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Opinions on best pet for level 7 maps


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AI/RC giant beetle. Can carry the loot also.
What I use as well. Occasionally, though, if you get too many AW/GD/FD simultaneously, you can run into issues trying to keep ANY pet alive, if the spawn are stubborn and cluster around the chest to where you can't lure them out from the others to solo each one. I once had a map on Tram Buc's Den that was a level 6, but had 4 AW, 3 GD (or was it 5 AW & 2 GD?) and a Balron, and by the time I managed to single them out and kill them all, the chest loot despawned.

Next best option might be a Disco/AI (or similar) Cu for the initial spawn, then before starting the chest looting go back and get the 5-slot giant beetle, as it can handle individual spawn.


Babbling Loonie
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What I use as well. Occasionally, though, if you get too many AW/GD/FD simultaneously, you can run into issues trying to keep ANY pet alive, if the spawn are stubborn and cluster around the chest to where you can't lure them out from the others to solo each one. I once had a map on Tram Buc's Den that was a level 6, but had 4 AW, 3 GD (or was it 5 AW & 2 GD?) and a Balron, and by the time I managed to single them out and kill them all, the chest loot despawned.
A Saurosaurus with 85 Physical/90 Fire Resist would've laughed at that spawn, especially with Consume Damage running at same time. They wouldn't be able to scratch the Saurosaurus, but it would take awhile to kill the spawn though without you having Discord, lol.
Due to the 85 Physical/90 Fire and Life Leech, Saurosaurus make for Supreme Tanks against most kinds of Dragons.
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Keith of Sonoma

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I use either a Chiv/AI Lesser Hiryu, or a Chiv/AI Reptalon (who "came from the factory" as a 2 slot). I also teleport back to a pre-marked spot a couple of screens away when they "pop", and wade back in to pick them off 1 or 2 at a time. I, personally, have had trouble on occasion with a Giant Beetle against a combo of AW's, GD's, and Frost Dragons. With the Hiryu and the Reptalon, not nearly as much.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I use my peacer tamer coupled with my provo thunter and use a Disco/AI Cu....


Seasoned Veteran
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What I use as well. Occasionally, though, if you get too many AW/GD/FD simultaneously, you can run into issues trying to keep ANY pet alive, if the spawn are stubborn and cluster around the chest to where you can't lure them out from the others to solo each one. I once had a map on Tram Buc's Den that was a level 6, but had 4 AW, 3 GD (or was it 5 AW & 2 GD?) and a Balron, and by the time I managed to single them out and kill them all, the chest loot despawned.

Next best option might be a Disco/AI (or similar) Cu for the initial spawn, then before starting the chest looting go back and get the 5-slot giant beetle, as it can handle individual spawn.
Yea that sucks I had a lvl 7 in tokuno where the guardian spawn was like 4-5 yamadons and by the time I managed to drop them all and get back to the chest it was empty it was in a bad location too lots of dread spiders and undead