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Aura of Nausea


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone played much with this? Is it worth it? How much is the penalty and how much of a mana hog is it?

Thinking of adding it to a frost mite to pair with my rune beetle on another character so I would have rune corruption and the nausea, or would it just be better to have double rune corruption and AI?


Stratics Veteran
Good afternoon , It was one of the best things ya could give a pet for a time.. but they nerfed it a few weeks back.. By increase its cost from 20 to 100 mana per use... making it so it flat lined even the strongest of super mana reg pets mana pool... =* [


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good afternoon , It was one of the best things ya could give a pet for a time.. but they nerfed it a few weeks back.. By increase its cost from 20 to 100 mana per use... making it so it flat lined even the strongest of super mana reg pets mana pool... =* [
Thx for the info. Very disappointing to hear. The Devs really need to add some sort of mana management ability to pets!

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or at least let us know in the planning menu how much mana each ability uses. 100 mana???? Holy crap, no thanks.


Stratics Veteran
GOOD idea!
except that people would have a legitimate reason to complain since it will say X mana, but they will change it to Z mana and either not tell players of it's change or sometimes not even change it in the menu and people will put an ability on a pet and be confused as to why it is running out of mana in 5 seconds.

Tabby Kapak

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Does anyone know how long the debuffs are up for? And if it even works vs monsters or only for PvP? Still wondering if it could be of use in a group of pets...


Lore Master
Does it go off of poisoning skill?
No. It doesn't poison or scale off poison skill.

I have it on my Cu. Costs 100 mana. Pet usually does it 1-2 times around the start of the battle, and once in awhile in the middle. There isn't really a way to know how much it debuffs or for how long it lasts-we're at the mercy of the devs to tell us because loring the mob doesn't tell you anything. It seems pretty effective to me though, once it goes off mobs die fast. I imagine that the debuff and length of time it lasts is pretty good or the cost wouldn't be so high. Covers a large area, similar to explosive goo in size.
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