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Template question

To clarify my concern ,does a character with chiv need healing as well? Could those points be better spent raising other skills higher?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To clarify my concern ,does a character with chiv need healing as well? Could those points be better spent raising other skills higher?
A character with chivalry does not NEED healing IMNSHO - to have healing besides chivalry is a 'nice to have' or even a 'luxury' ... depending on mood, taste and other personal preferences. To answer Q #2 in short ... yes!

[EDIT]I for e.g. only have one 'warrior' tamer on an "overseas shard" and it's a rather seldom used "flyboy", that looks like this...

116.8 animal lore (still increasing), 93.1 taming (+20 on jewels), 110 veterinary, 90 chivalry, 80 focus, 25.1 magery (set to decrease), 90 tactics, 115 throwing ... [/EDIT]
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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Drop Healing to 0, lower Veterinary to GM (Enhanced Bandages can make it equivalent to 110), raise the other skills. The pet should be tanking for her, so she shouldn't need Healing. Raising the Taming/Lore will give her a higher chance to successfully command 5 slot pets (108.0 for leveled 5 Slot pets), and will lower her Combat Training upkeep costs if she use it. Mana Leech bows will help a lot with keeping her Mana up. Probably the best pet to pair with a Archer/Tamer, is a Fire Beetle with AI/Rune Corruption. The Rune Corruption will halve the victim's Resists for about 4 seconds, allowing her non AI shots to do more damage.