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Giant Beetle skill order bug


Noticed someone posted about their giant beetle having rune corruption, armour ignore, mortal strike and poisoning which got me worried as mine could only train one special move after I trained rune corruption.

A quick trip to test and yes you can train AI and mortal strike but only BEFORE you pick rune corruption.

Which raises the question which one of these Beetles is the correct one and how on earth are they going to fix this?

Edit: a bit crude but it shows both Beetles.
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Stratics Veteran
hm I had a feeling this might be going on guess I should do another test if I can add slashing and rune corruption if I choose slashing first because choosing rune corruption first took all the masteries off the board.


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I was the one who posted. Me and 4 friends went to Roof tonight and had a ball with my beetle and 4 Frost Dragons. Average hits for the Beetle were in the 50s, 90s with corruption, and AIs in the 130s and 140s, against all 4 bosses. And, I'm not even up to 50 poisoning yet.

My training order was AI, then Mortal, then Rune Corruption, then Poisoning.

One thing that's bugging me on all pets, is that Parrying is listed as "---" until it reaches a certain threshold - even if you use a PS on it.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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One thing that's bugging me on all pets, is that Parrying is listed as "---" until it reaches a certain threshold - even if you use a PS on it.
ya, once the parry falls below 100.0 it does not show.
interesting though, it will train up even though you dont see it.
another interesting thing about the parry, it does not seem to gain if you disco your pet.
i tested this twice and both times there where next to no gains for the hour i had my pet disco'd yet when undiscoed the pet gained parry fine.
parry looks to be coded strange.


Slightly Crazed
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Noticed someone posted about their giant beetle having rune corruption, armour ignore, mortal strike and poisoning which got me worried as mine could only train one special move after I trained rune corruption.

A quick trip to test and yes you can train AI and mortal strike but only BEFORE you pick rune corruption.

Which raises the question which one of these Beetles is the correct one and how on earth are they going to fix this?

Edit: a bit crude but it shows both Beetles.
View attachment 66506
Not just the beetle. Was trying to get a combination of AoE, AI and Life leech on a Tsuki wolf. If you leave AoE for last, you lose the option. If you do it first, you can add all three options.


Not just the beetle. Was trying to get a combination of AoE, AI and Life leech on a Tsuki wolf. If you leave AoE for last, you lose the option. If you do it first, you can add all three options.
Seems I had a narrow escape, I trained my Tsuki wolf with my beetle but held of adding more than resists. Not sure if i should wait for a fix or just train up another Beetle while I have another pet to pair it with.

Tamed a fire Beetle and copied to test and it has the same issue with Rune Corruption.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Seems to me that Parry only shows after you GM Wrestling on your pet...

After that you can see Parry but if your pet dies it vanishes again when your pet drops below the GM wrestling again.

Tabby Kapak

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Those Beetles would still have a use as part of a group we guess, with fewer other skills the Rune Corruption should hit more often? So maybe those are not wasted after all?


Stratics Veteran
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I know this is a old post....but can anyone tell me where to train a Giant Beetle from slot 1 to #2 ? seems the hardest with only 100 hp


I Hate Skilling
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Crazed mage. Level 5 shame. Have to bandage and heal. Takes 40 min if alone with no tank.


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Guess i should have specified that ive gone to crazy mage(like every single tamer in existence) .
I was more or less looking to see if anyone had tried a different path with their Giant Beetle,since even with a tank it either gets killed or takes forever.


Lore Master
Guess i should have specified that ive gone to crazy mage(like every single tamer in existence) .
I was more or less looking to see if anyone had tried a different path with their Giant Beetle,since even with a tank it either gets killed or takes forever.
Pretty much all 1 slots pets take a long time to get through the first round of training. I got through that first round by having another pet tank for it. After you get through that first round and add resists and increase HP then the beetle can start doing the tanking and it goes much faster.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I take mine to Dungeon Wrong & do the lizardmen (one by one)
it might take a little longer but I prefer it


Crazed Zealot
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I use Wind Elementals for mine, but you will need a lot of bandages to make it survive.
Discording the winds help a fair bit at that 1st stage.


I Hate Skilling
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I sometimes discord them. Use a macro that bandages and does a g heal. Will only my die 2 to 4 times in that 40 min.

I've done unbonded kirins there. Try doing that.


I am training giant and fire beetles recently, I have both of them trained poisoning first and then go to the next round. However, when I add AI and mortal strike I can't add rune corruption anymore. So I have to train a new one with putting poisoning at last?


I Hate Skilling
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You cant have 3 moves. Just 2.

Giant can get 2 moves then poison, so do AI, RC, then poison if wanted.

Fire can get AoE, AI, RC, then poison.


Hrmm I am a little bit confused with the first post of this thread. The picture showed 3 moves and poisoning so I am wondering if it could be done in the past but no longer right now.


UO Forum Moderator
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You cant have 3 moves. Just 2.

Giant can get 2 moves then poison, so do AI, RC, then poison if wanted.

Fire can get AoE, AI, RC, then poison.

Giants can get 3 moves, as long as you don't pick them in the wrong order.


I Hate Skilling
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I'm on a mini vacation about to go camping in the middle of nowhere in Arkansas. Can't take stuff to TC or play. So y'all can answer the questions until Monday night.

I never put more than AI, RC, poison on them. But you can if you put in the right order, like you said.


Stratics Veteran
I'm on a mini vacation about to go camping in the middle of nowhere in Arkansas. Can't take stuff to TC or play. So y'all can answer the questions until Monday night.

I never put more than AI, RC, poison on them. But you can if you put in the right order, like you said.
Taking a vacation from your Mexico vacation already?!~


I will tame a new one and test on TC tonight, guess I just got the wrong order of putting the skills.

Thank you for the reply.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
I will tame a new one and test on TC tonight, guess I just got the wrong order of putting the skills.

Thank you for the reply.
Yes go from the bottom up. There is a sticky thread about the order up there.

Taking a vacation from your Mexico vacation already?!

If De Queen Arkansas has a resort. I'm there! I think there's just a picnic table tho.


Seasoned Veteran
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I believe it was mentioned before, might have been a different thread too. Try skilling your giant and fire bugs up before you start the training. I’ve skilled mine up close to 100 wrestling and tactics before I took them to the crazy mage. Was able to get them to 5 slot in a weekend, was probably about 12 to 14 hours to do that.
Bugs, any pet for that matter, get gains from hitting and faster gains from tanking (read, getting hit). So getting their skills up goes a long way to helping them get gains.