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Lesser PS then higher one later?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I wanted to do a bunch of 120s on my pet as my end goal, could I add a 105 (or 110 or 115), then train it up then add the 120? Or do I have to add the 120 first only.
Because I don't have the high power scrolls right now but tons of littles. :D
You can use scroll binders.
Yeah, I know about the binders, but I don't have that many littles. :D

Thank you pet people. :D


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I wanted to do a bunch of 120s on my pet as my end goal, could I add a 105 (or 110 or 115), then train it up then add the 120? Or do I have to add the 120 first only.
You can add the smaller ones first and then the 120s later. Just remember to leave points spare.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I seen how they were x amount per 5 points and then just just multiplied, thank you @DJAd!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think people don't do it, because they don't want to risk messing up their pet at the final stage by miscalculating the points, or they would rather wait than expend the scrolls twice.

Maybe you could apply the lesser scrolls earlier at a lower level, if that was a concern. If it is an irreplaceable pet, it makes sense to me to be extra careful.


Stratics Veteran
Good morning, Its ok to add the lesser PS.. just be sure to sandbag a few more points then you really need for the 120s.. as sometimes you get hit by what we call the round up bug.. where it still only cost like 600-800(hiryus-mares,banes,dreads) to add them all but requires you have a few points over that amount to add them like 610-810... ..then once you add the final 120s you just spend the left overs.. bare in mind that wrest,tactics,eval,ss, are 50 per 5 points or 200 for 120, magery,bush,nerco,chiv ,ect are 25 per 5 or 100 for 120 and RS,anat,parry,healing,med,focus are 5 per 5..so 20 for 120.. so on like a lesser or greater hiryu with a school of magic you would want to save 620ish... 600 for all the skills and the 20 just to play it safe in case of round up bug.. No matter what the total amount required to add 120s will be the same.. so if ya add the 105-115 first its still will only = 600 on a hiryu and 800 on a mare/bane... Just don't forget on cus there is an extra 20 from 120 healing.. so don't forget that ..I hope this helps.. if ya have anymore questions feel free to post or ask.. =^-^=

P.s. edited this abit to make it ezier to understand.. I really should stop trying to post after the meds kick in..lol
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