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Pick-pocket Tamer!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I cannot believe i never did this before.
My mind really does work on a different plane of existance to never have tried this.......
Basically i added 120 stealing to a full Mage/Tamer build by dropping out Med.

It's soooo much fun, have my pet attack and while the mob is busy i casually walk up on it and pick its pocket :D

I'm having a whale of a time.....except Navrey, i only even seem to steal spell scrolls from her. lol


Lore Master
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I like it. I've been working on my 4th tamer and was thinking of how it would be different, and I think this is ideal. I have a thief I rarely play, I think I'll move his stealing skill over.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Only down side is you need "hands free" so make sure your LRC is adjusted to suit ;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Works great in dungeons too when you happen to cross those arties on the ground where you normally think "oh i wish i had my Thief here now".... ;)
Really powerfull all-round char type and i can honestly say, i actually enjoyed playing UO for the 1st time today in a LONG time ;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rares, daily rares, anything with an "rarity" tag on them, newer potions and self rez seeds, gold.....
Tones of items in Blackies dungeon, gems.....basically anything a Thief can steal.
More importantly it's just fun :D


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Hum... never considered that one... but I'm liking the sound of that! Those self rez seeds are pretty awesome...

Might be yet another decent way to get keys in Exodus as well...


Crazed Zealot
What is the name of the self-rez seeds in game? Its not the Saple tree ones right? Since they were changed to work only in Abyss with the new updates?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My bad, it's not a seed its a gem. The Gem of Salvation, there are other 30 minute potion and balms ect also.
Whilst being a Tamer with Spellweaving i always run the self-rez spell so while i will not need these gems.......they sell VERY fast ;)

My best steal so far for fun was stealing the Great Apes perfect bananas :D


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
I'm having a whale of a time.....except Navrey, i only even seem to steal spell scrolls from her. lol
Aren't monster stealables only available in Fel? Is that why you only get scrolls from Navery?

Not sure what to hunt for the best monsters with pockets to pick.


Crazed Zealot
Aren't monster stealables only available in Fel? Is that why you only get scrolls from Navery?

Not sure what to hunt for the best monsters with pockets to pick.
By the way is there a Navrey in Fel? Does it drop PS's if so?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
By the way is there a Navrey in Fel? Does it drop PS's if so?
No Navrey in Fel.

The Balms, Lotions, Seed of Life, Mana Draught and Gem of Salvation can only be stolen in Fel Dungeons or any Champ Spawns (Fel, Ilsh, Tokuno, Eodon). At 120 Stealing there's about a 10% chance to steal one of them, with a bonus based on the creatures Fame (up to +5%, so max of 15% chance).
This page explains it. Monster Stealables - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia


Crazed Zealot
No Navrey in Fel.

The Balms, Lotions, Seed of Life, Mana Draught and Gem of Salvation can only be stolen in Fel Dungeons or any Champ Spawns (Fel, Ilsh, Tokuno, Eodon). At 120 Stealing there's about a 10% chance to steal one of them, with a bonus based on the creatures Fame (up to +5%, so max of 15% chance).
This page explains it. Monster Stealables - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia
Ty for link.
By the way when in stealth mode, do you get revealed when stealing from a monster?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ty for link.
By the way when in stealth mode, do you get revealed when stealing from a monster?
Stealth?? No need when the pet killing it has full attention of the mob. Just walk up and steal (DONT RUN) If you run near any mob, there is a chance it will break whatever it's doing and come after you.
This is why you will get people screaming at you if you run away in the Gauntlet ;)