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Happy Anniversary Pet Revamp

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have to say it turned out better than I thought it would, despite the whole power scroll Craziness. Even without scrolls today's pets are far superior to what they were and the choice of pets far more diverse (not enough though! more is always better). :)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep, love the revamp. But the power scroll issue needs to be addressed. It should not cost 150M to scroll a pet.

Please Dont

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it would be neat if they made some type of quest or boss that drops a "scroll" that adds .5 - 2 to pet skills. These scrolls can be added over and over until you reach 120 or desired skill. I would even be ok with them being account bound.

This would give new players the ability to up their pets without making spawn campers even richer lol. Also still keep the power scrolls for those who have less time and more gold. May not be the best idea but hey lets plant the seed and start the discussion.

Tabby Kapak

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Also very happy with the new options the revamp gave us! And still learning more. :) After only 1 trained pet the whole of last year, we only really got to start recently and loving it too!

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think an acceptable compromise to the scroll issue could be more of our creatures to have a variety of over capped skills enough that scrolling a pet would be less expensive but not so much as to kill off scrolling all together. For example a Cu could be generated with two random skills that can be trained to 120. Random so the search for the perfect pet is still viable and not so cookie cutter.


Stratics Veteran
I think an acceptable compromise to the scroll issue could be more of our creatures to have a variety of over capped skills enough that scrolling a pet would be less expensive but not so much as to kill off scrolling all together. For example a Cu could be generated with two random skills that can be trained to 120. Random so the search for the perfect pet is still viable and not so cookie cutter.
I would rather they open up the non PvP areas to drop 105-115 scrolls. These spawns are never used and a waist becasue they do not drop scrolls. There would still be a lot of combining to make 120 scrolls but folks who do not want to PvP would not have to pay through the nose to scroll a pet.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh? I have several non scrolled pets that are nice and the amount of time spent vs. a scrolled and non scrolled pet is huge. +20 min vs. 11 minutes on say... narvey for example...

Most players can tell the difference between 100dmg vs. 140+dmg. Who are these tamers thinking such a thing...like needing scrolls? The nerve!

Besides my suggestion would only help new players who could not afford today's ridiculous scroll prices= total win:]


Stratics Veteran
Oh? I have several non scrolled pets that are nice and the amount of time spent vs. a scrolled and non scrolled pet is huge. +20 min vs. 11 minutes on say... narvey for example...

Most players can tell the difference between 100dmg vs. 140+dmg. Who are these tamers thinking such a thing...like needing scrolls? The nerve!

Besides my suggestion would only help new players who could not afford today's ridiculous scroll prices= total win:]
Math doesn't lie. If you are claiming scrolls alone will make a Navrey kill go from over 20 minutes to 11 minutes, then other factors are in play (such as str, base damage, damage type, etc.).

@Khaelor wasn't saying you shouldn't scroll your pets, just that there are other variables that are much more important to a pet's DPS that you need to consider first. Putting 120 wresting/tactics on a pet that didn't get max base damage or 150 stam is a huge waste of money. People freak out over needing/wanting a full set of 120's for every pet, but unless you have a rare or legacy pet, 110's/115's can perform really well for a fraction of the cost.

Same pet spec, with different scrolls applied:

Same as above, but without maxing base damage:

A full 120 scrolled pet with non-maxed base damage will still hit for less than a non-scroll pet with max base damage.

A 120 Wrestling is probably the most important scroll a pet can have, and one of the few 120s absolutely worth the investment, as that is the pet's chance to hit. A missed hit is 0 damage done.
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Stratics Veteran
Math doesn't lie. If you are claiming scrolls alone will make a Navrey kill go from over 20 minutes to 11 minutes, then other factors are in play (such as str, base damage, damage type, etc.).

@Khaelor wasn't saying you shouldn't scroll your pets, just that there are other variables that are much more important to a pet's DPS that you need to consider first. Putting 120 wresting/tactics on a pet that didn't get max base damage or 150 stam is a huge waste of money. People freak out over needing/wanting a full set of 120's for every pet, but unless you have a rare or legacy pet, 110's/115's can perform really well for a fraction of the cost.

Same pet spec, with different scrolls applied:
View attachment 81108

Same as above, but without maxing base damage:
View attachment 81109

A full 120 scrolled pet with non-maxed base damage will still hit for less than a non-scroll pet with max base damage.

A 120 Wrestling is probably the most important scroll a pet can have, and one of the few 120s absolutely worth the investment, as that is the pet's chance to hit. A missed hit is 0 damage done.
What is the math thing you speak of? Too much for my little wee brain to absorb. I can't speak for other tamers but I want to run with the best pets possible because it makes stuff easier. So assuming that most tamers are like me, they will max scroll their pets. And also give them max STR, DEX, Damage, Mana Regen, HP Regen and 5 STA regen etc...oh and max resists. Basically max everything possible and hope to have 700 - 800 HP at the end. I have found that doing this enables me to go from farming Miasma to Rend or other harder mobs including being able to do L6 treasure chests no problem. To me that is the true test...what stuff can you do that you could not do before. Remember my wee brain capacity...


Stratics Veteran
What is the math thing you speak of? Too much for my little wee brain to absorb. I can't speak for other tamers but I want to run with the best pets possible because it makes stuff easier. So assuming that most tamers are like me, they will max scroll their pets. And also give them max STR, DEX, Damage, Mana Regen, HP Regen and 5 STA regen etc...oh and max resists. Basically max everything possible and hope to have 700 - 800 HP at the end. I have found that doing this enables me to go from farming Miasma to Rend or other harder mobs including being able to do L6 treasure chests no problem. To me that is the true test...what stuff can you do that you could not do before. Remember my wee brain capacity...
I don't even know how to reply to you man, the math was literally in the post you quoted. I can't tell if you are just a bad troll or really that inept.

LOL exactly better get my spread sheet to remember that.
You don't need to spreadsheet all your information, there are others to do that for you and present their results to this forum. We do this to help educate tamers. I gave facts backed by math and presented it in a spreadsheet for people to understand better. But like usual on this forum, facts and math are dismissed by people's feelings.

Doesn't matter, I'm done with thread, I tried to help.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ou don't need to spreadsheet all your information
thats the point some...dont need all that to come to the final conclusion.

All that is really being shown is that a properly scrolled and built 120 pet out preforms a lesser scrolled pet Ya? Even if it seams trivial to you its not for others. ( too simple right?) AND...

Power scrolls are still too expensive and remains an issue and getting worse. I simply offered up a solution, you do not have to like it.

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Stratics Veteran
thats the point some...dont need all that to come to the final conclusion.

All that is really being shown is that a properly scrolled and built 120 pet out preforms a lesser scrolled pet Ya? Even if it seams trivial to you its not for others. ( too simple right?) AND...

Power scrolls are still too expensive and remains an issue and getting worse. I simply offered up a solution, you do not have to like it.
Hey, I can do colors too to emphasize a point. Make that will help you? Might be more like the crayon you are used to writing in.

The point that was being made that you do not need full 120 powerscrolls to make an effective pet. A solution was offered up to your problem of power scrolls being too expensive. It's not my fault you do not understand that point.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
YAY more Math haters!!!! :cheerleader:

Screw math. I have a timer. That tells me what builds work best.

Parry and Mana regens make a big difference. 110 scrolls do work on the melee skills if you are a NOOB!

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never argued "your point" only that the math does not lie, a properly scrolled 120 pet out preforms its lesser.

and power scrolls no matter how much you spread sheet this are too expensive.


Stratics Veteran
YAY more Math haters!!!! :cheerleader:

Screw math. I have a timer. That tells me what builds work best.

Parry and Mana regens make a big difference. 110 scrolls do work on the melee skills if you are a NOOB!

Then you can continue to answer everyone's questions on the forums, because obviously people aren't interested in actual mechanics or the how's and whys they can just take your word as gospel and coninue the cu army.

People complain on scroll prices, we try to show people the actual effect they have on the pet so people can make informed decisions before plopping down 200 m on a pet.



Stratics Veteran
I never argued "your point" only that the math does not lie, a properly scrolled 120 pet out preforms its lesser.

and power scrolls no matter how much you spread sheet this are too expensive.
Then farm them someone as capable as yourself should be able to do it. In the past year I've been attacked at a spawn exactly one time.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't need scrolls I farmed scrolls from the time they became available, four full scroll books...well a bit less now that I have scrolled some pets and no tactics left:[...Not everyone has put 17+ years in though and the availability and price are beyond a joke. Its a problem. New players wont be as understanding they just leave the game.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Trust me as tamers we understand but when our pets are already crippled with the damage reduction to people who want to kill us... we think it does matter. Especially since your suit and weapons matter to you and you spend billions in gold on your fancy PvP suits we want our pets to have the best... but I would prefer to be able to get that without having to deal with PvPers who want to kill me who cried to make my pets useless once again because they couldn't handle my prefered playstyle... So now I'm back to square one and being defenseless again...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Then you can continue to answer everyone's questions on the forums, because obviously people aren't interested in actual mechanics or the how's and whys they can just take your word as gospel and coninue the cu army.

People complain on scroll prices, we try to show people the actual effect they have on the pet so people can make informed decisions before plopping down 200 m on a pet.

The Cu Army is complete!!!!​



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The point that was being made that you do not need full 120 powerscrolls to make an effective pet.
Most of My Cus have 110 scrolls. I only had 2 120 Tactics and I am not paying todays price for another one. Just getting under your buddies skin.

Or, maybe it is because the Cu is a superior pet to begin with!

:cheerleader: Go Cus Go :cheerleader:


Stratics Veteran
Most of My Cus have 110 scrolls. I only had 2 120 Tactics and I am not paying todays price for another one. Just getting under your buddies skin.

Or, maybe it is because the Cu is a superior pet to begin with!

:cheerleader: Go Cus Go :cheerleader:
QQ on your CU army. Its impressive BTW. Do you use them all or just a couple? I am thinking of fully scrolling one for AOE and two for single target (AI/Chiv and Disco/something else).


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
White knight with chiv ai is used the most. But I use them all here and there.


i do spawns pretty regularly and have zero full 120 pets. i only have two pets that have any scrolls at all applied, and only one of those was a 120. they just dont drop at the rate needed to supply the amount of pets people want to apply them to without prices being extreme, no matter where you're able do them.