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    Please read the new announcement concerning the upcoming addition to Stratics. You can find the announcement Here!

Tamers need to unite, right now. Newest Pub99 changes kill legacy pets.


Stratics Veteran
Publish 99 – Ultima Online


  • Pets tamed before Publish 97 (Pre-Patch Pets) with pet slots lower than their true pet slots will no longer be able to be trained.
They want to push this live in 2 days! This is an unacceptable change and everyone needs to voice their feedback to them about this. We cannot lose our legacy pets because a bunch of exploiters thought it would be fun to mass produce slot-dropped pets and distribute them.

They need serious clarification on this change, and time to allow it proper testing. They cannot spring this big of a change on us and push it live in 2 days! Send in your (well constructed) feedback!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Publish 99 – Ultima Online


They want to push this live in 2 days! This is an unacceptable change and everyone needs to voice their feedback to them about this. We cannot lose our legacy pets because a bunch of exploiters thought it would be fun to mass produce slot-dropped pets and distribute them.

They need serious clarification on this change, and time to allow it proper testing. They cannot spring this big of a change on us and push it live in 2 days! Send in your (well constructed) feedback!
@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna

Which pre pub pets are affected please.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Publish 99 – Ultima Online


They want to push this live in 2 days! This is an unacceptable change and everyone needs to voice their feedback to them about this. We cannot lose our legacy pets because a bunch of exploiters thought it would be fun to mass produce slot-dropped pets and distribute them.

They need serious clarification on this change, and time to allow it proper testing. They cannot spring this big of a change on us and push it live in 2 days! Send in your (well constructed) feedback!
Some VERY serious clarification is needed! 3 days notice, for something as huge as this????? Will it affect "prepatch", but perfectly "legit" pets, like the 2 slot nightmares with over capped strength? 3 slot legit dragons (with over capped strength) that now only spawn as a 4 slot ? Will it delete/ruin exploited TRAINED pets such as the 2 slot cus, or just keep the cheaters from being able to make more? These questions are just off of the top of my head.

LOTS of questions, VERY few answers. Help us out. :( @Bleak @Kyronix @Mesanna


UO Forum Moderator
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You all need to take these concerns over to the questions section of the uo.com forums, as it's unlikely they're even looking here anymore.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
3 slot legit dragons (with over capped strength) that now only spawn as a 4 slot
I dont do dragons. Is the dragon the only pre pub pet that only spawns at a higher slot than you can find now?

If so, is this how they are fixing the legit ones that revert, by making them all revert right away?

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont do dragons. Is the dragon the only pre pub pet that only spawns at a higher slot than you can find now?

If so, is this how they are fixing the legit ones that revert, by making them all revert right away?
Not sure, It was just the 1st one that popped into my head.


Stratics Veteran
You all need to take these concerns over to the questions section of the uo.com forums, as it's unlikely they're even looking here anymore.
We have a thread going on the official forums, under Test Center. The intent behind this post was to spread awareness. The information given by Bleak in the thread is very limited, at best.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
aye, plus, i don't think any dev is going to reply to any post in stratics anymore....


Stratics Veteran
Guildie is copying over my main tamer, multiple nightmares, dragons, ww, banes, dreads untrained. Of course I'm at work..... so he will have to do the testing.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have this pet, I just copied it over to TC. It IS still a 2 slot nightmare, AND the begin training gump is is there.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What does it say here?


And did you just copy it there?


Stratics Veteran
Something isn't right compared to patch notes. We have been testing and nothing is making sense. Old dragon without physical resist.... cannot be trained on tc1 along with my worst untrained prepatch 18 year old dragon. No training options.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Still says 2>5. I copied it over after I saw your post.

Thanks. Sounds like Dragons are the affected Pets.

Something isn't right compared to patch notes. We have been testing and nothing is making sense. Old dragon without physical resist.... cannot be trained on tc1 along with my worst untrained prepatch 18 year old dragon. No training options.
How are the White Wyrms?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This has been added to the patch notes:

Some alterations to pet slot requirements are included in this publish which will affect new spawning creatures, however these changes will not be applied to existing pets unless Animal Training is undertaken.

Can someone check to see if Nightmares and Najs can be 2 slot on TC? I have to go to a meeting. Darn it.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
[bcolor=rgb(204, 205, 205)]Bleak[/bcolor] answered my 2 Questions.

What will a Pre patch Nightmares slots be if the button if pushed after April 5?
Advanced pet training for a Nightmare will update the slots between 3 - 5 depending on skills and stats. If their pet slots are lower than their true pet slots you will not be able to advanced train it. You can this check out on TC1.

What will happen to a pre pub nightmare that was trained to 4 slots by the returning player and he will not return for a month. Will it stay where it was when he left off or will he not be able to train it?
Already trained pets will remain the same as of the launch of Publish 99.


Stratics Veteran
[bcolor=rgb(204, 205, 205)]Bleak[/bcolor] answered my 2 Questions.

What will a Pre patch Nightmares slots be if the button if pushed after April 5?
Advanced pet training for a Nightmare will update the slots between 3 - 5 depending on skills and stats. If their pet slots are lower than their true pet slots you will not be able to advanced train it. You can this check out on TC1.

What will happen to a pre pub nightmare that was trained to 4 slots by the returning player and he will not return for a month. Will it stay where it was when he left off or will he not be able to train it?
Already trained pets will remain the same as of the launch of Publish 99.
And this goes against what I just tested with a fresh copy. Legacy 2-slot nightmare. Lore page shows 2>5 still. No idea where we are supposed to see this second control slot info.

Started training, stayed 2 slots. Started spending points, correctly updated to 3 slots. Spent all 1501 points, still 3 slots. Started training on next level, still 3 slots.

So either Bleak meant to say 2-5 slots for Nightmares, or this new "adjustment" code that happens when you start training isn't on TC yet.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What's next? *looks into crystal ball* *sees* Publish 99.0001: Nerf to ALL pets. Reverts all pets to their original pet slot, with all PS's deleted from all pets. In preparation for the SOON to be released PUBLISH 10000. The NEW and IMPROVED "do over" pet publish. (contents subject to change)


Stratics Veteran
What's next? *looks into crystal ball* *sees* Publish 99.0001: Nerf to ALL pets. Reverts all pets to their original pet slot, with all PS's deleted from all pets. In preparation for the SOON to be released PUBLISH 10000. The NEW and IMPROVED "do over" pet publish. (contents subject to change)
Careful, don't give them any ideas!


Crazed Zealot
Hopefully, it will be more close to a surgical focused strike, with minimum collateral damage/casualties..
(Famous last words..) Sigh.. will have to wait and see, panicking has not helped too many folks..Been there done that..( another famous-infamous last words)..


Crazed Zealot
This is what I meant in a previous post, when I said that the exploiters, and creators and spreaders of exploited pets stand a chance to cause some real uproar in the taming world.
You wonder if this was purposeful sabotage for the game as a whole, and maliciously strategically implemented to create a negative atmosphere. Or it was created by low-conscience people finding the pet exploits, and instead of bringing them up for correction to the devs, created a bunch of exploited pets and infected multiple shards with them, scamming many people out of a lot of $$ selling their "goods".
Now the dev team not only have to fix the code to prevent this from recurring, but have to spend extra time and resources to clean up the mess..We will all pay for it one way or another, including time spent for this, rather than keep trying to fix issues known for some time.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is what I meant in a previous post, when I said that the exploiters, and creators and spreaders of exploited pets stand a chance to cause some real uproar in the taming world.
You wonder if this was purposeful sabotage for the game as a whole, and maliciously strategically implemented to create a negative atmosphere. Or it was created by low-conscience people finding the pet exploits, and instead of bringing them up for correction to the devs, created a bunch of exploited pets and infected multiple shards with them, scamming many people out of a lot of $$ selling their "goods".
Now the dev team not only have to fix the code to prevent this from recurring, but have to spend extra time and resources to clean up the mess..We will all pay for it one way or another, including time spent for this, rather than keep trying to fix issues known for some time.
We do not know what this new thing is about.

It could have been done because of the reverting dragons.

He said the exploit fix is going to happen later.


Crazed Zealot
This is so damn depressing, screw it I am out of hear.
NO! Don't do that. It WILL fe fixed, and it will be ok. If you do not have any exploited pets you will not be affected. Stay on the game just to spite the a^^&*les that created the exploited pets mess. The worst thing we can do is give up and quit. Stay on and help the best way we can.


Stratics Veteran
Dread Mares and Bane Dragons were eligible for training, when all logic based on the patch notes should indicate they aren't. Out of curiosity, we released an untrained Dread Mare and re-tamed it, and it stayed 3-slots. @whitesmith you should test your slot jumped Dread Mare on TC1 again and see if it goes back to 3 slots and releasing and re-taming.

Edit: Bane's re-tame as 3-slot now as well.
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
I copied my mare to TC, the training bar is still there. It's still a 2 slot mare. Can it be trained to slot 3?

mare2.JPG mare.JPG


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Dread Mares and Bane Dragons were eligible for training, when all logic based on the patch notes should indicate they aren't. Out of curiosity, we released an untrained Dread Mare and re-tamed it, and it stayed 3-slots. @whitesmith you should test your slot jumped Dread Mare on TC1 again and see if it goes back to 3 slots and releasing and re-taming.

Edit: Bane's re-tame as 3-slot now as well.
I did try releasing my dread, it stayed 4 slot


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats sucks the 3 slot one looked nice!

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
NO! Don't do that. It WILL fe fixed, and it will be ok. If you do not have any exploited pets you will not be affected. Stay on the game just to spite the a^^&*les that created the exploited pets mess. The worst thing we can do is give up and quit. Stay on and help the best way we can.
A friend of mine is on the phone and he is beyond pissed because all his WW and Dragons, some were tamed before there were control slots may become illegal


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A friend of mine is on the phone and he is beyond pissed because all his WW and Dragons, some were tamed before there were control slots may become illegal
I do not think the WW are changed. But the Dragons lose the ability to start training.


Stratics Veteran
NO! Don't do that. It WILL fe fixed, and it will be ok. If you do not have any exploited pets you will not be affected. .
Actually, it's nonexploited pets being affected. Nonexploited pets people have had for 20 years.

However it's limited to dragons, it appears.


Stratics Veteran
I have not been able to test untrained wyrms, all the ones I have found of mine on TC1 have training initiated.

I take that back, I do have one untrained White Wyrm on tc. It's 3 slot and can begin animal training

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I have not been able to test untrained wyrms, all the ones I have found of mine on TC1 have training initiated.

I take that back, I do have one untrained White Wyrm on tc. It's 3 slot and can begin animal training
That is right now but what about after it goes live will they be ok do you think? I have an old skool tamer on the phone that is running on a public WiFy and cant get on befor it goes live and is ready to close accounts because of this. Most of his oets were pre control slot pets so they mean a lot to him.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Guys, as much as it sucks, I am training everything pre patch I have right now.
It sucks that not everyone can do that.

I'd love for someone to tell me what build they think is the best for their pre patch dragon.
There is no way I am giving that pet up!!!
This is mostly geared toward prepatch dragons. Reason being is because the prepatch dragons get hit with the revert code due to having such high strength.

So what Mesanna told me was that they are looking these pets because they don't want players training them only to have the pets get reverted. It gives them time to come up with a better solution than just ouright having the pets reverted even if they are legitimate.

It's not a permanent thing.


Stratics Veteran
This is mostly geared toward prepatch dragons. Reason being is because the prepatch dragons get hit with the revert code due to having such high strength.

So what Mesanna told me was that they are looking these pets because they don't want players training them only to have the pets get reverted. It gives them time to come up with a better solution than just ouright having the pets reverted even if they are legitimate.

It's not a permanent thing.

If you believe that.....

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here you go so you don't think I'm pulling this out of my a$$ :)
LOL, I wasn't thinking you made it up. I just think, for something this important, that has so many people upset, the devs would see fit to let EVERYONE know. Not just a random person here and there. That plus the fact that email is a week old, and this just really happened yesterday.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL, I wasn't thinking you made it up. I just think, for something this important, that has so many people upset, the devs would see fit to let EVERYONE know. Not just a random person here and there. That plus the fact that email is a week old, and this just really happened yesterday.
good catch on the date, they used a crystal ball

Maximus Neximus

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Stratics Legend
So is the consensus that we should start training pre-patch pets such as nightmares and white wyrms? If so, does the training just need to be started or do we have to finish all levels of training?


Stratics Veteran
So is the consensus that we should start training pre-patch pets such as nightmares and white wyrms? If so, does the training just need to be started or do we have to finish all levels of training?
It appears this is only affecting prepatch dragons right now. All the nightmares and wyrms I tested last night are ok and we're able to be trained up normally on tc.