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Is there such a thing as “fake” Bushido on a Hiryu?


Just wondering really hard..
If I learn bladeweave on a Hiryu and gained the Bushido Ability, Is that real or fake Bushido. Assuming I do not choose another magical ability after this.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have never chose Bladeweave because the only good thing it does is AI. And you can get AI alone and then Bushido.

The answer to your question is: They do not get real Bushido abilities with Bladeweave. You can put Bushido on after bladeweave for 1 point since you already paid for Bushido.

I don't know if this is new or how it has always been.

So, a Hiryu can get Fake bushido.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Why not pick AI and then bushido? You get real bushido and a free move, whirlwind.
The way I see it, that is better then fake bushido and abilities you may not when you just might be after AI

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I call it "Bushido Lite" LOL. The Bushido is there just to enable the bladeweave, or the WW. But it doesn't do anything else. Like @Pawain says, I choose AI, and then choose Bushido on some of my hiryu's, and they do pretty good damage. Not like a Chiv one, BUT, the WW does "area effect" damage as well. I use one on the roof, to negate the extra damage from a Chiv Hiryu's EoO.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We chose AI/ Bushido on Hiryus and Lessers in the beginning for the Defensive increases. They are tanks compared to the un trained pets. But we tried Chiv next and the Bushido ones stayed in the stable. Then we went the kill them fast route and who cares about defense. Offense is the best Defense.


Thanks everyone for the concise answers.
Just before Pawain's reply I was planning a Cu with Bushido (for the blocking bonus) maybe via Feint

I was thinking it would be amazing with 120 Scrolls and Healing+Feint/Bushido+whatever else.

Is that really a terrible idea? I have a scrolled AI/Chiv Cu for an offensive build and now thinking of a defensive build.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks everyone for the concise answers.
Just before Pawain's reply I was planning a Cu with Bushido (for the blocking bonus) maybe via Feint

I was thinking it would be amazing with 120 Scrolls and Healing+Feint/Bushido+whatever else.

Is that really a terrible idea? I have a scrolled AI/Chiv Cu for an offensive build and now thinking of a defensive build.
Only Tokuno pets can get the extra spells/abilities from bushido or ninjitsu.
A cu will not get the defense bonus.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought a cu would still benefit from the passive parry bonus from Bushido?
There was a rumor that they did get that at first. But the design is they just get the ability you choose which requires ninja or bushido.

Notice they do not get lighting strike and bushido is not on the black lore and knowledge screen.

But if you have evidence please relay that.