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Are Dreadmares good with new system? Good Build?


Stratics Veteran
Was able to recover my old old account today with my (pretty decent) dreadmare on it. Being 3 slots, are these worth putting through the pet training...or am I better off with a cu?
Do they shine in pvp or pvm better?
If so, which build would you recommend?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those are worth real $. Do not touch it until you have made 20 pets. Do not sell it for less than 600mil.

Make sure you use a legit trader if you sell it. There are ways to scam the trade window.


Crazed Zealot
I agree with Powain : They are in reality inferior to most of the trained pets, even when fully trained.
ALSO IN MY OPINION their ONLY good thing is : They are collectibles, a rare pet, that does not spawn. Collectors items. I would NOT train unless like pawain said you trained 20 +pets. Keep the pet indef. in stable, and take it out to impress pple when you feel like it. If I had one, I would do the same, OR sell for 600M-1 Plat, and use some of the $$ to restart your game, get gear, PS, etc. Have fun. By the way if you have old mares they are also RARE now, due to their stats prepatch. These also you need be careful NOT to train right away. They make nice pets. Post all your pets here for ideas and you will get (mostly) very reliable info. HAve fun and GL.
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Stratics Veteran
Thanks for the info, if I can get that much I'll probably just sell it. It's a 3.8 on the calc and I didn't start the training at all.

I have two pre patch mares, one 500 STR and one 525 str. I trained the low STR one first slot and followed the how to train pp mare guide on first page to a T


Stratics Veteran
Dreadmares can make perfectly fine pets still, but they are definitely a collector's item. If you look on the trade forums, several have been selling (or are currently for sale) for anywhere from 250m to 400m. If you can get 600m-1p for it, go for it, but that's not really a realistic number to shoot for (maybe for a 4.2+).

A 3.8 rating is pretty good, and it will depend on it's specific stats to determine how much you could get for it.


Stratics Veteran
I agree with Khaelor : They are in reality inferior to most of the trained pets, even when fully trained. Their ONLY good thing is : They are collectibles, a rare pet, that does not spawn. Collectors items. ...
Don't agree with me when I haven't even posted in this thread! I've never said they were inferior to most of the trained pets and ONLY good for one thing. I happen to have 4 of them right now.

Was able to recover my old old account today with my (pretty decent) dreadmare on it. Being 3 slots, are these worth putting through the pet training...or am I better off with a cu?
Do they shine in pvp or pvm better?
If so, which build would you recommend?
If Dreadmares are your thing, I would say train it to whatever your pvp/pvm preference is.

Properly trained ones can fetch 600-750m (with 120 scrolls), but their value tends to hold better being untrained (because training is a matter of personal preference for some things pvp vs pvm etc).

I, personally, would favor training a prepatch mare over a dreadmare for every day use, but doesnt mean I wouldnt train a daily use Dread. Dreadmares have different damage spreads than nightmares, they can have aoe poison abilities added to them without specing into poisoning, unlike mares. They are still good for pvp. Unlike nightmares doing necromage on them is unrealistic. You would go with something like master magery for teleport and then dismount.

They can only get 1 special ability, just like nightmares.

They are still good pet, still highly desirable. They have been going up in value as there are less and less untrained ones around


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the info, if I can get that much I'll probably just sell it. It's a 3.8 on the calc and I didn't start the training at all.

I have two pre patch mares, one 500 STR and one 525 str. I trained the low STR one first slot and followed the how to train pp mare guide on first page to a T
There are posters and Mods from Atlantic on the forums that broker items.

Do not sell it to someone in a trade window yourself!!

Also do not push the button since you have not trained many pets yet. Many want the pet un trained.

And as @Khaelor said, in that thread he did not post in, I quote his saying "I never met a frog I didn't like"


Crazed Zealot
Don't agree with me when I haven't even posted in this thread! I've never said they were inferior to most of the trained pets and ONLY good for one thing. I happen to have 4 of them right now.

If Dreadmares are your thing, I would say train it to whatever your pvp/pvm preference is.

Properly trained ones can fetch 600-750m (with 120 scrolls), but their value tends to hold better being untrained (because training is a matter of personal preference for some things pvp vs pvm etc).

I, personally, would favor training a prepatch mare over a dreadmare for every day use, but doesnt mean I wouldnt train a daily use Dread. Dreadmares have different damage spreads than nightmares, they can have aoe poison abilities added to them without specing into poisoning, unlike mares. They are still good for pvp. Unlike nightmares doing necromage on them is unrealistic. You would go with something like master magery for teleport and then dismount.

Ooops, I corrected the post. I was half asleep at the time ..lol
They can only get 1 special ability, just like nightmares.

They are still good pet, still highly desirable. They have been going up in value as there are less and less untrained ones around