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The FISHY pet thread - add your sightings


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Came across this GD, can't possibly be a fresh tame, all skills are too low, watcha guys think?



Stratics Veteran
That vendor is a known exploiter, seen them exploiting for about 3 months now. The thing about the exploiters, they aren't very smart. You shouldn't post screenshots of exploited pets though.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
LOL @Khaelor
Funny thing is you know it's from a vendor.
I almost bought it for 30m...But Spidey senses were tingling...
:p I' just asking for an opinion, wasn't sure... plus as long as we are not discussing how to make these pets, discussion should be allowed. How else can we make each other aware of this bs.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Also LOL, I was kind enough to remove the pet name, so there's no identifiable info...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At 3 slot that looks like a normal ram to me. The necro cost 1 point. They ruined it by not putting AI on it. Notice it will be no where near as good as a Cu when done.

Only 2 rounds to get the str to 700 1464 points. HP needs 600 points and it has no mana regen 360 points.
No room for scrolls.

Looks like a bad build or a very poor exploit.

The GD looks good to me. It will have less HP than a normal one but the resists can be improved. It is a 4 slot or a poor exploit.

How low would the HP/Str have to be on a 4 slot GD?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They do start with 2 slots! That one used the 1501 points already.

The HP and str cut in half when tamed.

You trying to get me killed?? I was just bragging about you taming abilities also...


If they didnt lose the HP and str they would be a good pet!


Stratics Veteran
How low would the HP/Str have to be on a 4 slot GD?
The natural gd spawn in the 500 hits range, but how much str depends on their other stats. There are exploited 4 slot GD though too. Fortunately the exploiters are pretty bad tamers and leave telling signs it's been exploited. I cant say what those are here, because then they know what to fix.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
LOL @Pawain
I sold the one that i had trained up, didn't have another one in stock to lore.
Sincerely thought they started as 3 slotters.
Ty for looking it up :)

Here's the one I trained and sold, it had HELL of an area affect!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it a mistake to put AI on these? Or they would just mana drain a ton on AI and never cast Necro spells?
AI is the most damaging ability except for Chiv damage. Mana drops to 20 no matter what. You rely on mana regen , focus, meditation to use abilities. Pets cast necro spells just fine.


Crazed Zealot
AI is the most damaging ability except for Chiv damage. Mana drops to 20 no matter what. You rely on mana regen , focus, meditation to use abilities. Pets cast necro spells just fine.
Awesome info thanks. I will mine with just AI and necro then..