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Most defensive/tankish build


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Hi everyone
Any thoughts on what would be able to take the most amount of punishment? Just sit there and take it. Of course it would matter what you're fighting...
It would have to be something with healing on it... T-top, Cu? Lion?
Chivalry would assist in healing, curing, remove curse etc...
Then I feel nagas are immune to getting hurt...
Has anyone experimented?
Would appreciate your input :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Then I feel nagas are immune to getting hurt...
...bloody feelings about things that nobody knows that it even exists *shakes head, sighing*

... But I'll bite ...

Get a 4-slot greater dragon with 85/90 phys/fire and train it up with max hit point regen - put a full bard (4x120 bard skills) behind that tamer (with vol.3 taming mastery) dragon couple and let the bard play the peace mastery songs forever - oh before I forget it - the dragon should have some skills overcapped as well - like aim for 125+ wrestling, tactics, RS ...

or ... get a T-top - sorry but I couldn't resist again - I mean a Triceratops with healing - train / replace the 'native' piercing with battle defense - train / scroll up all to the max - tamer should be a gargoyle with legendary throwing & 90 tactics and vol.3 taming mastery - use same bard behind the tamer / pet couple as described above ...

... should keep you busy for a tad bit ...

[EDIT][RANT]... if you want them to be immune to getting hurt, stay in your trammel house with said couples forever AND stay un-guilded ... [/RANT][/EDIT]


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Thank you for contributing to the thread. Cheers :)

Get a 4-slot greater dragon with 85/90 phys/fire and train it up with max hit point regen - put a full bard (4x120 bard skills) behind that tamer (with vol.3 taming mastery) dragon couple and let the bard play the peace mastery songs forever - oh before I forget it - the dragon should have some skills overcapped as well - like aim for 125+ wrestling, tactics, RS ...

or ... get a T-top - sorry but I couldn't resist again - I mean a Triceratops with healing - train / replace the 'native' piercing with battle defense - train / scroll up all to the max - tamer should be a gargoyle with legendary throwing & 90 tactics and vol.3 taming mastery - use same bard behind the tamer / pet couple as described above ...


Stratics Veteran
... But I'll bite ...

or ... get a T-top - sorry but I couldn't resist again - I mean a Triceratops with healing - train / replace the 'native' piercing with battle defense - train / scroll up all to the max - tamer should be a gargoyle with legendary throwing & 90 tactics and vol.3 taming mastery - use same bard behind the tamer / pet couple as described above ...
I have a "T-Top" with battle defense. I enjoy using her.


Stratics Veteran
My intention is not for the tank to defend me, or reduce my damage, or shell out damage, only intention is for it to take a beating.

Yes, but that is also very vague request. What type of pet and abilities would also depend on what you intend to fight. What might work as a tank on one fight could possibly not on another.

You may want to look into a Saurosaurus or a healing pet with feint.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A Ki rin has enough points for battle defense. They also can just take damage from a couple of things and stay at full health, plus you can ride them. Also whatever pet, use 120 parry scroll.

But unless you provide more info, you will get generic answers.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My Ki rin had 1 GD and 3 dragons on him and he just kept full life. He has 20HPR.

So generically any battle defense pet is a good absorber up to a point I suppose.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My wolf spider was a good tank against my 100% poison damage bow. When I changed to a 100% physical bow he died in 2 hits.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Naja's are great since they cannot be Poisoned or Cursed, bang on 20 HPR for added healing, though to be honest unless you use 120 scrolls you will max everything on a Naja anyway and still have like 600 points left over.
Now the problem comes with the DPS part, I agree with others that there are just too many variables and pets need to be designed with a specific mob in mind.
The naja is defo the pet you can leave in Navrey while you go make a brew, but don't expect it to kill one solo without a long wait. It's damage is physical/poison which is Navrey's 2 best resists.
They do well fighting against the dino's but again....damage to resist conflicts.

Only real advice is you can have a general all round "average" pet, or you make them for a single mob in mind.
Go lore the mob you want to kill and fight it some to find out its weaknesses then design a pet around it.
Some mobs do well against melee but weak against magic and vice versa. ;)