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Question about a necromage mare


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I've been thinking about this type of mare since last year. The main thing that stops me from actually doing this is what would be a decent stat build to consider???
Str, int, hp, mana.
You get the idea. I figure I can grab a 2 slot mare, they are pretty easy to spawn. And give this a try ;)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Costs 1501 points. So you have to do it before the last stage or you wont get the last Base Damage Increase.

You should practice it on TC with the 2 slot mare.


Lore Master
If you go through with it Mordha, please come back and post the results. I'd like to see the finished product.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I’m thinking either first round or second round, because as Pawain says, I don’t want to miss the base damage inc in final round.
But still not sure about the stats. That is really the only thing bothering me, lol


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I’m thinking either first round or second round, because as Pawain says, I don’t want to miss the base damage inc in final round.
But still not sure about the stats. That is really the only thing bothering me, lol
This is one where ever point matters. Get the Stam and dex to 125. The build will be tight on a PP mare. More tight on a current 2 slot. STR needs to be 700 because Necro is not that great for damage.

Copy seems to still be down. You can go tame one there or wait.


Lore Master
I’m thinking either first round or second round, because as Pawain says, I don’t want to miss the base damage inc in final round.
But still not sure about the stats. That is really the only thing bothering me, lol
Here's a frame work. Start with a 2 slot mare for sure.

Round 1 (2->3 slots)
150 dex
150 stam
set resists how you want them
30 mana regen
rest in STR and HP
(I highly recommend doing this the first round as it will make the next 2 rounds much easier/faster.)

Round 2 (3->4 slots)
Add necromage

Round 3 (final 4->5)
-max base damage! Don't forget!
-5 stamina regen
-some HP regen if you feel you have the points for it. (you're going to be tight on points for sure)
-more HP/STR (not sure if you'll have enough TP to get 700 STR, probably not, get as close as you can)
-increase mana
-if you want scrolls save points for that-probably won't have room for scrolls though.
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Stratics Veteran
I've been thinking about this type of mare since last year. The main thing that stops me from actually doing this is what would be a decent stat build to consider???
Str, int, hp, mana.
You get the idea. I figure I can grab a 2 slot mare, they are pretty easy to spawn. And give this a try ;)
I have several necromage mares I've trained. You have to give up alot to make one with a legacy. Even more so with a 2 slot. I only make them with the best legacys I get, because so much is sacrificed to make one compared to other specs.

If you decide to make one, I would go with the highest end 2 slot you can find.


Stratics Veteran
I've been thinking about this type of mare since last year. The main thing that stops me from actually doing this is what would be a decent stat build to consider???
Str, int, hp, mana.
You get the idea. I figure I can grab a 2 slot mare, they are pretty easy to spawn. And give this a try ;)
Is this for PvM or PvP? Necromare really shines in PvP and can be done with a Legacy nightmare, or a high 2-slot. With a non-legacy you will have to skimp more than a legacy, especially on Str and Hits, but that doesn't really matter for PvP. You don't need 600 HP in PvP (~400-450 is fine), and your pet will cap out on melee damage without the 700 Str. The power of the necromare in PvP comes with its spell burst potential (especially paired with Dismount).

If this is for PvM, the spec will not perform as well as Chiv, but can still be fun to mess around with. You will have to make sacrifices somewhere, even on a Legacy mare. You will not be able to get full 120 scrolls, 700 Str, 20/10/30 Regens, 600 Hits etc.

To get a necromare to 700 Str, 20/10/30 Regens, 150 Dex/Stam, 365 Resists, and Full 120 Scrolls, costs between 4470-4620 points (out of 4503). 4470 is assuming the Nightmare is the best possible legacy spawn with max resists, 4620 would be a low-end legacy. That is without touching Hits, Mana, or adding a special move.

The most common place to cut from would be HPR, Magery/Necro scrolls, or Tactics scrolls. As SouthPaw mentioned, you want to naturally raise Dex/Stam to 125 first to save as many points as possible.


Lore Master
The key here is taking the time to get a 2 slot that has the best HP/STR/Resists you can find. You'll need every point you can get. Could take awhile.

Like khyro was saying, you might need to skip HP regen, and maybe even stamina regen. Those are very expensive.
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Apologies to all, I should have been more clear. I intend to tame a new, currently spawning 2 slot mare. I’ll hope for 300 hp and 300 str or as close to that as I can find.
I will not waste either of my 2 slot legacy mares on this.

Thanks Southpaw, that is helpful info.
And Khyro, you pretty much nailed it. I’m looking for something to mess around with. As for scrolling, I’ll either go no scrolls or very little scrolling, like a few things but no plans to waste too many on this.

I might even throw dismount on instead of AI, as I do go to Fel once in a while. So while I don’t actively PvP it could still be handy in case I do PvP down the road.


Stratics Veteran
You really just need to preplan it out and know what you are giving up. Necromares are one of the pets you cannot wing in the training process.

you get 4503 points. I am usually careful how and when I even train dex and stam in these to make the best use of points.

Necro costs 1501, leaving you with 3002 to pick:

(these stats are what people normally would pick on an animal, bold are possible suggestions for a necromage, you won't have room for a majority of scrolls without sacrificing Str )
300 HP (900) (probably try for 100 hp instead)
400 Str (1200) and 370 int (123) OR 350 str (1050) and 700 int (288)
20 hp (360)
10 stam (120)
30 mana (360)
Resists (525 for a midrange resist Nightmare)

Wrest (200) (maybe try for 110 for 100)
Tactics (200)
RS, Foc, Med, Anat, Parry (100)
Necro (100)
Spirit Speak (200)
Magery (100)
Eval (200)
Base damage (35)
Dex (3)
Stam (13)
300-400 mana (150-200)
Special Move (100)

You could go for less str to make more room for scrolls and you really should have some stam regen, especially if a pvp pet. It's an extremely tight spec, and even just a couple points can make a difference. One of the first pets I trained after 97 was a new spawned necromage nightmare.
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Well, that was easy. I went to the forest outside of Doom and the very first mare had 310 hp and 314 str and is a 2 slot. So that step is done. Just going to wait for bonding, then I’ll get her skills going before I start formal training.

I do appreciate your thoughts on scrolling Khaelor, I just don’t think I’ll actually do that for this mare. I will try to plan out this build before I start, so I can see how she’ll look at the end of the training.


Stratics Veteran
Well, that was easy. I went to the forest outside of Doom and the very first mare had 310 hp and 314 str and is a 2 slot. So that step is done. Just going to wait for bonding, then I’ll get her skills going before I start formal training.

I do appreciate your thoughts on scrolling Khaelor, I just don’t think I’ll actually do that for this mare. I will try to plan out this build before I start, so I can see how she’ll look at the end of the training.
The list I listed wasnt what to go for, just what is typically desired on an animal, the only scroll i really suggested was a lower wrestling (bold was my suggestions). It doesnt have the points otherwise without sacrificing int/str.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
So I ran some quick numbers and except for resists, which I can’t guess at the moment. It looks like 400 hp (might be a little higher once I see resists), 650 str, 700 int, 400 mana, regens and dismount. So ya, you are so right Khaelor, it is a very tight template.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Sorry I didn't get back to this sooner. I completed the first round of training today and worked up a plan.
NM necromage.PNG
This is with the hope that I don't need more then 40 points for the base damage increase. TBH, I'm not really digging this.

So I came up with this idea on the fly. Pardon the mess of the plan, I was projecting through 3 trainings. *note* the magery scroll is a place holder for chiv.
NM chiv.PNG
I find myself liking this plan more. I have 700 STR, 550 HP, light scrolling (110's) and 120 chiv (in plan it's 120 magery, same price). With 90 points leftover, that is more then enough to cover the base damage increase. 3 rounds equals 4503 points to work with :)
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Not really, no.
I’m at a loss. I find myself asking how important is str in a necromage and if I can get by with less. I’m thinking I can lower str and raise hp by the same amount and maybe then I will feel better about this build. However, if str is worth having higher, then maybe I am better off with a chiv/AI build. I remember Khaelor saying I should be ok with like 400 str. So maybe I will still go with it. But I have a trip coming very soon, so I doubt I’ll get to this pet anytime before that .


Stratics Veteran
Not really, no.
I’m at a loss. I find myself asking how important is str in a necromage and if I can get by with less. I’m thinking I can lower str and raise hp by the same amount and maybe then I will feel better about this build. However, if str is worth having higher, then maybe I am better off with a chiv/AI build. I remember Khaelor saying I should be ok with like 400 str. So maybe I will still go with it. But I have a trip coming very soon, so I doubt I’ll get to this pet anytime before that .
When I said 400 str, i was talking about in addition to the spawning str of the nightmare, making it around 700. Despite having magicals, melee hits would still do a majority of damage for this spec. As for PvP necromares, they have been nerfed since last patch greatly, unknown if it is intentional or not. But I would not bother with one for PvP right now.

Khyro has a legacy one over on TC if you want to try it out to see if its what you think it would be. Don't recall his build offhand.


Stratics Veteran
This is my Necromare: Pet Intensity Calculator | Necromare

I am happy to copy it to TC if you want to mess around with it. It's built on a Legacy though, and you can see how tight the points are. Built on an extremely good current spawning 2-slot, you would have to give up another ~800 or so intensity. It also has Dismount, AI would be better for PvM.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thanks for the offer Khyro but I think I’ll pass.

Khaelor, thank you as well.

I had since the release of pub 97 had a crazy desire for a necro or necromage mare. But I see now that it would be a waste of a mare to build one. The build is just too tight and it appears there is no value in building one. I’ll consider the above plan “B” for this mare.


Lore Master
I was thinking of making one, but just came to the same conclusion. Tsuki wolves get around 900 more training points even though they're 3 slots, necro only costs 1 point and they start with around 450 HP and STR and they're still short on points. A necro mare would be even worse off, which is hard to imagine.
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Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I suspect that ossein rams were intended to be ridable, and for the purpose of being a necromage type pet.
But for some reason they never made them ridable.

If you look at the ossein graphics they were made in the same size and shape as other mounts.


Lore Master
Maybe I’ll grab a ram for my garg tamer and mess with that a little
If you're looking for a necro pet Tsuki Wolfs get the most training points all together, but they still don't get quite enough. If hell hounds could get to 5 slot they would be the best necro pet. I wish they would make Tsuki Wolf spawn as 2 slot and maybe str/hp get cut in half after training. That would give them the extra points they need.