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Price-check: White Cu


One of the last Rangers of Skara Brae
Stratics Veteran
I've sold those for about 25-35 Mil before on ATL.

That 598 strength is really nice. The cold resist is high so a Twinking-it-out Tamer who min-maxes may not pay well for that kind of white Cu. The energy is at a good place; I like energy over 80 because I can squeeze out more bang for my buck on skill points for other things.

Casual, new, or returning players might pay more.

Best Cu I ever sold I bought from a newbie for 5MIL. It had 598Str 610HP 71Cold 82Eng. Sold that one for 50Mil. I wish I had sold it for 100Mil though because it lasted all of two seconds on my vendor. lol

However, lately, on ATL, there is a pretty slow market going and I've had trouble getting Cu-s and trained pets off my vendor. So patience is in order. GL.
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ive seen them on LS for 5-10m on vendors, with stats like those you should get a higher premium though. close to 600 natural hp saves a lot of points.

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Man... how are you guys getting so much for these??? I can't even give them away on Chessy. I need a UO marketing class! ;)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thx for all the answers, just founded it wandering around in twisted weald
Hoped it was worth more...


Stratics Veteran
Man... how are you guys getting so much for these??? I can't even give them away on Chessy. I need a UO marketing class! ;)
Too many elf tamers on Chesapeake. The pet market in general on Chesapeake isn't very good.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thx for all the answers, just founded it wandering around in twisted weald
Hoped it was worth more...
The pet revamp has been out almost a year. Most players with extra gold already have a white one trained.

But yours is a great pet for someone that does not have one.

While I was on Atl I gave an Ice blue to a player there who was still using her dragon. It was trained and while we were talking a player walked by and handed her 110 scrolls for the melee skills. I Put the scrolls on and told her to save the points for the missing scrolls. The next day she got a chiv scroll and a magic resist. It will be a great dog. She was very excited about it and looking forward to it bonding.

Some shards have more tamers than others. So, the price can vary. It varies on Atl because there are more players and more circumstances that can come up for good deals on buying or selling.


Crazed Zealot
THIS particular Cu is in my opinion super nice, due to the potential it has for full scrolls etc. If you own it I would NOT sell it unless you really badly need $$. IF you decide to sell it, would NOT sell for less than 35-50 Million UNTRAINED. YES you heard me right lol. Unless you get another better white Cu that I doubt very much. This Cu combines rare color that is very hard to spawn, and you will spend weeks/months for hours on end and you still will not spawn one, now combine with about MAX Hit points, then you reLLY ARE TALKING RARE. The cold/energy are not too bad either by the way. Congrats! thats a great find. If it is yours..


I'm with celt, especially if you're on ATL. if you're on LS and really dont want it though, i'll give you 12.5 for it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well i do own it. Im quite happy with my “plain” colored cu’s, just tamed it because i saw him after server-reboot:).

Got it on Europa, so ill guess a low price if i decide to sell.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well i do own it. Im quite happy with my “plain” colored cu’s, just tamed it because i saw him after server-reboot:).

Got it on Europa, so ill guess a low price if i decide to sell.
Build it well and put the best scrolls you have on the white one and you will have a forever pet. Kill the plains!


Stratics Veteran
Build it well and put the best scrolls you have on the white one and you will have a forever pet. Kill the plains!
Kill them all. Down with cus,
get a real pet... like a white wyrm or dragon or.......

(Kidding......kind of... I just think of all the poor dragonkin released and killed to make room for cus....)