doesn't work the same way!

@Gnoopey - you get an extra cake for being such a cutey!
Don't underestimate yourself Valura.. Also there are other ways to make $$ for funding your game. Do you have access to Shard Shields? Go to player events also EM events you can make $$ here and there. Try to tame rare color and good stat pets they still sell ok. ( example : super rare Strong Green Hiryu : 80 M untrained/unskilled (rarity is 0.092), relatively rare Green Hiryu : 10 M, Pure White Cus still sell ok 10-20 M, pure black Cus, 4-slot dragons etc.. etc..). I am also broke, have been so for long time, but I made a little gold from selling desirable pets. I lost a Dreadhorse to 30 M buyer when I did not know about how to get info on Stratics, a while back, and still regret it very much. It was my collectors item..lol.
Keep up the good spirit, and be proud of your prized pets, esp the WW and the Dreadhorse.
Alsways use this forum and you will be surprised to find priceless info spot on..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you to all you took the time to read and respond. I am very grateful to you all. Thank you so very much.


Crazed Zealot
If they are sentimental to you, I say keep them. I have a nightmare training guide on our guide webpage, and if you need help with your wyrm, I can assist with that. I've been training legacy pets for over a year and have more experience with them than any other tamer in game. I was saving them before anyone realized their value.

You can also just keep them stabled until you have experience training others pets. Even a non exceptional legacy is still better than a current spawning animal of the same type.

Above is Ralph one of the oldest white wyrms in game still. Had him since pre-trammel.
Does Ralph eat gold? Are the gold eaters more exp./pricey/rare?


Stratics Veteran
Does Ralph eat gold? Are the gold eaters more exp./pricey/rare?
All white wyrms currently spawning and old, with the exception of ultra legacys eat gold. Ralph does not eat gold, he also acts slightly differently than other wyrms.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All white wyrms currently spawning and old, with the exception of ultra legacys eat gold. Ralph does not eat gold, he also acts slightly differently than other wyrms.
A "special" flappy pet. :dunce: