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Pets still slot jumping..


So after publish 98 my pure white CU became 4 slots, so yesterday I released and re-tamed it and it went back to 3 slots. Trained it up today to 4 slots and gave it AI and Mysticism then I stable it. Got home, took it out from stable and it became 5 slots....now I wonder if releasing/retaming it would turn it back to 4 slots but seriously Broadsword needs to fix this......


Crazed Zealot
That really hurts!
We thought that this bug was corrected!
Pure White cusidhes are worth at least 25 M or much more IF you are lucky to find someone willing to sell you one.
I would hate to destroy/delete the pet due to a crummy bug!
Not to mention the hours training it for slots and not to mention the time spent skilling the pet.
And if scrolls are on it, then the loss can be massive depending on the scrolls.

This and the discrepancy of what is seen on TC1 on training and the production have caused me not to train a white I have and also high stat other dogs I have for
the next several months till the dust settles.

Instead I use other more "dispensible" newly tamed non-special color pets and also pets that don't need the new training like GD and Frosties with awesome hps, resists, and WRES/Tactics for heavy duty fighting.

I think you should post the matter to @Kyronix or other staff and see if they are willing to look into this, IMHO.


Well same thing happened to my Dread War Horse, I got too excited about the new pet training mechanism and clicked the "start training" button (didn't even train it though) before Pub 98 and it jumped slot from 3 to 4. Buzzed GM in game but got a reply through email saying they couldn't help. Emailed Mesanna but haven't gotten a reply either....it's my one and only Dread War Horse and as we all know they don't spawn anymore and I feel being punished for having started training one

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Did the release/retame work?

My cu just went from 3 to 5 slots after only 1 training. I'm kind of annoyed because of all the wasted time training my black cu.


Stratics Veteran

Did the release/retame work?

My cu just went from 3 to 5 slots after only 1 training. I'm kind of annoyed because of all the wasted time training my black cu.
Was training initiated (blue % bar on lore page) before it was released and retamed? That's what I what causes that.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well same thing happened to my Dread War Horse, I got too excited about the new pet training mechanism and clicked the "start training" button (didn't even train it though) before Pub 98 and it jumped slot from 3 to 4. Buzzed GM in game but got a reply through email saying they couldn't help. Emailed Mesanna but haven't gotten a reply either....it's my one and only Dread War Horse and as we all know they don't spawn anymore and I feel being punished for having started training one
Same here. Both a Dread, and a Bane. :(

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I started training on my prepatch cu when I noticed it had 4=>5 slots. It was at about 10% when I released the pet and retamed it. It then showed the 10% training and 3=>5 slots. Now I fear that when i release retame again that it will get a major hit in its stats.


Stratics Veteran
I started training on my prepatch cu when I noticed it had 4=>5 slots. It was at about 10% when I released the pet and retamed it. It then showed the 10% training and 3=>5 slots. Now I fear that when i release retame again that it will get a major hit in its stats.
The way the training code works, it keeps in memory the slot the pet is in when the training button is pressed. So, if you start training then release and retame the cu, even though it says 3 slot, the code still thinks it's training 4-5 (if you remember it probably took 4 mages/etc to fill the progress bar).

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It took a bazillion critters to get the bar to 100%. I did treasure maps and farmed regular stuff.

Anyways I just released the cu yet again and retamed it. The cu is now at 4=>5 as it should be. The stats are the same as before. The skills are down to 70.0 again.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Well same thing happened to my Dread War Horse, I got too excited about the new pet training mechanism and clicked the "start training" button (didn't even train it though) before Pub 98 and it jumped slot from 3 to 4. Buzzed GM in game but got a reply through email saying they couldn't help. Emailed Mesanna but haven't gotten a reply either....it's my one and only Dread War Horse and as we all know they don't spawn anymore and I feel being punished for having started training one
Same here. Both a Dread, and a Bane. :(
I had the same crappy thing happen to me with my dread.

Would you guys be kind enough and make a post on the UO forums under my thread please!!!

Pet jumped slots

I am not gonna stop bothering them till they fix my freakin dread!

So angry!


Crazed Zealot
I had the same crappy thing happen to me with my dread.

Would you guys be kind enough and make a post on the UO forums under my thread please!!!

Pet jumped slots

I am not gonna stop bothering them till they fix my freakin dread!

So angry!
White.. can you try release/retame on TC1? Let us know what happens also?


Stratics Veteran
White.. can you try release/retame on TC1? Let us know what happens also?
That will not work. The thing with dreads are they are over intensity for their slot. Which is why when they go wild, they immediately go to 4 slot, same slot increase happens with prepatch dragons/ww/nightmares and bane dragons.

They will not fix it and I have not heard of any of the above mentioned pets slot jumping without going wild first (since patch 98)

Can you explain what you were doing/what you trained when it went up a slot?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
That will not work. The thing with dreads are they are over intensity for their slot. Which is why when they go wild, they immediately go to 4 slot, same slot increase happens with prepatch dragons/ww/nightmares and bane dragons.

They will not fix it and I have not heard of any of the above mentioned pets slot jumping without going wild first (since patch 98)

Can you explain what you were doing/what you trained when it went up a slot?
Well, they need to fix it!
If not put something out for people to know if it is a known bug and especially if they don't intend to fix it.
It got released during transfer :(


Stratics Veteran
Well, they need to fix it!
If not put something out for people to know if it is a known bug and especially if they don't intend to fix it.
It got released during transfer :(
This has been a known issue since patch 97. Originally what happened is: dreadmares (banes, legacy ww and dragons too) were originally 3 control slots. However they would jump a slot when the "begin animal training" gump was activated. There was even a warning that said activating animal training would cause the pet's control slots to increase, yet countless people selected to begin animal training without reading the warning. They then continued to try to train, only to notice that their 3 slot bane/dread was now 4 slot (and would go to 5 slots if you starting committing points to it).

The original code adjusted the control slots every time animal training for that round was initiated. Which is why pets that added lots of hits or strength early on jumped slots, because the intensity code said this pet should be a higher slot at that time.

To fix that issue for all pets that would randomly slot jump during training, Bleak changed the code so control slots were only determined by the pet's intensity value at the time of taming (and then only once during training, when the first points were committed). If you lored the dreadmare immediately after release it would say 4 slot. This is because of the intensity code says that is what it should be, and since it's no longer tamed, it no longer follows the legacy "rules".

Legacy pets are "Legacy" because they are outside the standard rules of normal pets. If you were to take any legacy Bane, Dread, Dragon or WW to test, release and re-tame it, they would now be 4-slots just due to the way the control slot calculation works. This isn't considered a bug and most likely won't be changed. In fact I believe we were fortunate that the Devs decided to leave Legacy pets alone and not force them to update their control slots when Pub 98 fixed slot jumping. There is lots of information on Stratics about releasing legacy pets and what will happen, you just have to search for it.