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Pre patched WW


I got a PP WW and all trained up from 3 slots to 5 slots. Fully scrolled to 120 and a friend has another fully 120 scrolled PP WW which, after recaluating everything, has approx 740 training points more than mine. Is this normal???


Stratics Veteran
I got a PP WW and all trained up from 3 slots to 5 slots. Fully scrolled to 120 and a friend has another fully 120 scrolled PP WW which, after recaluating everything, has approx 740 training points more than mine. Is this normal???
Are they spec'd the same way? actual training points or intensity value?


there are about 2xx HP difference plus an extra special move so works out approx 740 training points


Stratics Veteran
what exactly does each wyrm have, special moves, magics, regens the same?


the other one has dragon breath, magery and force of natural. mine has magery and grasping claw


Stratics Veteran
is your friends white wyrm on a stable merchant on atlantic? I only know of one "prepatch" white wyrm on atlantic with force of nature and dragon breath and it's was exploited. That's why it has 740 more points than yours. 928 health? all 120s? 15 stam regen? 748 str? Said vendor has been trying to sell exploited pets since January. It's also a horribly spec'd white wyrm to begin with.

A properly trained TRUE prepatch white wyrm with all 120 scrolls will have between 600 - 750ish hits (depending on if you replace magery or not with chiv and if you give it 1 or 2 abilities)
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Stratics Veteran
exploited? no wonder. so it will be "fixed" by dev eventually

Yes. That white wyrm will be worthless once that fix is applied as it will reroll stats to a 4 slot with a majority of its training points already used.