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[Auction] AMAZING No-Name Sampire 2360 Luck suit - Auction Ends Sunday 7/22


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Reserve 600m

Auction ends Sunday 6pm EST.
10 minute rule applies

2360 Luck with Luck Weapon
2170 Luck with Slayer/AI weap
1980 Luck with 2 handed Whirlwind weapon

Arties Included:
Minax Sandles
5 DCI Sash
Lucky Talisman
400 Luck Jewel Ring/Brac set

Suit uses but does not include:
Despicable Quiver
Luck garb


Char stats (pre mastery, any mastery can be used, weapon, parry, necro, etc)

Full Stats:

Suit Refined Resists/caps
74/74 Physical
74/74 Fire (even after vamp form)
74/74 Cold
73/74 Poison
72/76 Energy

51 Hit Chance (with shield, 46 without shield)
24 Defense Chance (Refine for 28 DCI Cap, 74/74/74/74/76 resist caps
100 Damage Inc (95 suit, 5 AI weap, 40 whirlwind weap)
20 Swing Speed
50 Lower Reag Cost (getting into vamp form easy)
49 Lower Mana cost
8 Mana Regen
7 Hit Point Regen
12 Stamina Regen
32 Mana Increase
25 Stamina Increase
24 Hit Point Increase
16 Intel
9 Strength
5 Dex
12 Kinetic Eater
15 Fire eater
12 Damage Eater
45 Reflect Physical Damage
2360 Luck

Char Stats and Weaps (weaps not included, stats before mastery selection)

134 Str + 24 HPI
130 Dex - 155 Stamina
26 Intel - 78 Mana

Recommended weapon setup:

War axe:
Super Slayer
5 Damage Inc
190 Luck
Max Mana Leech
Max Stam Leech

War Axe:
Super Slayer
5 Damage Inc
50 Hit Lower Defense/Hit Spell
Max Mana Leech
Max Stam Leech

Black Staffs:
Super Slayer
40 Damage Inc
50 Hit Area
Max Mana Leech
Max Stam Leech


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't get the info I was looking for. I sold a few items to pplwho made nice offers, don't plan on selling any others. Could still sell the archer suit, but not for prices ppl are suggesting.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't get the info I was looking for. I sold a few items to pplwho made nice offers, don't plan on selling any others. Could still sell the archer suit, but not for prices ppl are suggesting.
Hmm, OK. I wish I had known you were going to piece it out. :( No worries though.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What skills for this suit ?
However you wanna set it up. I'd recommend something like this:

120 mace
120 tactics
100 resist
100 necro
50 bushido
105 chiv
120 parry
10 archery



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ends today - if you want a real farming suit that can do anything, this is it