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Returning to UO (Tamer / Pet Question)


Stratics Veteran
Greetings. I know I have lots of reading and exploring to do with the new pet training system. Quick opinion...am I better off using my trained GD (older) or going after a new GD and training with the new system? Other PVM pets I should consider? Good to be back in UO. Thx for any insight.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Start with a new pet and learn the system. Dont put scrolls on and just figure the basics out first.

Read this: Pet Training A-Z

At the bottom are pets you can start with.


What shard?


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
Greetings. I know I have lots of reading and exploring to do with the new pet training system. Quick opinion...am I better off using my trained GD (older) or going after a new GD and training with the new system? Other PVM pets I should consider? Good to be back in UO. Thx for any insight.
Welcome back :), the Cu Sidhe is actually the new all around king but others are good as well


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you still use the pet calculator on fresh tames to power rating before training?
It helps on some pets but since we can change values now, it is not always "correct".

I think @whitesmith is on Atl. He can help you out.


Crazed Zealot
Do you still use the pet calculator on fresh tames to power rating before training?
PPC not really useful much, unless you want to tame 5-slot pets, such as GD, and shadow wyrms..
Some words:
--Make some stable room, enough for 1-2 extra pets.
--Do not release or "train" yet legacy pets that are:
>> Old nightmares : They are with irreplaceable stats, may sell for mint. Check prices here first b4 selling.
>> 4-slot Cusidhes with 590-600 HPS : They legally turn into 3-Slot Cus when you release and retame them
Make sure you do that in non-guard places so they dont get guard nuked.
>> Plain Dragons and White Wyrms with Prepatch HPS and stats : They do not spawn this way anymore.
>> Old turtles with 4-slots : Very hard to get.
>> Of course also : Dreadhorses, or Bane dragons : Careful with these: Not spawning ever again.
Start by training a new Cusidhe with 590-600 HPS to start post tame, and experiment with these.
If you are in a hurry to start playing hard, buy a Najasaurus fro a few K,and train that : They are awesome, and tanky killers. Give the Naja Frenzied WW, or Armor ignore and Area poison AOE and watch them melt an entire early spawn..fun to watch, and youll be teething at the new system and making a potentially useful pet. Train a FIRE BEETLE : They are absolutely nasty killers, 100% fire damg, Give him Explosive Goo and AI, they are rideable, and have RC=Rune corruption that lowers enemy resists by 50%. You may want to use the Naja at 3-4 slots to tank the crazy mage or Dinosaur training, and use the Fire Beetle, together to slowly gain from mage or dino..
Most important:
When you think you are ready to train irreplaceable pets like PP Nightmare etc, Do that on TC1 FIRST. Because chances are you will make mistakes, and on TC1 it ok to make mistakes. ou just delete your tamer and start over again in 24 hrs..
Welcome back and GL : Got any questions ask here any time..


Crazed Zealot
PPC not really useful much, unless you want to tame 5-slot pets, such as GD, and shadow wyrms..
Some words:
--Make some stable room, enough for 1-2 extra pets.
--Do not release or "train" yet legacy pets that are:
>> Old nightmares : They are with irreplaceable stats, may sell for mint. Check prices here first b4 selling.
>> 4-slot Cusidhes with 590-600 HPS : They legally turn into 3-Slot Cus when you release and retame them
Make sure you do that in non-guard places so they dont get guard nuked.
>> Plain Dragons and White Wyrms with Prepatch HPS and stats : They do not spawn this way anymore.
>> Old turtles with 4-slots : Very hard to get.
>> Of course also : Dreadhorses, or Bane dragons : Careful with these: Not spawning ever again.
Start by training a new Cusidhe with 590-600 HPS to start post tame, and experiment with these.
If you are in a hurry to start playing hard, buy a Najasaurus fro a few K,and train that : They are awesome, and tanky killers. Give the Naja Frenzied WW, or Armor ignore and Area poison AOE and watch them melt an entire early spawn..fun to watch, and youll be teething at the new system and making a potentially useful pet. Train a FIRE BEETLE : They are absolutely nasty killers, 100% fire damg, Give him Explosive Goo and AI, they are rideable, and have RC=Rune corruption that lowers enemy resists by 50%. You may want to use the Naja at 3-4 slots to tank the crazy mage or Dinosaur training, and use the Fire Beetle, together to slowly gain from mage or dino..
Most important:
When you think you are ready to train irreplaceable pets like PP Nightmare etc, Do that on TC1 FIRST. Because chances are you will make mistakes, and on TC1 it ok to make mistakes. ou just delete your tamer and start over again in 24 hrs..
Welcome back and GL : Got any questions ask here any time..
OOPS!! MAJOR Correction.
Please disregard the post on Prepatch Cus : They JUST changed it! If you release and retame, It will STILL stay 4 slots! So Do not train or release old Cus..If their stats suck get rid of it and get a new Cu, try to get one with 590-600 HPS post tame, and work with that one. Do not release and retame Prepatch Cus at this time!


Stratics Veteran
PPC not really useful much, unless you want to tame 5-slot pets, such as GD, and shadow wyrms..
Some words:
--Make some stable room, enough for 1-2 extra pets.
--Do not release or "train" yet legacy pets that are:
>> Old nightmares : They are with irreplaceable stats, may sell for mint. Check prices here first b4 selling.
>> 4-slot Cusidhes with 590-600 HPS : They legally turn into 3-Slot Cus when you release and retame them
Make sure you do that in non-guard places so they dont get guard nuked.
>> Plain Dragons and White Wyrms with Prepatch HPS and stats : They do not spawn this way anymore.
>> Old turtles with 4-slots : Very hard to get.
>> Of course also : Dreadhorses, or Bane dragons : Careful with these: Not spawning ever again.
Start by training a new Cusidhe with 590-600 HPS to start post tame, and experiment with these.
If you are in a hurry to start playing hard, buy a Najasaurus fro a few K,and train that : They are awesome, and tanky killers. Give the Naja Frenzied WW, or Armor ignore and Area poison AOE and watch them melt an entire early spawn..fun to watch, and youll be teething at the new system and making a potentially useful pet. Train a FIRE BEETLE : They are absolutely nasty killers, 100% fire damg, Give him Explosive Goo and AI, they are rideable, and have RC=Rune corruption that lowers enemy resists by 50%. You may want to use the Naja at 3-4 slots to tank the crazy mage or Dinosaur training, and use the Fire Beetle, together to slowly gain from mage or dino..
Most important:
When you think you are ready to train irreplaceable pets like PP Nightmare etc, Do that on TC1 FIRST. Because chances are you will make mistakes, and on TC1 it ok to make mistakes. ou just delete your tamer and start over again in 24 hrs..
Welcome back and GL : Got any questions ask here any time..
Wow. Thanks for all the great info! I'm going to try to find a Najasaurus for sale. Sounds like a good starting spot. :)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are pretty easy to tame. Just lure a 2 slot one away from the rest and knock its health down and tame it.