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TC1 Revert code Dont worry =^-^=


Stratics Veteran
Good evening all, as you know they are testing a new version of the revert code to remove the over cap 1500-2500 pets.. This is day one and while Most, Cus , beetles, lesser hiryus, and hiryus are not being effected.. almost all Mares, dreads, banes, reps, and a number of other pets are.. Don't panic as this is just day one.. instead now we have to list which pets were effected by the code and feed them our info to help them fine tune it to insure the same thing doesn't happen on live... Don't worry just keep making copies each day and posting feed back to the devs and our pets will be fine.. =^-^=
P.s. I talked to the devs on test they are readding the taming gates as we speak.(editing this part they are now saying they are having problems putting them back) =* [
(what was revert of mine 1 bane dragon, 3 pre pub mares,1 rune beetle, 1 rep )
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Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I checked all 24 of my pets on live and test and there is no difference in any of them....I lucked out I guess and none of my pets had anything changed


Stratics Veteran
Sorry Donovan, I don't need your reassurances. I hope the non-exploited pets turn out fine, and I hope the exploited pets are reverted like they should be. Right, isn't that how this bug should be fixed, Donovan? Make sure no one benefits from exploiting pets. BTW, over-capped isnt 1500-2500, it's lower than that and can be much more subtle, like an extra 700 points on a CU. The 2 slot CU have been running rampant on LS last I heard, is this true?


Crazed Zealot
Sorry Donovan, I don't need your reassurances. I hope the non-exploited pets turn out fine, and I hope the exploited pets are reverted like they should be. Right, isn't that how this bug should be fixed, Donovan? Make sure no one benefits from exploiting pets. BTW, over-capped isnt 1500-2500, it's lower than that and can be much more subtle, like an extra 700 points on a CU. The 2 slot CU have been running rampant on LS last I heard, is this true?
First of all Donovon is right, and in the last revert non-expoited pets were also hit..It did happen to some people. So the revert cannon could have some collateral damage, that is a given. Any time someone changes the code this CAN happen. I am not sure what parameters are use to screen pets in the database, but most people will agree the risk is there.

On the second point : 2-slot Cus are on most shards and a lot of people have them apparently, also some good honest players have them since they were lied to, and told that these are "rare spawns", and sadly these players paid mint for the 2-slot Cus, and some got them for free. So sadly the answer is yes they are all over, and no they are not only on LS. I sure cannot guess how that is going to be fixed.

Lastly I would bet any money that the revert code is not final and it will continue to be tweaked, again with unknown consequences.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
It's really a nightmare right now to buy pets.
I see so many pets at Luna Atlantic being sold to unaware people. Many times way below scroll-price.

8xLegs white CUs at 250mill , fully trained etc.

I cant help but see that many of the buyers are the ones who get shafted, not the ones selling these pets.

A better method would be to not give the harsh point reduction to training level.

But do the following If overcapped:
Reset pet to basic level and let them go through normal training.

Leave scrolls on (OR let them be refunded). But deduct the amount of points from training based on how many scrolls are on.
A 120 fully scrolled 3->5 pet shouldn't lose a whole 1501 points + 300 more on the next, it's slightly less than that.



Stratics Veteran
My bad typing strikes again.. when I said 1500-2500 I meant the pets with that HP and mana.. so far test it seem like a lot of pre pub pets are getting hit like mares, dragons, dreads , and banes.. as the mare normally will end with all 120 750-825 hp and 900-1200 mana depending on base stats.. the ones Ive seen hit all used a full PS's, while the ones that used only a few didn't.. but still need to test more ... Sadly last revert code some honest pets were hit and bugged too.. but that why we need to make copies and give as much feed back as we can.. As for who wants my comfort of not..thats mote.. just didn't want players to jump on test and freak out.. so we can just hope for the best..and keep moving forward.. =^-^=


I’m glad TC1 is available to us, however I am frustrated in some regards that I’m spending so much time there testing pets. Seems like some days most my time is spent there instead of working on my live shard projects. Obviously exploited pets need to be addressed. Legitimate pets must not be effected. Period. We invest too much time, effort and resources on building these animals and the developers shouldn’t put anything live that potentially could revert these pets. I know I’m over simplifying what needs to be done but I’m coming off a couple stressful days irl and anytime I see that my legacy pets could be screwed with....I get upset.

Rant over.


One of the last Rangers of Skara Brae
Stratics Veteran
Have physically seen with my eyes 2000HP pet Cu's; shared this on a previous thread. It was actually something like 2160HP and full stats otherwise; all 120 legendaries and regens, etc. Bardic buffs were not present at the time on this particular Cu.

The changes were subtle. It was very annoying to see people selling the warped pets to casual weekend gamers in Gen Chat on ATL. I had to call out a few sellers and tell the newbies to be careful about buying pets. Because the prices being asked were ridiculous.

When I returned in October, Donovan was a wealth of information and was courteous. I'm surprised at the kick-back to his pet-reporting; I always look forward to it and appreciate it. However, if anyone had anything negative to say about him, I'd suggest it be done in a mature, sensible fashion. Leveling accusations publicly is serious business. If the guy did something bad, call him out (privately), squash it, move on. Life is too short.

Forum-drama and salt are wastes of time.

(Edit: Reading through old posts and seeing a trend. Now it is clear to me there is a rivalry present. That should be squashed because it's bleeding into forums and appearing quite silly.)
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Stratics Veteran
Have physically seen with my eyes 2000HP pet Cu's; shared this on a previous thread. It was actually something like 2160HP and full stats otherwise; all 120 legendaries and regens, etc. Bardic buffs were not present at the time on this particular Cu.

The changes were subtle. It was very annoying to see people selling the warped pets to casual weekend gamers in Gen Chat on ATL. I had to call out a few sellers and tell the newbies to be careful about buying pets. Because the prices being asked were ridiculous.

When I returned in October, Donovan was a wealth of information and was courteous. I'm surprised at the kick-back to his pet-reporting; I always look forward to it and appreciate it. However, if anyone had anything negative to say about him, I'd suggest it be done in a mature, sensible fashion. Leveling accusations publicly is serious business.

Forum-drama and salt are wastes of time.
Yep. I agree with you. And do not believe in any way what was said..Frankly, because this chain of posts mentions accusation by name on one of the most respected posters, should be removed.


Stratics Veteran
so far test it seem like a lot of pre pub pets are getting hit like mares, dragons, dreads , and banes.. as the mare normally will end with all 120 750-825 hp and 900-1200 mana depending on base stats.. the ones Ive seen hit all used a full PS's, while the ones that used only a few didn't..
Your math appears to be a bit off.

A perfect prepatch nightmare is 3445 total imbue. It gets 4500 from three additional training levels. A prepatch nightmare that is PERFECT has a capped imbue value of 7940.

Let's look at the stats you say a prepatch mare can achieve:

Let's take your lowest states 120 power scrolls and 750 health and 900 mana.
Let's keep magery, add in a 100 point ability. And a little regens, max out stamina, dex, str, damage: Imbue value: 7882.

Imbue value of 120 power scrolls, 825 health and 900 mana, magery, 100 point ability, a little regens, max out stam, dex, str, damage: Imbue value: 8107

If you give a mare anything other than magery, which a lot of people do max health/mana goes down further.
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Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Your math appears to be a bit off.

A perfect prepatch nightmare is 3445 total imbue. It gets 4500 from three additional training levels. A prepatch nightmare that is PERFECT has a capped imbue value of 7940.

Let's look at the stats you say a prepatch mare can achieve:

Let's take your lowest states 120 power scrolls and 750 health and 900 mana.
Let's keep magery, add in a 100 point ability. And a little regens, max out stamina, dex, str, damage: Imbue value: 7882.

Imbue value of 120 power scrolls, 825 health and 900 mana, magery, 100 point ability, a little regens, max out stam, dex, str, damage: Imbue value: 8107

If you give a mare anything other than magery, which a lot of people do max health/mana goes down further.
How do you calculate pet imbue pre-training? What numbers are you looking at?


Stratics Veteran
Note on my projections for the mare I left mini stats going to max..not saying it will end with those max on both because you never know what players will do or spec.. its a ball park my friend.... The way my new breathing meds are effecting me its a wonder I can post at all...I am rather light headed and will be for the next few weeks...and as your figures show.. my math is pretty spot on depending on if they go one way or another.. so ty for confirming my numbers ^_~
In a few hours I'm going to make another copy to see if the same pets reverted.. if ya will please let us know if your same pets reverted.. I have a friend with a pre pub white wrym that he left trained at 4 slot and has the 100% but has not started the gump.. Im going to have him make a copy to test today and see if it reverted... I know you have a chiv base pre pub ww that lost like 300-600 points because of bugs.(might be off on that abit foggy) I did it revert yesterday? I forgot to list it.. but the pre pub 3 slot normal dragon Ive been copying to test reverted without the blue button even being click for its first round of training..Did your base dragons get hit too? I don't have any chiv mares..but a friends chiv dread did get hit.If ya have any on hand could ya check and see if they got hit too...?.for now my breathing treatment is done and its back to bed for me.. =^-^=
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my PP chiv mare was untouched, no difference between test and home

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I already lost a very good mare during the last "correction" but my untrained bane and dread were fine. I'll have to hop over to test this time to make sure. Losing my mare last time was my fault since I never went to test to verify he'd be safe, alas.

Thanks for the heads up!


Stratics Veteran
Good morning all, another round of revert code balances landed yesterday and Im happy to report that the 2 slot reps that were taken to 5 slot seem to no longer be getting hit.. posted this into here and in our normal thread for our regs that check it out each day... If ya have any pets reverting please list what type and their current live stats so it can be addressed .. Happy testing all =^-^=


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ooooo thread wars.

I'll find out tonight if anything has messed up my pets.

I'll wait until I see the threads from people saying their 2400 HP pets are ruined before I believe anything was fixed.

J. E. Tamer

Seasoned Veteran
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I'll wait until I see the threads from people saying their 2400 HP pets are ruined before I believe anything was fixed.
*sheepishly raises hand*
1900-odd HP, 1300-odd mana. Reset to 55 hp, no mana at all, some of the other stats set back to original pre-training levels. Fun while it lasted.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*sheepishly raises hand*
1900-odd HP, 1300-odd mana. Reset to 55 hp, no mana at all, some of the other stats set back to original pre-training levels. Fun while it lasted.
Cool. (That they actually are able to pick them out)

I'm on way back from Vacation.

Are the ones on prodo shards like that, or just the TC ones?

J. E. Tamer

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
(Just on Test Center. I'd expect them not to hotfix the production shards, but instead wait until Pub 99 is ready. Having a pet with double the HP isn't a gamebreaker. It just means that the champ/boss/spawn will take a little longer bashing it, and its owner, into ooOOOooo.)


Lost the training gump on my prepatch dragon. Had all points allocated except for a couple power scrolls. (The power scroll device will not work for me.... tried both accounts with empty backpacks...) Anyways, everything else I had allocated remained unchanged.