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Medusa stoned color pet?

J. E. Tamer

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What ever happened to Medusa stoned color pets? I haven't seen any for quite a while.


Stratics Veteran
What ever happened to Medusa stoned color pets? I haven't seen any for quite a while.
If I remember correctly, Mesanna deemed them highly "illegal" and went on a campaign to "fix" them all. No idea why she had such issues with that bug, but not some other bugs... :confused:


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
What ever happened to Medusa stoned color pets? I haven't seen any for quite a while.
It was a bug/exploit and was fixed during a publish, all pets that were dyed have been reverted to their original color


Stratics Veteran
Yep yep.. also when the new taming system hit.. a lot of players found their blaze cus, green hiryus and many other rare color pets going stone grey or being bleached to normal color at Coon... so to counter this .. they released a mini fix where pets could no longer be turned to rats or get the stone color as it ruined rare colored pets.. I know my friend was happy to see his blaze cu back to its shiny glory.. lol =^-^=