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Pet leveling and control


Lore Master
I leveled up my first uni today and training went well, no mistakes. However I’ve noticed it disobeys me now and it didn’t before. Is this normal? Maybe 20% disobey now. I have 110 taming/lore. Now it’s 3 slot and I’m thinking if it gets worse on the next level up I risk it going wild.

The Doctor

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Should be able to tell on the lore screen how much taming/lore is needed now that is a 3 slot it will take more than before. Keep food and feed it often, jewel up to 120 tame/lore if able.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Carry food and feed them often if you have <120. Also dont spam commands.


Stratics Veteran
I had a similar question about my platinum drake. What I've been trying (unsucessfully) to find out is if the min taming skill will increase again when it moves up to a 4 slot, or if it's already capped at 108.

Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had a similar question about my platinum drake. What I've been trying (unsucessfully) to find out is if the min taming skill will increase again when it moves up to a 4 slot, or if it's already capped at 108.
It is capped at 108 for all pets. You are at cap now. Some pets get to 108 skill req quicker than others is all.