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Roof Builds Using Two Accounts


Stratics Veteran
So Im curious if anyone else has is two boxing the roof and what their using. Ive just turned my bard into a disco tamer and now play him with my eval tamer. I just tamed new pets for the disco tamer and am trying to figure out the most efficient setp up. My plan is to us my cus for all of it upto belfry. At this point i switch to a prepatch ww and a cold crimson drake both with chiv and ai. For the roof i go with a poison crimson( to put anon into poison ele form) with ai and chiv, heres where I cant decide, what should i go with on my other char? Im thinking either a beetle with rune and ai or a cu with chiv and ai. Any thoughts on the builds? Is chiv worth having with the mana loss? Im looking for max dps.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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So Im curious if anyone else has is two boxing the roof and
You do know that "boxing" (your word) will be illegal (per Mesanna) when EJ comes out, and if caught that person will be banned (again, per Mesanna) right? But multiCLIENTING will still be fine.


Stratics Veteran
Keith, thanks for the heads up. When I say two box I mean playing two accounts in separate windows and jumping back and forth as needed. I hope this isn't going to be illegal as why would I pay for two accounts? I'd obviously have to cancel one as I don't need two accounts that I can't play together.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Keith, thanks for the heads up. When I say two box I mean playing two accounts in separate windows and jumping back and forth as needed. I hope this isn't going to be illegal as why would I pay for two accounts? I'd obviously have to cancel one as I don't need two accounts that I can't play together.
LOL, you missed the part in my post that said "But multiCLIENTING will still be fine." :)


Crazed Zealot
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I usually do it with a peace/disco/tamer running both peace songs and a plain mage tamer running consume damage.
The peace/disco one brings a AI/Chiv Cu, the plain mage one brings a giant beetle with rune corruption. Giant beetle tanks while the Cu kills.
I don't bother with Anon transformations. His regen isn't enough to make up for the damage he is taking and he goes down quickly.
For Virtuebane, I keep my tamers 9 tiles away from him and 8 tiles away from the pets so they still get 27 DCI, 27% damage reduction and 19 regens.

Finally, for Jun'oar, the peace/disco mounts the cu, stays 9 tiles away from it while the giant beetle kills it. It is slower this way, but prevents Jun'oar to do his usual total party kill play that ruins roof runs.


One of the last Rangers of Skara Brae
Stratics Veteran
When I say two box I mean playing two accounts in separate windows and jumping back and forth as needed.
You're good dude. Terminology can be a distraction to some. Glad for the responses, as they were helpful, even to me. Great community we have; and people place things well with tact. GL with your pocket bard.


Stratics Veteran
Thanks Bealank, that is pretty much the set up i have decided on. Im still wondering whether i should put armor ignore on the beetle or not. I want rune corruption to proc as much as possible and im not sure if armor ignore will get in the way of that. Perhaps theres some testers on here that have checked the damage output of cu sidhe and rune beetle with just corruption or with corruptiion and ai that could help resolve this. The way i see it is with just rune corruption you have a higher chance to get the -50% resists off, with disco thats -75% resist. Which last for multiple hits from both pets. This seems, at least with this logic, to maximize dps. However, ai does what -90% physical? Does that go lower than 100%, so with ai im hitting on just the rune beetle for -90% resist for one hit or is it -115% resist because of disco? This is obviously more damage than the -75% from corruption and disco but if it lowers the proc rate of corruption due to either going off less or mana constrictions than i think it would not be worth it. Help! Im confussed!


Crazed Zealot
Thanks Bealank, that is pretty much the set up i have decided on. Im still wondering whether i should put armor ignore on the beetle or not. I want rune corruption to proc as much as possible and im not sure if armor ignore will get in the way of that. Perhaps theres some testers on here that have checked the damage output of cu sidhe and rune beetle with just corruption or with corruptiion and ai that could help resolve this. The way i see it is with just rune corruption you have a higher chance to get the -50% resists off, with disco thats -75% resist. Which last for multiple hits from both pets. This seems, at least with this logic, to maximize dps. However, ai does what -90% physical? Does that go lower than 100%, so with ai im hitting on just the rune beetle for -90% resist for one hit or is it -115% resist because of disco? This is obviously more damage than the -75% from corruption and disco but if it lowers the proc rate of corruption due to either going off less or mana constrictions than i think it would not be worth it. Help! Im confussed!
And the other question about the beetles is would adding poisoning as a magic for them..also decrease the chance of RCorr even further? Is it worth it adding poisoning to AI and RC? What do you think @Donavon? RC is so powerful on its own, and its duration being a little nerfed, one would think that it would proc more if no other specials are added..? Problem is also once you add RC no other specials can be added later? The sealing bug is still there for beetles?


Stratics Veteran
Im with you celticus, another thing ive been considering. If playing a disco tamer with peace masteries going, is adding frenzied whirlwind better than adding ai? If rc is up and monster is discoed those hits should all be at -75% resist. One might think this could add up to more than the dps of an armor ignore. Definitely need some clerification on how to spec the beetle, especially when using two+ pets on a mob.


Seasoned Veteran
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Thanks Bealank, that is pretty much the set up i have decided on. Im still wondering whether i should put armor ignore on the beetle or not. I want rune corruption to proc as much as possible and im not sure if armor ignore will get in the way of that. Perhaps theres some testers on here that have checked the damage output of cu sidhe and rune beetle with just corruption or with corruptiion and ai that could help resolve this. The way i see it is with just rune corruption you have a higher chance to get the -50% resists off, with disco thats -75% resist. Which last for multiple hits from both pets. This seems, at least with this logic, to maximize dps. However, ai does what -90% physical? Does that go lower than 100%, so with ai im hitting on just the rune beetle for -90% resist for one hit or is it -115% resist because of disco? This is obviously more damage than the -75% from corruption and disco but if it lowers the proc rate of corruption due to either going off less or mana constrictions than i think it would not be worth it. Help! Im confussed!
Armor Ignore damage is the damage you would do if the monster's armor is at 0% resist * 90%. I don't believe discord or rune corruption will affect armor ignore damage since those two simply reduce the monster's resistances.

Rune beetle with just RC vs one with AI + RC is a good question. I just started training 4 different beetles and I'm noticing they don't use RC as much as they use AI. They probably use AI 4-5 times before using one RC.


Crazed Zealot
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The beetle I use has RC and mortal strike only. I am training a replacement one that will have RC and AI for my roof runs.
Poisoning is not worth it there. Jun'oar and Virtuebane seem to be fully immune to it and Anon becomes immune to it when he transforms into elemental form.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I usually do it with a peace/disco/tamer running both peace songs and a plain mage tamer running consume damage.
The peace/disco one brings a AI/Chiv Cu, the plain mage one brings a giant beetle with rune corruption. Giant beetle tanks while the Cu kills.
I don't bother with Anon transformations. His regen isn't enough to make up for the damage he is taking and he goes down quickly.
For Virtuebane, I keep my tamers 9 tiles away from him and 8 tiles away from the pets so they still get 27 DCI, 27% damage reduction and 19 regens.

Finally, for Jun'oar, the peace/disco mounts the cu, stays 9 tiles away from it while the giant beetle kills it. It is slower this way, but prevents Jun'oar to do his usual total party kill play that ruins roof runs.
Great info and good strategy! My next path is to try soloing roof with my tamer so this will come in handy. Just curious, any reason why you don't add Spellweaving to your mage tamer? Wouldn't it speed things up a little with WoD?

Also, I keep hearing people say beetles are good at tanking. I'm curious why this is. Wouldn't the Cu Sidhe be the better tank since it can actually heal itself? Considering damage done is based on resistances, the Cu Sidhe has the potential to have a natural 85 energy resist and Virtubane does a 50/50 split of phys and energy damage. I suppose if you specifically build the beetle to be tanky by having high HP and high HPR, then it could be a better tank if your Cu Sidhe was built for mostly pure damage.

If I had to theorycraft a two tamer team, I would think one bard running the peace mastery and another tamer running the provoke mastery would do well or a spellweaving tamer + one bard tamer. Then again, I can't get my hands on a taming III mastery so I can only guess how powerful consume damage is.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Great info and good strategy! My next path is to try soloing roof with my tamer so this will come in handy. Just curious, any reason why you don't add Spellweaving to your mage tamer? Wouldn't it speed things up a little with WoD?

Also, I keep hearing people say beetles are good at tanking. I'm curious why this is. Wouldn't the Cu Sidhe be the better tank since it can actually heal itself? Considering damage done is based on resistances, the Cu Sidhe has the potential to have a natural 85 energy resist and Virtubane does a 50/50 split of phys and energy damage. I suppose if you specifically build the beetle to be tanky by having high HP and high HPR, then it could be a better tank if your Cu Sidhe was built for mostly pure damage.

If I had to theorycraft a two tamer team, I would think one bard running the peace mastery and another tamer running the provoke mastery would do well or a spellweaving tamer + one bard tamer. Then again, I can't get my hands on a taming III mastery so I can only guess how powerful consume damage is.
20 HPR from training, 19 from bard songs, 30 from consume damage plus 27% damage reduction, plus 27% DCI plus 120 parry.
That thing is definitely a tank. And if needed, I could throw in humility virtue to push it's HPR to over 100 for 20 minutes.

This was with a 100% energy drake I use when I am too lazy to go switch pets for the bosses, but the idea is exactly the same.

As for spellweaving, casting WOD on the bosses can cause additional spawn to appear.
I rather spend 5 minutes more total killing the 4 of them than to bother with that.

I also have in mind to do a run with a two bard tamers build, one running peace, the other provocation, but Travesty is yet to drop a taming mark so I can finish the provo/tamer suit.
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
20 HPR from training, 19 from bard songs, 30 from consume damage plus 27% damage reduction, plus 27% DCI plus 120 parry.
That thing is definitely a tank. And if needed, I could throw in humility virtue to push it's HPR to over 100 for 20 minutes.

View attachment 78504
This was with a 100% energy drake I use when I am too lazy to go switch pets for the bosses, but the idea is exactly the same.

As for spellweaving, casting WOD on the bosses can cause additional spawn to appear.
I rather spend 5 minutes more total killing the 4 of them than to bother with that.

I also have in mind to do a run with a two bard tamers build, one running peace, the other provocation, but Travesty is yet to drop a taming mark so I can finish the provo/tamer suit.
Very nice! Gift of Renewal would be a good addition to all that HPR! You probably have enough though. I never knew about the humility virtue so thanks for that tip! ;)

I haven't tried WoD yet to be honest. UOguide said it can be done without causing spawn. Wouldn't be surprised if it was wrong though. The websites are full of errors sometimes or just needs updating.

Virtuebane - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
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Very nice! Gift of Renewal would be a good addition to all that HPR! You probably have enough though. I never knew about the humility virtue so thanks for that tip! ;)

I haven't tried WoD yet to be honest. UOguide said it can be done without causing spawn. Wouldn't be surprised if it was wrong though. The websites are full of errors sometimes or just needs updating.

Virtuebane - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia
I've personally never seen spawn come out due to word of death unless it was the killing blow.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I also have in mind to do a run with a two bard tamers build, one running peace, the other provocation, but Travesty is yet to drop a taming mark so I can finish the provo/tamer suit.
Did they ever fix Travesty so it isn't un-killable? I remember you posted a while back about that but don't recall any updates.


Crazed Zealot
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Did they ever fix Travesty so it isn't un-killable? I remember you posted a while back about that but don't recall any updates.
She is still unkillable if you have a solo dexxer there thanks to that stupid wrestling.
I have been taking a team with 2 bards without disco running provo and peace, a tamer and my dexxer. Still takes about 20 minutes per run to kill her.