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Great Ape debacle

Apoc Jihn'Aru

Stratics Veteran
Ape 6 / Apoc 0
Is this gorilla killable with a tamer solo? I would like to think I'm not totally rusty behind the keyboard. lol
Ive tried LH with chiv, blue beetle and CU with AI and Discord. I cant seem to get this one under my belt. Anyone have any tips?
Tame/lore 120
Music/ Disco 120
Vet 120
Magery 80


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Takes a while. You get tossed into the Gorilla pits and he likes to play Donkey Kong He aggros you sometimes. Most Eodon things cant be discorded or provoked.

I try and take a new player there so I can chat to pass the time and if they have a GM pet they will get the prize.

Two 110 - 120ed pets are faster. His resists are lowest in Cold and Energy. A Cu and a Beetle with RC work great. Thats one reason I see if a returner has a Beetle and I take them to the mage and get the first round done.

Sess wanted to go the other day and announced in chat, we had 5 or or more on it and it dropped real fast.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You also have to be on the correct path of the quest or he cannot be hurt.


Stratics Veteran
I did it solo with a Firebeetle just last night. Was not bad. First time I tried the Big Gorilla. I was timing how long it took to see how good the pet was. Just healed and invisibles myself. Died a couple times but just ran to healer, summoned pet and ran back. Doable as solo tamer but there is some running around like Narvy. Also the barrel bomb dodging and healing was tricky until I got the hang of it.
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Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It can be done solo by a tamer. I use an AI Cu with a Mage/SW/Tamer to take him out. I lure him to the tunnel leading to the cave.. put the Cu on him. When I get pulled in the Gorilla pit I cast invis as soon as I hit the pit, run out and target myself as soon as I get out of the pit. This keeps the gorillas in the pit for the most part. When the Great Ape teleports away, I precast Gheal, find him and lure him back. When luring I continually precast Gheal (with protection on just in case) as only a couple of barrels will red line me.

Also, it is a very slow, painstaking fight with out AI on your pet imho.. and I do not want to imagine the final 25% health without WOD..


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
is the loot worth the headache? or is it worth killing only for the quest chain completion?
You can get a Kitty Cat from the completed quest line. Ill trade you Heluz and skulls for the Fire.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've never actually completed the quest.....is that adorable little kitty trainable?

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
is the loot worth the headache? or is it worth killing only for the quest chain completion?
Been a while since I have done it honestly.. but with a high luck suit you can pull some decent legendary items here and there.