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Taming - Pack instinct and 5 slots


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I haven't tried to work any pack instinct pets and instead been working my pets all up to 5 slot single pet tanks.

Are any of you taming up 2 and 3 slot creatures to hold there for the pack instinct pets? If so what are you pets and setups?



Lore Master
To take full advantage of pack instinct you'll want to use 5 level 1 pets. If you level 1 of them up to 2 or 3 slots the damage increase of pack instinct decreases to an amount less than you gain by leveling the pet. Most people have used 5 wolf spiders or 5 hell hounds for this. Works best if you have a friend with a pet that can tank the mob for you.


UO Forum Moderator
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To take full advantage of pack instinct you'll want to use 5 level 1 pets. If you level 1 of them up to 2 or 3 slots the damage increase of pack instinct decreases to an amount less than you gain by leveling the pet. Most people have used 5 wolf spiders or 5 hell hounds for this. Works best if you have a friend with a pet that can tank the mob for you.
Next best would 3 1-slots, with a 4th on of the same type optimized by the level of training to a tank (HP, Resists, Base Damage, maybe some HP regen and mana, leaving skills and abilities alone other than maybe adding AI to compensate for not having the 5th pet). You lose about 1/4 of the pack firepower (the 1/5 of the 5th pet, plus the pack bonuses to all from the difference between 4 & 5), but you gain a more reliable tank for hunting alone.

You can, if you have the slots, always just have 6 of the pets (5 1-slot and the one 2-slot), so you can change out from 5 to 3+1, or back, as your hunting situation calls for it. I wouldn't do more than one to 2-slot, in any event.

Flexibility is the key


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
The "As One" Mastery ability will split damage between all the pets. Thing is though, you can't AoE heal pets (most you can heal is two at a time, vet one as you G-Heal another), and "As One" hogs Mana like mad, there is no sustaining it for long periods. Peace or Provo Mastery would probably help more with 5 packs than Taming Mastery will.

Caitlyn Snow

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
The only time I’ve found much uses for the pack instinct battle form was the Frenzied Ostard 5 pack. Would use a tank on another client, and use the ostards for the DPS. But wolf spiders with their poisoning come a close second. Depends on the scenario.
If you’re just starting out and don’t have the money to use a Mythic token to start a tamer, these can come in handing while hunting lower level stuff while you’re building up.
My best scenario was the five ostards during Treasures of Tokuno long ago. Slayed orcs and beetles lightning quick as a young tamer.