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Can you Herd while hidden/stealthed?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can herd in animal form while stealthed. Critters with high detect hidden can reveal you (probably won’t get revealed herding rabbits, but get a few greater dragons behind you and you might).

Picus at the office

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I built a herder for the old faction days. Minax use to fill the base with random critters but a stealth herder could push them in to the rear of the base, was fun but totally useless skill. Can't even remember how I raised it.....hmm.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I too have a stealth herder... it can be a hoot to herd 6 or 8 greater dragons up to someone doing the rikky spawn during level 4.


Crazed Zealot
What is the use of herding though, since you really cannot control the GD etc. and commanded to attack etc?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
What is the use of herding though, since you really cannot control the GD etc. and commanded to attack etc?
my uses
  • get feathers from Harpy cave- get oaks spawn up to the Kirin and heard as many as you can into he harpy cave.
  • turn in for cities heard as many animals as you can to the turn in character either turn in the animal or kill and donate the hides at the spot
  • herd the tamable pet you want to a less hostile location
  • annoyance- Gather as many animals as possible and and just wander the lands collecting more as you go
I use the herding when I get bored from time to time


Stratics Veteran
My ninja had herding stoned. I swap it all the time when people are on their tamers and need some help. Fire beetles in the shadow ele cave can be herded to the opening. GDs can be herded away from other things and be peaced/lored easier when not fighting 5 things at once.

Caitlyn Snow

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Stratics Veteran
I have it on my stealther. Allows me to heard Najas to a more secluded area so I can tame them. Have used to it herd some nice Cus away from changelings (especially the paragons). Can be used for many things.

Honestly best for luring stuff away from hot zones, but it’s honestly easier to Aggro a monster and drag it down. Just takes timing and skill to keep from being slaughtered in certain areas.


Crazed Zealot
I have it on my stealther. Allows me to heard Najas to a more secluded area so I can tame them. Have used to it herd some nice Cus away from changelings (especially the paragons). Can be used for many things.

Honestly best for luring stuff away from hot zones, but it’s honestly easier to Aggro a monster and drag it down. Just takes timing and skill to keep from being slaughtered in certain areas.
Yup.. Like with fire steeds in the Fire dungeon..


UO Forum Moderator
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A former Stratics staffer used to use Herding to PK on Siege - they'd work the Ilshenar Oaks champ up to kirins and unicorns, then herd them to the tunnel from Spirituality gate, to let them block, then kill, any negative karma character coming through the gate to go to Oaks, Blood Dungeon or the Twisted Weald. The animals would do the work - all they had to do was stealth, and wait for corpses to loot.


Crazed Zealot
A former Stratics staffer used to use Herding to PK on Siege - they'd work the Ilshenar Oaks champ up to kirins and unicorns, then herd them to the tunnel from Spirituality gate, to let them block, then kill, any negative karma character coming through the gate to go to Oaks, Blood Dungeon or the Twisted Weald. The animals would do the work - all they had to do was stealth, and wait for corpses to loot.
Thats pretty sneaky..lol..Who would have thought this..Also would NOT get murder counts?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Fun to gather every animal on Ice Island into one tiny location...

Also, fun to move all the dragons in Destard up to the cave entrance...

Can be fun to stealth about with some sort of animal following you around and just walk around people having it do weird unusual patterns...

Useful to get squirrels out of the labyrinth to where you can tame it somewhere safe...

Same for getting the Reptalons...

Also good to sit somewhere and make the animals come to you and stay with you instead of following them all around willy nilly...