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What we found on TC


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I met a fellow poster there. I am just giving my obsevations.

The Nightmares you have in your stable are fine.

The dread mares are fine. Look like they have potential. I wish I had 1

Banes are fine.

2 slot Nightmares still spawn

2 slot Najs still spawn


Add anything relavent.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I met a fellow poster there. I am just giving my obsevations.

The Nightmares you have in your stable are fine.

The dread mares are fine. Look like they have potential. I wish I had 1

Banes are fine.

2 slot Nightmares still spawn

2 slot Najs still spawn


Add anything relavent.
What about the WW


Stratics Veteran
I have a dragon copied to TC. Nothing seems to be abnormal. The training bar is still there. I released and re-tamed it. It's still a 3 slot dragon. The training bar remains the same after re-taming.

dragon2.JPG dragon1.JPG


Stratics Veteran
That is a plus of this patch, when released, pets no longer jump up a slot if they were legacy.


Stratics Veteran
I posted previously that my PP dragon was fully trained and scrolled on prodo. On test center it was messed up, and I was only refunded partial training points. I just did a fresh transfer and my dragon is fine, just like it is on prodo! I am very happy!


Stratics Veteran
I posted previously that my PP dragon was fully trained and scrolled on prodo. On test center it was messed up, and I was only refunded partial training points. I just did a fresh transfer and my dragon is fine, just like it is on prodo! I am very happy!
that is because they do not have the revert code active on tc currently. That doesnt mean a month from now it wont get messed up again when they actually put in the code. And now they have even less incentive to fix it since all untrained prepatch dragons are neutered.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So they added the revert code and took it out with the newest patch?
The revert code is still there. They just made all the 3 slot Dragons untrainable instead.


Former Stratics Publisher
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i haven't been training my 'mares & WW as they are prepatch (and very old)... just copied my tamer to TC and lo! Took that WW through the training gate, and can train it - altho I screwed that up so gonna recopy in a few moments.
Peppermint is a 3-slot WW from days of yore. I believe trained around 99, if memory serves.

so this doesn't apply to WW, just Dragons of the plain variety?
Ok so the prepatch dragons not able to train is for a good reason.

Currently a trained prepatch dragon will get reverted 100% of the time. So right now they are making them untrainable so that they can find a way to not have that code revert them.

Better this way than to have someone train it, dump all the scrolls into it, only to have it revert.

Hence, why they locked it.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Ok so the prepatch dragons not able to train is for a good reason.

Currently a trained prepatch dragon will get reverted 100% of the time. So right now they are making them untrainable so that they can find a way to not have that code revert them.

Better this way than to have someone train it, dump all the scrolls into it, only to have it revert.

Hence, why they locked it.
If this is the case, why are the DEVELOPERS not sharing that fact?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Currently a trained prepatch dragon will get reverted 100% of the time. So right now they are making them untrainable so that they can find a way to not have that code revert them.
I just finished training mine last night!


Stratics Veteran
I just finished training mine last night!

With the last version of the revert code on test if you trained a dragon and did not use the last 250 training points it would not revert. Our guild has been documenting the reverting problems with prepatch dragons since last summer,before patch 98. It was only the past couple months they could be trained on lprodo without reverting/losing training points.

Mesanna said they are 150 intensity points on average over cap.

Turning off training as a temp measure doesn't make sense when they disabled the revert code supposedly due to prepatch dragons.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
copied x 2 to tc1 both times blue beetle jumped from 1 to 4 slots worthless to me they need to fix this mess the blue beetle hadnt been trained before just a standard blue beetle


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
With the last version of the revert code on test if you trained a dragon and did not use the last 250 training points it would not revert. Our guild has been documenting the reverting problems with prepatch dragons since last summer,before patch 98. It was only the past couple months they could be trained on lprodo without reverting/losing training points.

Mesanna said they are 150 intensity points on average over cap.

Turning off training as a temp measure doesn't make sense when they disabled the revert code supposedly due to prepatch dragons.
Mesanna came into the game and saw that Dragons were three slot and she did not like it. Khaelor showed us a pic of this.

She told Bleak to fix this immediately. With all the new things going on in UO right now. Why was this fix so important?

A Dragon can get chivalry and be a decent pet but that is nerfed when we are expecting new players and they could have a chance to compete in the economy of UO if they had a Gem or two in their stables.


Mesanna came into the game and saw that Dragons were three slot and she did not like it. Khaelor showed us a pic of this.

She told Bleak to fix this immediately. With all the new things going on in UO right now. Why was this fix so important?

A Dragon can get chivalry and be a decent pet but that is nerfed when we are expecting new players and they could have a chance to compete in the economy of UO if they had a Gem or two in their stables.

So, how can a game dev not know that legacy dragons are 3-slot? And that’s a very interesting thought about the viability of legacy pets and the influx of new players we are about to see....

Anyway, without confirmation that removing the training is temporary, assurances that legacy pets will be protected and the quality of life for tamers in-game won’t be diminished, the seemingly rushed EJ release is a pretty annoying revelation for tamers. I will keep plugging away but my frustration level is certainly rising.

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've just ruined a dragon it seems. I started training a dragon yesterday and finished the training this morning.

The old dragon before the training.


All the changes you can see I did with the first 1501 points, except for the base damage increase. This picture is from Testcenter 1 were i just copied the pet to. Before I copied the pet I had 1466 points spare to finish the training. 35 points were spent on the base damage increase. On TC1 the training points are gone. I cant spend those 1466 points but the dragon kept what I had changed. When I logged back into Europa that dragon cant be trained there anymore. It looks now the same as on TC1. There was no serverup/down on europa between training the pet in shame, spending the points and transfering to TC1.


lol, mesanna is no game dev. she was in QA testing back in the day, and if you recall how successfully those old OSI updates generally went, its not exactly a glowing pedigree.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
lol, mesanna is no game dev. she was in QA testing back in the day, and if you recall how successfully those old OSI updates generally went, its not exactly a glowing pedigree.
Hehe, I've offered to help them QA for free. No reply.
I'm doing gamedev for other games (AAA games) for a living, but UO is my first love :) Hence...

I do really hope They have a good plan to solve pets though.


If they decide to castrate the legacy dragons and/or other pets, it will be beyond disappointing. I took a long break from the game and when I came back, with the pet training changes having been implemented, toughening up my old friends was what I most looked forward to. The lack of transparency regarding what is actually taking place is just plain maddening. Do we rush to train the pets only to have them revert in some way a few weeks from now? Do we not train them and have that possibility forever slip our grasp?

This could be so easily addressed by someone in the know by simply typing out a sentence in this forum or the UO forums. Instead they see the panic and worry and do nothing. I know they have a lot on their table right now but this is not a difficult question. Is this temporary, yes or no?


I've just ruined a dragon it seems. I started training a dragon yesterday and finished the training this morning.

View attachment 79578
The old dragon before the training.

View attachment 79579

All the changes you can see I did with the first 1501 points, except for the base damage increase. This picture is from Testcenter 1 were i just copied the pet to. Before I copied the pet I had 1466 points spare to finish the training. 35 points were spent on the base damage increase. On TC1 the training points are gone. I cant spend those 1466 points but the dragon kept what I had changed. When I logged back into Europa that dragon cant be trained there anymore. It looks now the same as on TC1. There was no serverup/down on europa between training the pet in shame, spending the points and transfering to TC1.
This is unfortunately one of the major revert issues. I’ve taken my wife’s legacy dragon to TC for months testing different builds and the stability of the training process. It always reverts in some way. Ultimately we just leave the beast in the stable on Drachefels. And now, who knows if that was even the correct thing to do?

I feel your pain. What a waste to a perfectly good pet. Hopefully you hadn’t fed it any expensive scrolls....


Crazed Zealot
I think we need to be patient a few more days to see how things evolve, and wha.t else is involved. Panicking and getting angry will not help us any. The things they need to fix need to be fixed, else the old mistakes/holes in the code/exploits will continue to stare us right in the eye, and offend the ones that are conscientious. All points above, and approaches are good, but we need to keep cool for now, dont use dragons for now. Train a Cusidhe, a Fire beetle, Blue beetle or Lesser Hiryu for now, and have fun. Keep the dragons in the stable for now, and wait and see what comes down, and check the situation with TC1 checks. I really doubt the intent was to ruin all PP dragons. Lets see what happens..


Stratics Veteran
I think we need to be patient a few more days to see how things evolve, and wha.t else is involved. Panicking and getting angry will not help us any. The things they need to fix need to be fixed, else the old mistakes/holes in the code/exploits will continue to stare us right in the eye, and offend the ones that are conscientious. All points above, and approaches are good, but we need to keep cool for now, dont use dragons for now. Train a Cusidhe, a Fire beetle, Blue beetle or Lesser Hiryu for now, and have fun. Keep the dragons in the stable for now, and wait and see what comes down, and check the situation with TC1 checks. I really doubt the intent was to ruin all PP dragons. Lets see what happens..
The problem is people need to decide today what to do with their legacy Dragons. The patch comes out tomorrow morning, and with absolutely no word from the Devs on whether the removal of training on legacy dragons is permanent or temporary, people have to make a decision. It unfortunately isn't something that can wait without taking a huge gamble.


Crazed Zealot
The problem is people need to decide today what to do with their legacy Dragons. The patch comes out tomorrow morning, and with absolutely no word from the Devs on whether the removal of training on legacy dragons is permanent or temporary, people have to make a decision. It unfortunately isn't something that can wait without taking a huge gamble.
Agree.. Probably train up quick to lev 4 maybe the solution..Hard to tell otherwise with the info we got..


I think we need to be patient a few more days to see how things evolve, and wha.t else is involved. Panicking and getting angry will not help us any. The things they need to fix need to be fixed, else the old mistakes/holes in the code/exploits will continue to stare us right in the eye, and offend the ones that are conscientious. All points above, and approaches are good, but we need to keep cool for now, dont use dragons for now. Train a Cusidhe, a Fire beetle, Blue beetle or Lesser Hiryu for now, and have fun. Keep the dragons in the stable for now, and wait and see what comes down, and check the situation with TC1 checks. I really doubt the intent was to ruin all PP dragons. Lets see what happens..
I definitely get what you’re saying. Exploits need to be fixed. They bring down the morale of the entire community. And I certainly can (and will) work on some other type of pet project as I refuse touch my legacies at this time.

However, the concern we have regarding legitimate legacy pets is completely different than that of exploitations. The community (all classes) should never have to rush out and do something.... in this case hurriedly train legacy dragon(s) and/or other pets. (When I rush through things in this game, I usually screw something up, which is counter intuitive to the training a good legacy pet.) If there are unanswered questions and uncertainties about this new content, why on earth would BS rush out the new publish simply to say, here’s EJ? Get this stuff figured out and fixed during testing AND then take production shards live with this EJ content.

Again, what frustrates me the most about all this is that a Dev could answer a couple simple questions: 1. Is this dragon training solution a temporary fix or permanent feature? 2. Should we be concerned about other legacy pets? (NMs and WWs) To me, these don’t seem like completely outlandish questions....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is this going to fix the dread mares and bane dragons that we hit the train button before the patch and ruined them even if they weren't trained and still at zero training?


Stratics Veteran
Still no answer :(
Should be able to, but old revert code, which could have partial points disappear.

Also, if the last set of revert code makes it to live, a fully trained out dragon would be reverted too.

Who knows what they are planning, i doubt they know themselves.


Stratics Veteran
Is this going to fix the dread mares and bane dragons that we hit the train button before the patch and ruined them even if they weren't trained and still at zero training?
you mean the ones that went to 4 slot? no. they will be considered 4 slot forever. If they are 3 slot now and accidentally released after patch they will remain three slot. This is based on our testing monday on test center.


Crazed Zealot
I definitely get what you’re saying. Exploits need to be fixed. They bring down the morale of the entire community. And I certainly can (and will) work on some other type of pet project as I refuse touch my legacies at this time.

However, the concern we have regarding legitimate legacy pets is completely different than that of exploitations. The community (all classes) should never have to rush out and do something.... in this case hurriedly train legacy dragon(s) and/or other pets. (When I rush through things in this game, I usually screw something up, which is counter intuitive to the training a good legacy pet.) If there are unanswered questions and uncertainties about this new content, why on earth would BS rush out the new publish simply to say, here’s EJ? Get this stuff figured out and fixed during testing AND then take production shards live with this EJ content.

Again, what frustrates me the most about all this is that a Dev could answer a couple simple questions: 1. Is this dragon training solution a temporary fix or permanent feature? 2. Should we be concerned about other legacy pets? (NMs and WWs) To me, these don’t seem like completely outlandish questions....
I think that probably there is a deadline imposed for the EJ landing, from outside the devs unfortunately. The dev team is small, and they are likely in a hurry for temp fixes now, and hopefully more perm fixes later? maybe.. I agree with all your points..I think the legacy pet issue is a real one and sure hope it will be addressed correctly, eventually.