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CU's healing stuck


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey all. I have my CU up to 107.1 healing and it hasn't moved in weeks. I've tried Rotting corpses, discording it etc. It is scrolled 110 for now as I want to work healing before I add chiv. Any thoughts?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1st possibility: lead a rotting corpse away from other spawn - near the dark guardian room in Doom e.g. - and let it attack your discorded cu sidhe. Do this for the full length of a whispering cycle. Rinse and repeat!

2nd possibility: place your discorded cu sidhe west of the Sakkhra village in the Eodon valley so that no opponent could reach it across a river. Lead / lure a dimetrosaur to the other side of the said river ... use another whispering cycle. Rinse and repeat

Don't loose patience!

... picture of a disco training session at the above mentioned place in Eodon
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont have many Cus above 100. The only one I've noticed is stuck at 110.

Others have 120.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1st possibility: lead a rotting corpse away from other spawn - near the dark guardian room in Doom e.g. - and let it attack your discorded cu sidhe. Do this for the full length of a whispering cycle. Rinse and repeat!

2nd possibility: place your discorded cu sidhe west of the Sakkhra village in the Eodon valley so that no opponent could reach it across a river. Lead / lure a dimetrosaur to the other side of the said river ... use another whispering cycle. Rinse and repeat

Don't loose patience!

... picture of a disco training session at the above mentioned place in Eodon
View attachment 79935
What is the point of discording? Healing skill does not seem to be affected by it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is the point of discording? Healing skill does not seem to be affected by it.
Discording your pet lowers the overall skill sum - anatomy is decreased and that is also part of the 'healing system' - besides that, resists are also decreased - these three effects lead to more damage from opponents poison level and GGS gets more chances per time period to get a skill gain. It also helps to wait with adding max hit point regen before healing is there where you want it to be. I use a value of 8-10 max for hit point regen until healing is where I want it.

[EDIT]In the mean time, I have three (3) cuddlies / puppies with legendary healing ... this takes a while and is nothing for the impatient for sure![/EDIT]
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Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One trick I used was to have it attack a satyr in twisted weald - and lead it to near the gate, have it stop fight - but had to help healing as he took a good beating.