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Fresh Tame Cu..What do you think?


Stratics Veteran
I just tamed a light yellow gold Cu and the post tame stats are:
HP=600, STR=610
Resists are:
Phys 52/Fire 43/Cold 76/Poison 38/Energy 83.
I was skilling up the other day at the Ele and someone supposedly more experienced tamer that basically this is a useless Cu, and that I should delete it..I was a little surprised since I have seen Cold and Energy resists in most Cus much higher than these..What I like about the Cu other than the color, is the max stats of
Hit points especially , but also the Str, translates to many more training points than Cu with HP=540 etc..
What do you guys think, is this a keeper?

Thanks in advance, any comments appreciated.


Stratics Veteran
Yes, there are a lot of "experienced" tamers out there, I cringe every time I see them "assisting" people.

Your CU is fine, sure some people will go out of their way to get as low as possible cold/energy, but to be honest there are many wonderfully trained CU's with one or both of those resists over 80, just means your poison will be lower. And for a vast majority of content, that is fine.

Your hit points are at cap at 600 and Str is very close to cap.

Add in the fact it's a color you like, I don't see a reason to ever get rid of it.

Here is my advice... if another tamer is trying to give you advice in game, ignore it, or at the very least ask to see some animals they have trained. Then there is always stratics to check, but even then sometimes you have to pick and choose what you listen to.


Stratics Veteran
Yes, there are a lot of "experienced" tamers out there, I cringe every time I see them "assisting" people.

Your CU is fine, sure some people will go out of their way to get as low as possible cold/energy, but to be honest there are many wonderfully trained CU's with one or both of those resists over 80, just means your poison will be lower. And for a vast majority of content, that is fine.

Your hit points are at cap at 600 and Str is very close to cap.

Add in the fact it's a color you like, I don't see a reason to ever get rid of it.

Here is my advice... if another tamer is trying to give you advice in game, ignore it, or at the very least ask to see some animals they have trained. Then there is always stratics to check, but even then sometimes you have to pick and choose what you listen to.
Indeed, it sounds like a great companion :)


thats a very good cu, resists arent ideal but they arent bad either and the high hp more than makes up for it. if youre taking a cu to fight poison mobs you're doing it wrong anyway, imo.


One of the last Rangers of Skara Brae
Stratics Veteran
It's a good Cu stat wise. Tamers tend to be picky about the resists because Cold isn't as important a stat unless you PVP with your Cu, or so they say, because that crowd wants to min/max stats. And well, PVE'ers tend to min/max too.

Personally, I'm happy with 70~ish cold and 80 Energy. 80Phys/Fire/Eng are great stats to me.

It sounds that light yellow refers to Copper and that is a common color, so it's not in demand. I sell all my Cu's that are not Red, Black, or White, very slowly, even with great stats like 600HP. And even then, it's hard to get maybe 1-2Mil from them. I see some people selling average color Cu's for 5-10mil and those Cu stay on their stable for weeks. lol

But here is some comparison: I have sold a few Pure White Cu's with 598 STR 610HP 71Cold and 74Energy for 50 Mil on my vendor. And technically, if I had known how rare it is to get ahold of of that picky-stat type of Cu, I'm sure I could have sold it for 1000k, since these two Cu's I have sold didn't last more than an hour on vendor.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Take it to Test and do some different builds till you find the one you want. You can transfer yourself every 24 hrs to TC.