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Does FWW scale off Anatomy/Wrestling/Tactics


Hi again,

Just wondering if FWW damage purely scales off the Ninjitsu skill as per the description.

And welcome any input on a FWW/Bushido Lesser Hiryu for spawns!

Having trouble keeping pets alive at spawns with other builds. Even with Consume Damage



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Tactics determines how much damage your pet deals, and anatomy increases crit chance. I'd imagine these are checked for every attack (incl fww) but I'm not an expert. Have u tried it on TC to test it?

I use a cu with chiv, ai, aoe and heal for spawns. Once trained up I rarely have to heal it, I don't use consume til last lvl of spawn. People say chiv can be problematic when fighting different types of mobs, but I've never had a dog die in a spawn.

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Stratics Veteran
Tactics determines how much damage your pet deals, and anatomy increases crit chance. I'd imagine these are checked for every attack (incl fww) but I'm not an expert. Have u tried it on TC to test it?

I use a cu with chiv, ai, aoe and heal for spawns. Once trained up I rarely have to heal it, I don't use consume til last lvl of spawn. People say chiv can be problematic when fighting different types of mobs, but I've never had a dog die in a spawn.
Not sure who updated that article on UOGuide, but pets don't critical hit. Critical Hit from Anatomy hasn't been a thing in UO for a long long time. The Anatomy "crit" bonus is now a passive damage increase that is always part of the damage calculations and no longer a pass/fail check. The only critical hit in the game that I am aware of is from Bushido with Lightning Strike (which is a 20% chance at 120 Bushido).


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Not sure who updated that article on UOGuide, but pets don't critical hit. Critical Hit from Anatomy hasn't been a thing in UO for a long long time. The Anatomy "crit" bonus is now a passive damage increase that is always part of the damage calculations and no longer a pass/fail check. The only critical hit in the game that I am aware of is from Bushido with Lightning Strike (which is a 20% chance at 120 Bushido).
Ya I'd listen to Khyro, he knows more than me haha :)

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Eitherway, im learning alot from you guys.

But the question still stands. Is FWW based purely on Ninjitsu skill?


Stratics Veteran
Eitherway, im learning alot from you guys.

But the question still stands. Is FWW based purely on Ninjitsu skill?
I'll have to run some tests to make a conclusive statement. Logic says Tactics/Anatomy should increase the damage of it, on top of the Ninjitsu skill, but TBH all my pets cap out Tactics/Anatomy before Ninjitsu, so I have no easy way to test currently.

The next FWW pet I make I will scroll tactics/anatomy last and level Ninjitsu first. If it does get a damage bonus from Tactics/Anatomy then I imagine it will be fairly small, as the FWW hit is split up over many smaller hits. Regardless though, the higher Tactics/Anatomy would definitely help your pet's other hits do more damage still.


Khyro, thank you so much.
I don't have the scrolls to test what you plan to.
This whole question came about as I was wondering if it is possible to save some (reads : alot) gold.

Will be checking in for your good news, thanks again!