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Cu Round one question

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
You dont have enough points left on that training round.
Also check the threads in this forum on which order you should add goo / magic school / specials.

Lieutenant Dan!

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm no expert animal trainer but it looks to me like you used up all 1501 out of 1501 available points for the round


Crazed Zealot
Go to TC1 and test the build but the only way to go seems GOO First, then AI and LAST chiv, last I know..Also with Cusidhe you will be mostly out of mana pretty fast with all 3 on like this? As I said go to TC1 and test the build there, takes only few seconds and will save you the trouble of messing up the Cu and hours of work..


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What type pet? Hiryus can not get AI and Goo. A cu can if you put them on in the correct order.


Stratics Veteran
It doesn't seem that they can be added together.

View attachment 78678 View attachment 78679

Probably just the way the training planner works, I find that thing very buggy. The planner most likely does not take into effect the training order properly.

Cu's come with Bleed, which takes up an ability slot, so you have to add abilities in the correct order to get all 3 added (aka, Magic Last). See here: Order of Picking Abilities/Area Effect/Special Moves

So on your Cu, add Explosive Goo > Armor Ignore > Chivalry.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since he is only adding Phy and Fire resist, I am guessing that is a Cu.

But if it is not and he puts Goo on first, he may not be able to add AI. if it is a Cu, then he can add in that order.

Need to know the pet type.

I stopped opening the planner before the publish went live. It is not good.


One of the last Rangers of Skara Brae
Stratics Veteran
I'd like to add AI Goo and Chiv. However the Goo row shows 0 in red. Does it mean that I can't add Goo along with Chiv and AI?

View attachment 78673
Yes, the way you've spec'ed your pet on the planner shows that towards the end you have run out of skill points.

Best advice everyone gives on pet training is to utilize test center and do so to your advantage. Screw up your pets on test center so you can get a feel for how the Animal Lore gump works as far as training points go.

Like most, I screwed up my first few pets and then started using test center. I'd go out and catch all the pokemon I wanted then copied my character over and screwed them all to hell, but I learned the gump.

You can copy your character once every 24 hours.

Please use it! GL!

P.S. If you train magic like Chivalry, Spellweaving, Discord, etc., make sure you can get a pet where it can learn some of the magic skills first before it locks out your other skills. If you can train your magic skills before adding other abilities like Armor Ignore and such, it will make training that skill really, really easy and faster. Not all pets can do this; thus, your need to play around with it in test center.


Stratics Veteran
Thanks everyone for your advice. It's a Cu Sidhe. I tried to add chiv the last, still i didn't work.


I chose Goo first, followed by AI then 120 caps, resists, stats, and left 501 points for chiv to be added the last. When chiv was added at last, Goo was automatically rejected,


I will test it in Testing Centre once I have acquired all the 120 scrolls.
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
I tested in TC. It's the plan which didn't work.

Make a plan as below which reserves 501 points for chivalry. Enable the plan, add Goo first, followed by AI, then add Chivalry, and then the rest. It shall work.

501_1.JPG chiv.JPG


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats not a good plan. You cannot put Chiv scrolls on until chiv is on. So do not put everything on and save chiv for the last 500 points. Chiv takes 501 points. 1 point for the mastery 500 for Chiv.

Ill meet you on TC at luna stables right now.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or not. This is what you should do in the first round.


If you are doing the first round:

1. set dex and stam to 150
2. set the resists where you want them
3. set the mana regen to max
4. set the stamina regen to 3
5. set the strength to 700
6. set the Hit point regen to max.
7. set mana to 500
8. anything left in HP