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Poison pets question


Lore Master
I tamed a Scorpion last night to mess around with. Made it fight a lot of bulls and it didn't poison any of them. Do pets with natural poison skill lose it or something? Or did I just have bad luck?


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
id have to guess bad luck, pets don't lose natural poisoning


Lore Master
Apparently they rarely use poisoning despite a skill level at 85%. Lame. Maybe it will get better with higher wrestling?

Do other pets with poisoning use it more often? If I got a giant beetle and put poisoning on it (I know its only lvl 2) would it use it more often?


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I think if you maxed out your scorpion's wrestle it would attempt to use it more often. As far as other pets go, when I have put poisoning on them myself, I never notice a problem with them using it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I have a dread spider it poisons as much as it can...

But adding poison on a pet it never really gets anything more than a low poison effect even at GM.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Poisoning is currently bugged for pets that don't innately have it. If you add the Poisoning ability to a pet, like a Fire Beetle, then it'll only ever inflict Lesser Poison (Lvl 1), even if you train it up to GM Poisoning skill. It's one of the bugs that i'm hoping will be addressed with the next Publish.
In order to Poison an opponent, the pet must land a successful melee hit, so higher Wrestling skill helps. Only Venomous Bite and Poison Breath do not require a melee hit to inflict poison.


Lore Master
Got my scorpions wrestling up a bit and he poisons pretty frequently now. Just wish there was something I could train him on besides bulls and bears. He only has 70 HP and he's not bonded. I wish bonding didn't take a week; wish it would bond after an hour of hunting with it.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got my scorpions wrestling up a bit and he poisons pretty frequently now. Just wish there was something I could train him on besides bulls and bears. He only has 70 HP and he's not bonded. I wish bonding didn't take a week; wish it would bond after an hour of hunting with it.
Erm....unless you put that Scorpion in the stable for 1 week without getting him back out, he ain't never gonna bond.


Lore Master
Serious? I could swear it used to just take a week in or out of stable but people did stable so no chance of pet death.

The ostard I'm riding that I've never stabled bonded with me.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Serious? I could swear it used to just take a week in or out of stable but people did stable so no chance of pet death.

The ostard I'm riding that I've never stabled bonded with me.
You confused Phoenix man. It takes exactly one week. But you do have to feed before and a week or more later.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ha! There is no way i would risk walking around and hunting with a pet that isn't bonded.....even just for the sake that you cannot recal an un-bonded pet.
Nope, far too risky....too many "things" can happen in UO.

If you really want a scorpion as a pet, then tame 2. Put one in the stables for a week (after feeding it) and leave it there and use the other one to learn with, safe in the knowledge that after a week you will be faster training the bonded one.

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
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Erm....unless you put that Scorpion in the stable for 1 week without getting him back out, he ain't never gonna bond.
I don't think this is entirely accurate. Since I go through so many pets trying different things on multiple shards, my stable inventories are constantly changing so I have trouble keeping up with exactly when a pet hits that 1 week mark. I routinely take pets out several days before a week and feed them. Usually I'm a day or two off and they bond. I've also had smiths who have bought fire beetles, never stabled them and they'd bond eventually.

To me the only thing that seems to matter is that there needs to be exactly one week between feedings.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think this is entirely accurate. Since I go through so many pets trying different things on multiple shards, my stable inventories are constantly changing so I have trouble keeping up with exactly when a pet hits that 1 week mark. I routinely take pets out several days before a week and feed them. Usually I'm a day or two off and they bond. I've also had smiths who have bought fire beetles, never stabled them and they'd bond eventually.

To me the only thing that seems to matter is that there needs to be exactly one week between feedings.
All kinds of folklore on this. When I got yanked into this game about 17 years ago by my daughter, she taught me this: "To bond a pet, Dad, feed it 10 pieces of the proper food when you're not in a building and say "All follow me" if it starts to walk away after you feed it, then stable it, get it out every day and feed it one piece of food, say "All follow me" after feeding it, restable it and on the 7th day get it out of stables, feed it one piece of food and it will bond."
No idea where she got this idea but I will say, pets bonded exactly on the 7th day, and I respected her cause she'd been playing since beta time.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
All kinds of folklore on this. When I got yanked into this game about 17 years ago by my daughter, she taught me this: "To bond a pet, Dad, feed it 10 pieces of the proper food when you're not in a building and say "All follow me" if it starts to walk away after you feed it, then stable it, get it out every day and feed it one piece of food, say "All follow me" after feeding it, restable it and on the 7th day get it out of stables, feed it one piece of food and it will bond."
No idea where she got this idea but I will say, pets bonded exactly on the 7th day, and I respected her cause she'd been playing since beta time.
I also read the first line as.... "my daughter ganked me 17 years ago"
I was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
so read the whole thing, hehe


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since I go through so many pets trying different things on multiple shards, my stable inventories are constantly changing so I have trouble keeping up with exactly when a pet hits that 1 week mark.
One simple way to keep track is to append the date and time of the first feeding to the name of the pet.


I have often experienced a Pet failing to bond after 7 days ; and over the years I have gathered sage advice from many an elder tamer. I stick to a regime that makes me feel somewhat better when a pet fails to bond ;(knowing I have done everything I could to do it correctly)..
1. I always rename the pet with a date format that tells me when a pet is ready to bond.. present date + 7 days
eg "12-10_Naja" if I tamed a Najasaurus on Dec 3rd
2. I feed it appropriate food for its species then say "All Follow Me" after.
3. I then lore it and see if it is "Wonderfully Happy" lf not I repeat steps 2 and then 3 again.. (also making sure I am giving it appropriate food)
4. When fed, told to follow me, and passed the lore check.. then I stable it..

Even doing this I have still found the occasional pet that has failed to bond. In fact I once had a Frost mite that took over 2 weeks to bond.. which leads me to believe that some bugs may exist in this proccess.. good luck :)
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I feed them, name them like tuesSevenPM hiryu. Never had something not bond by that exact time.


Crazed Zealot
I feed them, name them like tuesSevenPM hiryu. Never had something not bond by that exact time.
Or another way is "ICECu 589 70/70 Friday" So when I look at the list in the stable I know what this pet is, its color ICEwhite, sweet 589 HPS, 70 cold and 70 energy. It gives lots of useful info including approximate price I may ask for it before I remove it from the stable, and "Friday" so I will bond it on Satturday. That ICE cu is a sweetie by the way. Prolly ask at least 5-10 M for it as is..
Oh and you can only label it like this on EC..I use EC for this and also for checking loot from my 5-slot Blue beetle. Saves time. Thats the only use I have for EC. Apologies..don't like EC mickey mouse graphiscs, and don't PvP, so CC form me is golden..I am old-fashioned and LOVE 2-d graphics...:coco:and :offtopic: as usually..
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