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The +20 power scroll generator on TC1...


Stratics Veteran
How the heck does it work?
When you double-click the +20 Scroll statue thing between the portals, you will get a bag with every 120 scroll in it added to your backpack. If you don't have enough room in your bag, you won't get it. You will then need to dig out the relevant power scrolls you need and place them in your main backpack for them to be used in training.

If you have more pets to do, you can just trash the leftover scrolls and get another bag.


Crazed Zealot
Can you insta-train the pets after using the scrolls? IE if you added wrestling 120 is there away provided to get your wrestling to 120 whithout spending 1-2 weeks training it? If that is provided with the update it will make TC1 REALLY useful!!