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Returning Player LF help with Prepatch Mare and WW


Stratics Veteran
As title, I'm a returning player from ML and I'm looking for a little help with training up my mare and ww. Both mare and ww were high end (4.3+ pet rating) when tamed, mare is also trained a fair bit already so has Dex, int, stam and mana all at 125. I myself am running a Necro/Tamer template that includes Veterinary.

Currently I have a run-of-the-mill Cu Sidhe that I use for basically everything and a second that is waiting to bond before being made into a "solo - tank" spec with Feignt, AoE, high Hp and HP regen and poisoning. The second cu is basically designed for soloing Lady Mel since this is my gold farming strat as a Necro/Tamer.

A few options of templates would be very helpful but I'm thinking of replacing my run of the mill Cu with the Nightmare. So going to 3 "core" pets with WW, Mare and Tank cu.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Currently I have a run-of-the-mill Cu Sidhe that I use for basically everything and a second that is waiting to bond before being made into a "solo - tank" spec with Feignt, AoE, high Hp and HP regen and poisoning.
I'd avoid putting Poisoning on the second Cu. The more abilities a pet knows, the less it'll use each individual ability. A Cu with Bleed, Feint, AoE and Poisoning, will rarely use Feint.
As a Necro/Tamer, the Fire Beetle synergizes very well with that template. Your Corpse Skin casts will lower the opponent's Fire Resist by 15, which will improve the Fire Beetle's damage output. The Fire Beetle can have RC+AI, and if you really want, Poisoning and Exploding Goo as well (although it'd use RC less frequently with 4 abilities).


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
I'm sure you meant 3 core tamers with 42 pets each. Not just 3 pets. The horror!