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Healing on CuSidhe

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Went through and finally dropped the gold to get the scrolls for my Cu. Got everything to 120 so far except Healing and Chiv (I don’t count detect hidden).
Chiv I can train as I use. Not so worried about it.

But healing is ridiculous. Used rotting corpses to get to 95. But I’ve plateaued. It won’t go further, and I’ve tried everything, including using discord on it. It will knock everything else down, except healing. And it still won’t gain further.
Is anyone else having this issue?

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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have my elf discord guildies pets so they can gain healing. While I play another account. Still takes many hours.

He thinks using Dimetrasaurs work and he says all stop so they don't cure with chiv. He has gotten many skills to 120 this way. But we play 6 hours a day or more.

I Hate skilling!

I have one that is stuck at 110 healing. I think that's my highest.

But they do heal better above 100.

There are lots of pets with all 120 skills on LS. Not mine.

I can the melees and magics to 120 with lots of killing stuff.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
My problem is that when I use discord on it, it doesn’t drop the skill.

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Crazed Zealot
My problem is that when I use discord on it, it doesn’t drop the skill.

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Yes but discorded, other skills drop, that cause the Cu to heal more frequently. Also you need to "all stop" it so it will hopefully stop using Chiv heals, and use bandies instead. It just takes very long to train healing so much so that lots people kinda give up on it..

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I do. I do all stop and stay and let a gaggle of rotting corpses whack on it for hours. It’s only using bandages but hasn’t gained in 2 hours.

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Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Dimmies work.
Discord your pet. Resist to poison goes down so you take more damage. Pet wont keep up healing just with chiv alone so it uses both healing and chiv.

Gains in both chiv and healing, so you can gain chiv to 120 and healing. Usually end up with healing finishing sooner on mine. Ive done... a few chiv cu's by now :)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Grab 4 dimes. I won't go into details but you Use teleport spell. Right before whisper you let the mana regen. Still takes hours.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I’m fine grinding if I see some results. But it just stopped altogether. I’ll try the Dimes when I get home from work


Stratics Veteran
Good evening Snow, or should I say killer frost.. love the name btw =^-^= Thought I would share a few methods we have been using to get our pets to 120 healing... it can take abit of time but will work ... first make sure if the cu has chiv or any other school of magic with a poison cure/cleanse that you all stop the pet.. this makes it only use healing and will insure it only uses that skill for max gains.. The most effective way I've found for training healing is stoning one of your skills off and putting the skill poison on your tamer.. then stand right on top of the cu with it all stopped and spam the spell posion on it.. If you have a friend that can discord the pet I've seen this way take about 12-30 hours depending on RNG and whisper gains it can be abit dicey but works very well.. without the discord it took us about 70ish hour to get from GM to 120... If you don't have poison skills but have a friend or guild with a poison pet(especially with the new changes to pet poison) this can be very effective too.. its not as sustained as a player casting it..but still leads the way for good gains.. The key thing is make sure to use whisper as soon as its up.. some of the other ways I was going to write have already been posted it seems.. I hope this helps.. if ya have anymore questions feel free to post or ask here.. good gains .. and once again.. love the name =^-^=

P.S. just fast tip as well.. the spider boss navrey is a great way to train it from 80ish to 110.. and gives the chance at tangles.. great way to shot the breeze with friends and help other gains % and skills too..and will easily take your pet to 120 in all other skills =^-^=
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Don! Ill be back Saturday night. I hope you are feeling better.

Like Don said, a guy on LS has slimes that poison. He discords on another another account and gains healing that way.

Was tequila night here in Mexico. I hope my auto correct is working.


Stratics Veteran
Good evening my friend, Be safe, have fun and we await your return.. pulled some scalis up tonight... was good fun... The roids they have me on seem to be very effective thank you.. so Ive been out of bed abit more the last few days.. ... once ya get back we should all blow the doors off some peerless and just celebrate your return proper =^-^=
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Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Good evening Snow, or should I say killer frost.. love the name btw =^-^= Thought I would share a few methods we have been using to get our pets to 120 healing... it can take abit of time but will work ... first make sure if the cu has chiv or any other school of magic with a poison cure/cleanse that you all stop the pet.. this makes it only use healing and will insure it only uses that skill for max gains.. The most effective way I've found for training healing is stoning one of your skills off and putting the skill poison on your tamer.. then stand right on top of the cu with it all stopped and spam the spell posion on it.. If you have a friend that can discord the pet I've seen this way take about 12-30 hours depending on RNG and whisper gains it can be abit dicey but works very well.. without the discord it took us about 70ish hour to get from GM to 120... If you don't have poison skills but have a friend or guild with a poison pet(especially with the new changes to pet poison) this can be very effective too.. its not as sustained as a player casting it..but still leads the way for good gains.. The key thing is make sure to use whisper as soon as its up.. some of the other ways I was going to write have already been posted it seems.. I hope this helps.. if ya have anymore questions feel free to post or ask here.. good gains .. and once again.. love the name =^-^=

P.S. just fast tip as well.. the spider boss navrey is a great way to train it from 80ish to 110.. and gives the chance at tangles.. great way to shot the breeze with friends and help other gains % and skills too..and will easily take your pet to 120 in all other skills =^-^=
Thanks for the info. Will try this as well but I don’t have poisoning so I may have to add it to one of characters soon.

And bout the name, you’re the first person who go the reference (-;


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings we found out tonight thatusing a bane draggy after feeding it blackrock stew works. We had been using a rune beetle and a dime against cu that was discorded but found the bane after feedin him stew was able to do it by his self does still takes time but gets it done. We would redline then pull it off only killed cu once and this was a cu with chiv and healing,. Now Wife has to help me do mine as i helped her with hers Good Luck All


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My problem is that when I use discord on it, it doesn’t drop the skill.

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Discord actually does cause Healing to lower, it just doesn't display it. For Cus, normally Healing stops gaining from healing damage at 90.0, after that point it needs to cure Poison to gain. However, if you Discord the Cu, it'll still display the same amount of Healing skill, but it'll start gaining Healing skill from healing damage again. With 120 Discord affecting your Cu, it can go up to 120.0 Healing just from healing damage. One or two Wind Eles in Shame work well for raising the healing on a discorded Cu.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Discord actually does cause Healing to lower, it just doesn't display it. For Cus, normally Healing stops gaining from healing damage at 90.0, after that point it needs to cure Poison to gain. However, if you Discord the Cu, it'll still display the same amount of Healing skill, but it'll start gaining Healing skill from healing damage again. With 120 Discord affecting your Cu, it can go up to 120.0 Healing just from healing damage. One or two Wind Eles in Shame work well for raising the healing on a discorded Cu.
Great info! I was worried my doggy was broken. I got it up to 100.0 taming two dimes and releasing them in front of my house. It’s private so they can’t get in and I stuck the dog on the front porch and stoned off mage and put 120 mystic on and used stone form so I wasn’t affected. Just turned on consume and watched tv while feeding him every five minutes. Got me from 95.1 to 100.0 in about two hours constantly hitting the whispering every time I could.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Great info! I was worried my doggy was broken. I got it up to 100.0 taming two dimes and releasing them in front of my house. It’s private so they can’t get in and I stuck the dog on the front porch and stoned off mage and put 120 mystic on and used stone form so I wasn’t affected. Just turned on consume and watched tv while feeding him every five minutes. Got me from 95.1 to 100.0 in about two hours constantly hitting the whispering every time I could.
Be careful.
Some asshats like to run around and petition people who dont stare at their screen 24/7.

GM's are sometimes triggerhappy and think this is "unattended macroing". So dumb.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Be careful.
Some asshats like to run around and petition people who dont stare at their screen 24/7.

GM's are sometimes triggerhappy and think this is "unattended macroing". So dumb.

Lol my Second Monitor runs my Netflix when I’m training so it is ok no way unattended. I get a bit of satisfaction when I can prove out the Grieferz.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use two accounts. First account is the tamer with cu, I stone off vet and stone on poisoning (GM) onto the tamer. All stop, all stay. Second account has disco. I disco cu with second account, stand within two tiles on tamer account and cast poison. You want to hit "pet looks extremely ill" at least once a minute or so. Use whisper as much as your level allows. Takes to 120 as fast as anything I've found. This is NOT an unattended activity. You CAN kill the Cu if you walk away.