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Prepatch pets what to do


Stratics Veteran
Hi there.

So I am back from a long break from UO and I have a few pre-patch pets. I am completely new to the whole pet training process thing. I started training a mare and a white wyrm, and luckily I didn't do anything to them so theyre still mint (2 slot and 3 slot). Would you tell me how valuable they are? I think the mare might be nice it has 500 str. I also have one of those rune beetles.

Should I sell them? train them? what should I do. I was thinking getting a post-patch mare, training it, get used to the whole training thing before working out these prepatch pets. I also have a red dragon, not a greater dragon, but a regular dragon. He is pre-patch and kinda strong. Are those any valuable?. How about greater dragons? are post-patch GG not as powerful?

Pre-patch nightmare

Pre-patch rune beetle

pre-patch white wyrm



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Stratics Veteran
I was thinking getting a post-patch mare, training it, get used to the whole training thing before working out these prepatch pets.
YES YES YES! Did I mention yes?

I wouldn't just do a mare, I would do multiple pets types and try out different abilities.

I'm for test center testing for a final spec and maybe even learning the system intially. But you should really spec out and test some pets on prodo servers. Why? because people dont take the time to actually test on tc, they might train something, take it out for 5 minutes and make conclusions.

95% of the prepatch animals I have seen trained, have been trained plain wrong or not optimally making them rather worthless.

As for the dragon, just keep it stabled for now. They are currently having issues on test center and if it's not fixed it will hurt/ruin all currently trained dragons. This has been forwarded to the development team but who knows what will happen.


definitely practice on some current pets before you mess with the prepatch ones. it'll give you a good idea of what you like and dont like, what order to apply things in, what sort of misclicks can totally ruin a pet, etc. What shard are you on? LS has a great tamer community, and someone is always available to walk you through different builds as you do them. I'm sure your shard has some folks who would be willing to help too - but do yourself a favor and verify from multiple sources before hitting apply. There's no shortage of people who freely hand out bad advice either.

Depending on shard, the mare can fetch 20-50mil. i'd keep it unless you have a bunch of them though. the dragon and WW are quite a bit less sought after.


Stratics Veteran
definitely practice on some current pets before you mess with the prepatch ones. it'll give you a good idea of what you like and dont like, what order to apply things in, what sort of misclicks can totally ruin a pet, etc. What shard are you on? LS has a great tamer community, and someone is always available to walk you through different builds as you do them. I'm sure your shard has some folks who would be willing to help too - but do yourself a favor and verify from multiple sources before hitting apply. There's no shortage of people who freely hand out bad advice either.

Depending on shard, the mare can fetch 20-50mil. i'd keep it unless you have a bunch of them though. the dragon and WW are quite a bit less sought after.
Thanks that was pretty helpful. And all other advice. Yes I am keeping all my pre-patch pets. I dont really need the money and I figured they will just become more expensive as the years pass and they become more rare. Plus I tamed these animals years ago, and I don't want to give them away.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks that was pretty helpful. And all other advice. Yes I am keeping all my pre-patch pets. I dont really need the money and I figured they will just become more expensive as the years pass and they become more rare. Plus I tamed these animals years ago, and I don't want to give them away.
You can learn where to train them on your shard and you will meet other tamers. You can use this thread to help you choose what to do. Cu Sidhe Builds

If you are just going to have magery as the magic you can build a fresh tamed 2 slot Nightmare.

The pre-patch Nightmares have enough points to choose another magic. They work fine with Chiv, Myst, or Weaving. The will end up with the same template as a good Cu.

Do not ruin a pet that can not be found in game.