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My Cu's stats have changed after taking it for a spin


New Player Protector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have no idea if this is related to earlier statloss threads I read on UHall regarding someones perfect frost dragon, but I took my Cu out for a spin in Ilshenar and its stats have changed.

I trained up this Cu last weekend, and I maxed out its STR and DEX, and set its INT to 300, because I like rounded numbers :p

I've been watching it for a while now, and its STR went from 700 to 665, DEX from 150 to 143, and INT from 300 to 285.

I thought it was cursed and that it would wear off, but it's been like this for 15 mins now.

What the heck is going on lately?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds like curse. Bank sit for a while. One guy had to call a GM to fix his. Had to rebond.