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Just an idea .. @Bleak..@Kyronix?


Crazed Zealot
Just an idea:
Could there be a possibility to allow tamers to ride a pet and at the same time allow the pet to fight, cast, heal,
player heal, etc while RIDING the pet? Or it would require very difficult coding modifications?

What do you guys think of this?

Imagine having the option to ride a pet while clearing a spawn..?

Or not too practical?

Just a thought..

Naxatilor Feluka

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This would cause catastrophic game balance issues. Now it does present a cool idea, what if ridable pets provided certain small bonuses while mounted? Good bonus ideas would need to be small, maybe similar but different to city bonuses.

If they did decide to put your idea in, I would imagine doing spawns to be a little like mowing the lawn lmao.. Riding an aoe caster thru a spawn..which I think is hilarious but unlikely :p


Crazed Zealot
This would cause catastrophic game balance issues. Now it does present a cool idea, what if ridable pets provided certain small bonuses while mounted? Good bonus ideas would need to be small, maybe similar but different to city bonuses.

If they did decide to put your idea in, I would imagine doing spawns to be a little like mowing the lawn lmao.. Riding an aoe caster thru a spawn..which I think is hilarious but unlikely :p
Yep. The coding involved alone would be a problem. Also the mechanics. Who will be taking the incoming damage how much % each the pet or the rider, tamer temp reconfigurations etc. being only a few of the issues. Also it will be an option obviously like when you ride, the rider and pet take damage and dish out damage, or not ride and have the pet tank etc..
Are there any MMO's that allow this now days?
Kind of "realistic" change, but you wonder if it is at all possible with the present code in the system also, and one more bump in the game that could possibly steer more interest in the game. If the coding changes would be too time intensive, then it would not be worth it, being so many other things need to be tended to as things are now. But if it is just a toggle on the game editor, may be worth a test on Tc1, just for giggles.


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
Just an idea:
Could there be a possibility to allow tamers to ride a pet and at the same time allow the pet to fight, cast, heal,
player heal, etc while RIDING the pet? Or it would require very difficult coding modifications?

What do you guys think of this?

Imagine having the option to ride a pet while clearing a spawn..?

Or not too practical?

Just a thought..
I think pets especially when fully trained are overpowering enough, your idea would create more unbalancing in PvM and PvP. It's an interesting idea that i'm sure most have thought but would cause more harm than good, so no

Bad Idea.png


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This would be fun. The pet fights as normal. When it reaches half life it throws off the rider.

Now, should the rider not be allowed to cast or do damage while mounted and pet fighting. We could have a new ability tied to the taming mastery. The pet can spam AoE and chomp stuff while mounted while the ability is active.