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Animal Lore


Seasoned Veteran
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This will probably sound silly but I’m going to ask anyway. Besides taming things and using vet to heal, is there any other way to gain lore? Truth is, I haven’t had to worry about such things in a very long time, but with my new tamer, I’m actually lost here, lol


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
You can use the skill directly on pets and animals by clicking the blue button on the skills menu, then targeting said pet or animal.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
This will probably sound silly but I’m going to ask anyway. Besides taming things and using vet to heal, is there any other way to gain lore? Truth is, I haven’t had to worry about such things in a very long time, but with my new tamer, I’m actually lost here, lol
Vet would be your best bet
Low vet, lock it, then vet away


Vet would be your best bet
Low vet, lock it, then vet away
This worked well on one of the legendary tamers I recently built for my wife’s account. I also got good gains from curing poison and rez’ing a pet on the tamer that she wanted legendary vet skill on. (Vet and lore raised at about the same pace)


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Use skill last target over and over. There are some places where the lore gump does not need to be closed each time.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Use skill last target over and over. There are some places where the lore gump does not need to be closed each time.
Not sure what you mean, as I have never run across any such spot.

Vet would be your best bet
Low vet, lock it, then vet away
How low would you suggest I have vet? I can have pretty much any level of vet from zero to 90.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I tried a blue scroll and had ok results. Went from 103.1 to 107.4. Then today tried again and ended at 108.4. So 4.3 on one blue and then 1.0 on another.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Not sure what you mean, as I have never run across any such spot.
How low would you suggest I have vet? I can have pretty much any level of vet from zero to 90.
Well, two options, with low vet would be faster gains, at least in my opinion. Only problem is that you'll need 2 fighting pets and vet high enough to keep them alive.
Second option, lock it at 80, that's what you need to rez right? And rez a guildie's pet ghost... Easier option


UO Forum Moderator
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I think the "gump doesn't need closed" actually is "you're loring the same creature over and over".

IF you try to change targets the gump interferes, but if the target's gump is the one already open, you don't run into the issue.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Well, I can only think I’m a total idiot as no matter what I try, I can’t get that lore “trick” to work. Only thing I didn’t try was to lore a wild critter over and over. I’m at 108.5, I guess I just can’t get it working for some dumb reason.

Odin of Europa

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I can only think I’m a total idiot as no matter what I try, I can’t get that lore “trick” to work. Only thing I didn’t try was to lore a wild critter over and over. I’m at 108.5, I guess I just can’t get it working for some dumb reason.
Then you're not the only idiot because I couldn't get it to work either.

Why was animal lore changed so if you lored your own pet you had to close the lore gump before you could lore another pet? Or even use another skill .. my disco tamer can't disco anything until I close the lore gump after loring my pets.:cursing:


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Well, I can only think I’m a total idiot as no matter what I try, I can’t get that lore “trick” to work. Only thing I didn’t try was to lore a wild critter over and over. I’m at 108.5, I guess I just can’t get it working for some dumb reason.
Are you trying in tokuno?

Tabby Kapak

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For us the Lore gump of own pets stays "stuck" until closed manually, but those of other's pets and monsters don't. Can keep loring a pet of someone else non-stop for gains. We haven't noticed Tokuno being different, haven't consciously tried though.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe it is just LS. I can lore my pet other pets, mobs, whatever without closing the gump. It changes to the new target. I noticed it in the Mines a long time ago. Gives you something else to do while skilling on the Eles.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also works in the slime pits in Ter Mur entry on Fire island.

For us the Lore gump of own pets stays "stuck" until closed manually,
Nope can lore a slime and then any other thing without closing.

Now you can lore without closing in Eodon also. Still cant in Trammel.
Last edited:


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
For us the Lore gump of own pets stays "stuck" until closed manually, but those of other's pets and monsters don't. Can keep loring a pet of someone else non-stop for gains. We haven't noticed Tokuno being different, haven't consciously tried though.
This was the missing piece for me. Last night (late) I gave it one last try, using a wild unicorn near the spirit gate in Ilshenar and it worked! I got to 109 in a few minutes, a .5 gain.
For the record, I tried to lore my pet in about a dozen different places throughout Tokuno, including the mine and I had to close the page to make it work. So now I have a proper path forward. Thanks for the help with this!