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Two mystic Cusidhes attacking each other..


Crazed Zealot
We were with guildies at DH and we had 2 mysticism Cus, and I know for a fact that DH is what I targeted clearly..Two times the cusidhes started fighting each other..Other that the other players mistargeting, can the AoE from these mystic pets target friendlies also? This was not in Fel..wierd..


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pretty common for a group of guildies to have 2 pets fighting at a spawn. Someone accidentally clicked on a pet.

We had 2 fighting at the end of the Turtle Spawn the other night. Even easier to do that in Fel.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I was on my sampire in Doom a few weeks back and a guildmate had a mystic cu there, which kept attacking me. They did not target me, just as I did not target the pet (or any pet). So, yes I believe it is possible that the pet is casting an aoe that hits and causes them to fight each other.


Crazed Zealot
I was on my sampire in Doom a few weeks back and a guildmate had a mystic cu there, which kept attacking me. They did not target me, just as I did not target the pet (or any pet). So, yes I believe it is possible that the pet is casting an aoe that hits and causes them to fight each other.
Yep.. thats what it looked like..Another bug-like situation..


Doesn’t seem like pet AOE is checked for friendly or not. Just seems to hit everything, no matter the facet. I was at the mines a while ago training a pet and a chiv cu was there being trained and it’s holy light kept flagging my pet.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use pets everyday and most have an Aoe. They only attack what someone tells them too or enemy mobs. Of course your buddy is going to deny that he clicked your pet. Go look at the mage or Navrey on LS and see all the players there with pets in that small area. None of the pets are attacking each other. If I came here to post every time I clicked the wrong thing I would post every day. Like I already do.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I feel it’s only certain aoe attacks that trigger this. I made my friend aware of what happened and I watched for it. Their pup started hitting the Dark Father, then switched to hitting me with no prompt from them.
Reading this thread reminded of another incident.
This time it was with my spellweaving cu and a rising colossus. This was in the Abyss at the mini champs. I know I did not target any of the RC but my cu on several occasions started to fight them. I even went off to the side and fought spawn away from the RC and when one got close enough, my cu went after them, no call from me to attack.
It has to be something. I’ve seen it all along but only recently realized that it wasn’t me.


Crazed Zealot
Agree it is sporadic, but it does happen..wonder why..It is NOT always players mistargeting..

Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it used to happen with commanded skeletal dragons too (not sure if it was even fixed, haven't used them in a while). they would flag on each other casting wither and poison strike. It was more obvious there because you had control over both and thus knew whether you mistargeted yourself or not.