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Is this Cu build possible?


Lore Master
Start with a Cu. Add poisoning, then add Aura of Nausea, then add Discord which will replace poisoning. Will the system let me do that?

I'm thinking if Discord and Aura of Nausea both go off the mob will be seriously crippled. Benefits me/my pets as well as anyone hunting with me.

Second question: How much mana does discord use? I know healing and bleed use very little and Aura of Nausea uses 100, so trying to keep all the skills low mana since nausea uses so much.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes you can put poison on then the aura then choose a new Magic.


Lore Master
Just did a test couple tests. A successful discord used 30 mana on the pet.
I was hoping it was lower, but that sounds about right compared with other costs. If the pet attempts discord and fails does it still use up 30 mana?


Stratics Veteran
I was hoping it was lower, but that sounds about right compared with other costs. If the pet attempts discord and fails does it still use up 30 mana?
That I'm not sure about. The only disco pets I have right now are 120 so they didn't fail. My instinct tells me that it would still cost 30 mana if Discord fails, but I will try to verify when I can.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
If you do poisoning -> discord .
Make sure to leave points free so you can switch back to poisoning for 1 point and then go back to that.

(Incase your pet dies, so that you can train it up to GM again)


Lore Master
If you do poisoning -> discord .
Make sure to leave points free so you can switch back to poisoning for 1 point and then go back to that.

(Incase your pet dies, so that you can train it up to GM again)
If I switch from poison to discord the pet will no longer poison. No reason to switch back.

I'm still debating taking discord on a pet, may just keep poison on it. I still have discord on my tamer character for now. I've heard raising discord on a pet can be a pain and it's not as good as having it on your avatar.
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Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I forgot this isn't a nightmare. If you had Magery the GM poisoning would be used on the magic spell oddly enough. Even though it doesn't use poisoning as a magic school.

I wonder if poisoning would increase poison breath strength too or other skills.


Lore Master
I forgot this isn't a nightmare. If you had Magery the GM poisoning would be used on the magic spell oddly enough. Even though it doesn't use poisoning as a magic school.

I wonder if poisoning would increase poison breath strength too or other skills.
I thought poison breath already did lethal poison.

Caitlyn Snow

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The way I understood was that it is supposed to scale the poison level with the poisoning skill but I’m not sure it does that...


UO Forum Moderator
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I've heard raising discord on a pet can be a pain and it's not as good as having it on your avatar.
IMO, you heard wrong.

I have 120 Disco on my tamer, and 120 Disco on my Cu - the cu targets more stuff and gets them discoed faster than I could do it from my cool-down timer between attempts, and has discoed creatures that I routinely fail over and over.

There's also one other factor overlooked. The target will ALWAYS be seeing your pet (unless you're doing Navrey in one corner, and the pet gets tossed to the far opposite corner). If you invis (or die), there's a good chance that your Disco will break. If the PET Discoes the target, it will NOT lose the disco, unless the PET DIES (especially if you tell the pet to follow the thing it's fighting, in case one or both get moved magically). You can invis, retreat & heal out of sight of the target, etc. to your heart's content.

And, if you ever do Travesty, Travesty (As far as I know) only copies PLAYER skills, not pet skills, so I can stone disco for peace, and let the pet disco.


Stratics Veteran
IMO, you heard wrong.

I have 120 Disco on my tamer, and 120 Disco on my Cu - the cu targets more stuff and gets them discoed faster than I could do it from my cool-down timer between attempts, and has discoed creatures that I routinely fail over and over.
The discord effectiveness scales with the level of discord, same as a player. My guess the rumor that started about pet discord being worse than player discord was from people that didn't have it fully trained on their pet.

The pet also does not have the 6s (or whatever it is) cooldown between uses that players have. I've seen a disco pet in the Bar discord every pirate in a matter of ~10 seconds, so that is a nice bonus to pet discord as well.


Lore Master
IMO, you heard wrong.

I have 120 Disco on my tamer, and 120 Disco on my Cu - the cu targets more stuff and gets them discoed faster than I could do it from my cool-down timer between attempts, and has discoed creatures that I routinely fail over and over.

There's also one other factor overlooked. The target will ALWAYS be seeing your pet (unless you're doing Navrey in one corner, and the pet gets tossed to the far opposite corner). If you invis (or die), there's a good chance that your Disco will break. If the PET Discoes the target, it will NOT lose the disco, unless the PET DIES (especially if you tell the pet to follow the thing it's fighting, in case one or both get moved magically). You can invis, retreat & heal out of sight of the target, etc. to your heart's content.

And, if you ever do Travesty, Travesty (As far as I know) only copies PLAYER skills, not pet skills, so I can stone disco for peace, and let the pet disco.
Thank you for this information. I was considering putting disco on a Cu, then I read some older threads on disco where people were saying it was hard to raise on pets and not as good as players using it. I have disco on my character but have been considering changing my bard skills for mage skills.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Ive trained 3 slot vollems with 120 disco for use with a sampire.
It's crazy annoying to raise and takes a long time.

I charged 100m to do that pet, If I did it again Id do it for myself or charge more lol.


UO Forum Moderator
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Odd... My pet gained disco to 120 far faster in use, than I did on my bard (and the bard only went up to 105 real, +15 jewelry).

To me, it seems that it's the number of targets that are key to pet Disco gain. Because of the lack of cooldown and apparently no need for the targets to be of a specific difficulty level for pets, you can get a lot of Disco gains by taking a pet to an Ilshenar spawn at Humility or Valor.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This makes me think acid slugs would be a good spot for Discord training as the spawn rate is pretty much instant. I’ll have to test it and see.
When it stops move to harder stuff. Same as the healing. Bring all the dinos over there.


Lore Master
Here's an update on my original build idea.

I got my Cu to 5 slots tonight. Added poison, then aura of nausea, and finally discord. (The DeBuffinator)

First impressions:
This seems to be a very good and viable build so far. Keep in mind discord started at 20 and I got it to 30 pretty quick-a lot faster than a player can. Some take-aways from discord so far is that it definitely works differently for pets than players, in that I took the Cu to Shame level 1 to hunt earth eles and mud pies to gain Wrestling, logged off with wrestling at 70. Anyways the Cu was successfully discording Earth eles which have a bard difficulty of 60 and cu only had 20 discord skill. Could not do that as a player. Wondering if pets have 120 music skill as a base or something.

Also I saw in an older thread about discord someone mentioned seeing "Zzzz" on the mobs. I use EC and also saw it several times. Looks just like mystic sleep spell, only lasts 1-2 seconds. Didn't seem to have any effect on the mobs and my best guess is that this is showing me the pet attempted discord and failed. Not sure if it shows using CC client.

Regarding aura of nausea; I don't have any figures regarding how much it debuffs the mobs, but I can tell you it works very well. It costs 100 mana, but IMO it's worth every point. Pet frequently uses it, typcially 1-2 times near the start of a battle. In EC it does a graphic like one of the spells spellbinders cast that has black smoke and the image of a person, so it's very obvious when pet uses it. Anyways, it looks awesome and it's very effective. At one point the Cu was surrounded by around 3 earth eles, 2 mud pies, and a scorp and after nausea went off they were all dead within a couple seconds.

Conclusion: It's early and the Cu's skills are pretty low right now, logged off with discord at 30, wrestling/tactics/anatomy around 70. Definitely a viable build and potentially a very good build. Cu has just over 700 mana and goes through it quickly like most Cu's do, but often has enough at the start of a fight to use aura and then attempts discord. Could be very good at champ spawns. I'll update again once skills are higher.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
AoN is green dots in CC. uses it on many targets. Just need a pet that can get AI AoN and Chiv.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Sounds like a solid build. Need to take a look at scrolls to make it worth building. Could be solid build for some peerless maybe as an aux pet for SSI debuff AoN does.


Stratics Veteran
AoN is green dots in CC. uses it on many targets. Just need a pet that can get AI AoN and Chiv.
Used to do slimes to 120 discord, but would have pet discord self, now would need someone to discord it.

I have a legacy WW with AI, AoN, Chiv.


Lore Master
I'm going to need a legendary discord skill in a bad way for the pet. it's going to suck when he gets to GM and can't go any higher. Also I think I screwed up because I only saved 310 points for all 110 scrolls, but then realized I'll need a 120 for discord. Guess I'll just have to leave some other stuff out or use 105's.


Lore Master
Used to do slimes to 120 discord, but would have pet discord self, now would need someone to discord it.
Im using slimes too. Good for raising healing skill as well. I guess when he tops out on slimes I can move to slugs which have higher requirement.

Tabby Kapak

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The pet also does not have the 6s (or whatever it is) cooldown between uses that players have. I've seen a disco pet in the Bar discord every pirate in a matter of ~10 seconds, so that is a nice bonus to pet discord as well.
The big drawback of course being that the pet(s) get to decide when they feel is the right time for Discord... We had our Disco-Fire Crimson Drake refuse to discord any of the 9 pirates in one group. And often when we activate the whisper to train Disco, it seems very reluctant to use it, stubborn git! (Mana was not the problem, as it was the start of a fight.)